Chapter 766

King Guyue's eyes suddenly brightened.

Qin Luoyi curled his lips into a smile.He sneered to himself, tsk, seeing that King Guyue is the devil's loyal loyalist, he really hoped that he could be the devil emperor the most.Although she has been promoted to the Great Demon King and has Hunyuan Dzi Bead in her hands, the time to ascend to the Demon Realm is too short.

Even Zhuifeng and Zhuying's eyes lit up, and there was obviously suppressed excitement in their eyes.The two exchanged a quick glance.

Just now Qin Luoyi and the king had a quarrel in the hall. Although they only heard a few words and felt that the king was very angry, they were almost worried that the king would kill Qin Luoyi in a fit of anger.

It's just that the two of them didn't know why Qin Luoyi didn't want to be the devil emperor, they only heard a few vague words, because an enchantment was set up outside the hall.

Mo Xiao waved his hand to let everyone back down first.Then he smiled at Qin Luoyi: "It's just that the Demon Emperor's Ceremony is too boring. Why don't we do another thing and make a double happiness, but the time is too rushed now."

Qin Luoyi raised his eyebrows.

"Double Happiness?"

"Yes." Mo Xiao smiled dazzlingly: "See when you are free, let's do our double cultivation ceremony as soon as possible."

Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat.

Taking a deep look at him, Mo Xiao was smiling, but those beautiful eyes couldn't be more serious.

"Where's Qingfengmingyue? Go, bring me the two of them." After Qin Luoyi left, Mo Xiao immediately summoned Zhuifeng and Zhuying.

Qin Luoyi did not object to the double cultivation ceremony he proposed, which made him quite happy.

Chasing the Wind and Chasing the Shadow quickly led the way.

After a while, they came back, followed by Qingfeng and Mingyue, but Qingfeng and Mingyue's expressions were obviously not right.

"See Your Majesty!"

As soon as the two entered the hall, they knelt directly in front of Mo Xiao, looking extremely annoyed.

Mo Xiao's pupils shrank sharply.

The smile on the corner of his lips faded away.

"What happened?"

Qingfeng didn't speak, and looked at Chasing Wind and Chasing Shadow with hesitant eyes.Mo Xiao understood, and suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, he waved his hand to let Zhuifeng and Zhuying retreat.

"Tell me, what happened?" There was a rare sharpness in the voice.

Mingyue gritted her teeth, lowered her head and said quickly: "Your Majesty, Miss Qin already knew about Mo Chen being released from the Heaven-shocking Nine Absolute Formation by you...she heard my Qingfeng's words."

Mo Xiao was originally sitting, but when he heard this, he stood up abruptly, and an extremely cold and violent breath shot out from him.

He came to them just to let them rot in their stomachs, but he didn't expect them to... actually openly talk about this outside, and what's even more hateful is that Qin Luoyi listened to it seriously.

Qin Luoyi stood above the void, stepping on the auspicious clouds, and the fairy mist was misty and hazy all over his body. Looking down, the ground was full of exotic flowers and grasses, beautiful trees and green cages, flowing springs and waterfalls, and cranes. Feiwu is a fairyland-like existence.

Behind her, the void that was originally torn apart is rapidly closing.

"Is this the fairyland?" Qin Luoyi looked sideways at the man in white standing beside her, raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile.

The man in white is Xuanyuan Qing.

He stared at Qin Luoyi's side face, not missing the trace of depression and anger in her eyes, sighed secretly, but there was an elegant and gentle smile on his handsome face, and he shook his head: "No, this is the demon world. "

"The demon world?" Qin Luoyi was startled, and looked at him suspiciously: "What are we doing here in the demon world?"

Didn't you say to find Chu Yifeng and the others?Why did they come to the demon world? Could it be that Chu Yifeng and the others couldn't do it in the demon world?
Xuanyuan Qing smiled mysteriously.

He stretched out his hand towards Qin Luoyi.

Although Qin Luoyi was puzzled, he put his hand into his without any hesitation. Xuanyuanqing held her hand tightly, tearing apart the void again and leaving.

When the two reappeared, Qin Luoyi found that he had reached the top of a huge snow mountain this time.The sky was full of white snow, the strong wind was howling, and there was no one inhabited. This time Xuanyuanqing directly pulled her and jumped down from the top of the mountain.

Qin Luoyi couldn't help but close his eyes due to the violent wind.

Xuanyuanqing was following beside him. Even though the place was unfamiliar and he didn't know where Xuanyuanqing was going to take him, Qin Luoyi was not flustered at all. He had complete trust in Xuanyuanqing, which is not like...

A slender figure appeared in his mind, and as soon as Qin Luoyi appeared, he couldn't help shaking his head vigorously, and flung that figure away.

Open your eyes soon.

The scene in front of him changed suddenly.

Bai Xue disappeared, Gangfeng disappeared, and a golden ocean appeared in front of her eyes, stretching as far as the eye could see. In the middle of the ocean, there was a small island that was only a few miles in size. She and Xuanyuan Qing landed in the center of the island.

There are a lot of spiritual plants growing on the small island. Those spiritual plants are very rare, but they did not attract Qin Luoyi's attention. Only on the edge of the small island, a plant that is not very eye-catching is covered by an enchantment. The living Lingzhi attracted her attention.

Staring at the Lingzhi and Qin Luoyi, Qin Luoyi's eyes suddenly lit up: "This is... Jiangxiancao!"

It turned out to be the immortal descending grass that can change the physique of cultivation!
When she was in the Lower Realm in the past, Xuanyuanqing, who had not yet recovered her memory, drew it. She also sent many people to pay attention to Penglai Xiandao in Xuantian Continent, in order to find it as soon as possible so that Xie Ruyan could give it to Xie Ruyan. Improve the qualifications of cultivation.

Unfortunately, it has not been found.

Afterwards, she suspected that that thing might not be something from the lower realm at all, especially after knowing Xuanyuan Qing's true identity.

When she arrived in the upper realm, although she spent most of her time cultivating, she never gave up on inquiring about it. She even asked Lu Xiao secretly.

Later, when she met Mo Xiao, she naturally didn't let Mo Xiao go, but even Mo Xiao didn't know that there was such a thing as Jiang Xiancao in the upper realm.

Afterwards, she guessed that the Immortal Falling Grass could only be found in the Immortal Realm.

Unexpectedly, it was in the demon world, and Xuanyuan Qing never forgot what she said back then, and even brought her here today.

Qin Luoyi was so excited that he let go of Xuanyuanqing's hand, and swept towards the edge of the small island.

Xuanyuan Qing smiled slightly, his dark eyes were fixed on her slender figure.

Just as Qin Luoyi's figure flitted out, the originally calm ocean suddenly rioted, huge waves surged into the sky, and terrifying breaths burst out from the sea suddenly, and a huge creature emerged from the sea.

Xuanyuan Qing snorted coldly.

He didn't see him move, but his body was already at Qin Luoyi's side in an instant, and the coercion on his body was unreservedly released, filling the entire world in an instant, and he stared coldly at the sea.

(End of this chapter)

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