Chapter 760
"Luoyi, I'm sorry, I'm late." After a long time, Xuanyuanqing finally let Qin Luoyi go.There was repressed desire in his eyes, if he didn't feel that he was a little out of control, he would still be reluctant to let go of Qin Luoyi: "I have been to Liyuan City and Water Demon City, but I have never been able to sense your breath. "

"It's not too late." Qin Luoyi raised his chin slightly and looked at him and said, "The upper realm is so big, and I'm cultivating in the bracelet space, it's normal to miss it. And I'm really not angry, and I don't blame you. Who told you I practice Heavenly Demon Dafa, and I ascended to such a place by myself, and I have been separated from you for several years, fortunately, everyone is fine now."

She smiled in relief, she has now confirmed that the fundamental reason for her soaring to the demon world is to practice the Heavenly Demon Dafa.

Xuanyuanqing's eyes flickered, he was so close to Yuancheng, Water Demon City... and he couldn't feel her aura, it's not normal at all!Even the sky-shielding bracelet, with his cultivation, couldn't stop her aura.

"Demon Xiao gave you the Heavenly Demon Dafa?" Xuanyuan Qing asked her suddenly.

Qin Luoyi nodded.

"It stands to reason that even if you have practiced the Heavenly Demon Dafa, you shouldn't ascend to the Demon Realm, because I put a restriction on you before ascending, and you will only ascend to the Immortal Realm, but for some reason, once you enter the Upper Realm, That prohibition is gone."

The first thing he suspected was Mo Chen.

He even came to the Dark Realm to monitor Mochen for a long time, but he didn't find anything unusual.

Qin Luoyi's heart moved.Something seemed to flash through her mind quickly, if Xuanyuan Qing really put a restraint on her, who can undo her restraint?

Demon owl?

It should be impossible.

At that time, he was still practicing in seclusion because of his injury, so how could he undo the restraint on her body, even Mo Chen, who was jumping up and down, didn't spare the time and energy to clean up.However, when it came to Feisheng, she remembered something that she had been wondering about in her heart.

"When did you recover your memory? Why didn't you tell me?" She stared at the white clothes and frowned slightly.

Xuanyuan Qing coughed lightly.

His eyes were a little uncomfortable looking to the side.

Qin Luoyi saw it in his heart.

Is he still unwilling to tell her?why.With a movement of her feet, she stood in front of Xuanyuan Qing, stretched out two hands, one left and one right to hold his face, telling him to turn his head to her, not allowing him to look away.

Xuanyuan Qing was stunned.The body tensed reflexively, but when he saw Qin Luoyi's pretty face with anger and anger, he relaxed again.

Qin Luoyi didn't notice his uneasiness at that moment.Holding his face with both hands, he approached him with his chin raised, and the two looked at each other: "When did you recover your memory? Tell me quickly, don't hide it from me!"

"You really want to know?" Xuanyuan Qing raised his brows, with a teasing smile in his eyes.

Qin Luoyi gritted his teeth, his eyes dimmed, "Of course! You're keeping such an important matter from me."

"It's not that I want to hide it from you, it's that I don't have time to tell you." Xuanyuan Qing explained.

"It's too late?" Qin Luoyi put down the hand that was pinching his face, and squinted at him, his eyes full of disbelief: "It's just a matter of one sentence, how could it be too late, don't be perfunctory! I want to be honest! Before, you never would lie to me."

"I'm not lying to you now either." Xuanyuan Qing looked at her with some confusion about whether to laugh or cry: "Okay, since you must know, then I'll tell you when I remembered it."

But he didn't say it directly, but leaned close to her ear and whispered a few words. A flash of shock flashed in Qin Luoyi's eyes, and then he let out a light ah, his face felt hot.

I didn't expect him to think of it at that time!
He still remembers that countless golden divine splendors poured down from the tree of life, and they all entered Bai Yi's body... Unexpectedly, those were all his memories.

Xuanyuanqing touched her face, felt the strange temperature on her face, he couldn't help chuckling: "At the beginning, I sealed my memory in the tree of life, just to prevent if one day I I can regain my memory even if I lost my memory, but I didn’t expect... At that time, I just accepted the memory, my mind was in a mess, and I didn’t have time to tell you. After I remembered everything, Jin Ruihuang came again, and it was even more difficult. I don't have time to talk to you."

After Qin Luoyi was embarrassed, he found it funny again.

No matter how much she thought about it, she would never have guessed that Xuanyuanqing remembered the memory at that time... But thinking about it at that time, he really didn't have time to tell her. First, Chu Yifeng and the others came back, and then Jin Ruihuang appeared.

One thing after another.

After knowing the truth, that thorn was buried deep in her heart. Even if she didn't admit it, the thorn that had always existed was completely pulled out.

Pursing her red lips, she smiled and glanced at Xuanyuan Qing.

At this moment, her jet-black hair was tied in a beautiful bun behind her back, which made her delicate skin look like fat jade. Her delicate and complicated steps swayed and swayed in the breeze following her movements. The light is shining, and the end is infinite style, charming and moving.

The smile on Xuanyuanqing's face remained the same.

A gentle and handsome face was calm and unwavering, but it was as quiet as jade, which was already stained with a layer of lust, but there were dark waves in the pupils that were forcibly suppressed. He lowered his head and leaned towards Qin Luoyi.

Qin Luoyi didn't know him for a day or two, not to mention the two of them have been married for so long, why don't they know what he wants to do?When he leaned over, she lifted her foot and stepped out to one side.A sly look flashed in his eyes.

Xuanyuan Qing laughed.

A voice came from one corner.

There are quite a few people here, several of them.Talking and laughing loudly while walking, the originally quiet place suddenly became lively.

Moreover, the locations where Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing stood were only relatively remote, not secretive.With the cultivation of the two of them, if they want to set up some kind of enchantment, it is completely possible to prevent people from finding out and disturbing them.

It's just that they finally met each other, and the misunderstanding was solved again. Qin Luoyi still had a lot to say to Xuanyuan Qing, and he didn't want to stay in a crowded place.

"Let's go over there." Before she could speak, Xuanyuan Qing spoke first, pointing to the depth of the path.

Obviously, he didn't want people to disturb their solitude now.

Qin Luoyi nodded.

A gust of wind picked up, and the two figures suddenly disappeared in place, silently, and none of the people who were already very close noticed anything strange.

Those few people were just passing by, and left soon. After they left, a black figure suddenly appeared, standing where Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing were standing just now, and after a while, he appeared as abruptly as when he came. Disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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