Brother is too evil

Chapter 779 Meeting

Chapter 779 Meeting (2)

He quickly saw clearly that the pale yellow figure in the distance was Qin Luoyi, and the one standing with her was clearly a young man.

His eyes fixed on the black-clothed man.

With his cultivation base, even if they are far away, he can quickly see people clearly, not to mention that Qin Luoyi's back is facing them, and the young man in black is facing the direction of the Yueyue Tower .

"Where is Luoyi?"

Chu Yifeng's eyes lit up, he walked to them and stood still, and looked out of the window, and then his face changed, and his evil eyes narrowed dangerously: "Who is that man? What are you doing so close!"

Jian Yuyan also came over.

The man in black in the distance has a slender figure, a face like white jade, an extraordinary temperament, shrouded in brilliance, beautiful and dazzling.

The two were talking, and judging by the man's expression, he seemed no stranger to Qin Luoyi.

"He is very powerful, I can't sense his cultivation."

Feng Feili grabbed Chu Yifeng who was about to rush out, and a sharp look flashed in the evil peach blossom eyes: "I still don't know his relationship with Luoyi, don't be impulsive, let's take a look first."

Chu Yifeng nodded.

Eyes continue to look out the window.

Qin Luoyi and the man in black seemed to have an argument. The man in black stretched out his hand to pull her, but she slapped his hand away, tearing the void away.

The man in black also tore the void right after him.

Feng Feili stroked her chin.Looking at the empty front, he suddenly hooked his lips into a smile: "It seems that we have to find a place to live quickly, we have been separated from Yi'er for too long, we only care about being happy, and forget the most important things , we have to tell the demon world about our relationship with Yi'er."

Qin Luoyi is getting more and more dazzling now.

Especially after the cultivation base reaches the Great Demon King, even if they are often with her, they are often dazzled by her unintentional charming style, let alone those who see her for the first time. How many people can resist her charm after seeing her suddenly?
Oath of ownership is necessary!
"I think we can make up another wedding in the upper realm." Chu Yifeng suggested, there is King Xuanyuan and a demon emperor. He, Qin Tian, ​​Jian Yuyan, and Duanmu Changqing are all as powerful as the demon emperor. Let's see who else dares to rob women from them!
"Since it is a place to live in for a long time in the future, it is natural to choose to build it slowly. It is not necessary to hold a wedding ceremony. I am afraid that Yi'er will not agree. However, since you have been promoted to the Demon Emperor, Senior Brother, the Demon Emperor Grand Ceremony It's better to hold it earlier, and take advantage of that opportunity to announce our relationship to the world." Jian Yuyan pondered.

"It will definitely take a month or two before and after the Demon Emperor's Ceremony, which is too long." Chu Yifeng frowned slightly, and after thinking for a moment, he suddenly clapped his hands and looked at Feng Feili and said, "Wait until the Demon Emperor's Ceremony It’s okay to officially announce our relationship, but before that... Yao Xue City is too deserted. During this time, many people have come to visit you, so don’t push them all away. Let's have a party first."

Feng Feili nodded.

Qin Tian has not spoken.

Jian Yuyan noticed his strangeness, turned her head and asked him: "What's wrong with you? Seeing you like this, don't tell you know that person?"

Qin Tian glanced at him.

I didn't expect Jian Yuyan to be so sensitive.

Hearing their words, Feng Feili and Chu Yifeng also turned their heads to look at him, with questioning eyes, Qin Tian sighed, but he didn't hide it, and he couldn't hide it.

"He's a demon owl!"

Feng Feili's pupils shrank sharply.

Chu Yifeng's expression also changed, even Jian Yuyan's expression was also slightly moved, and several people all looked at the position where Qin Luoyi was standing just now.

"The Great Demon King of the Southern Demon Realm...the future Demon Emperor, no wonder I can't feel his cultivation level, this person is very strong." Feng Feili pursed her lips and said, but there was an inexplicable luster in Taohua's eyes.

When Qin Luoyi returned to Yaoxue City, it was already night, and the night was getting dark. She went straight into her courtyard, opened the door, and saw a slender and handsome figure lying sideways on her bed with a bag in her hand. Book, seeing her come in, he put down the book and smiled: "Luoyi, you are back."

"Brother." Qin Luoyi was not in a good mood, and Qin Tian's handsome smile fell into her eyes, instantly blowing away the haze in her heart a lot.Remembering that it was her elder brother's turn to stay in her room tonight, she felt a little guilty because of Mo Xiao, she went out for a walk and came back too late: "Waiting for me for a long time?"

Qin Tian pulled her to sit down beside him, then stretched out his hand and kissed her pretty face: "It didn't take long, your senior brother and the others just left."

"They were here before too?" Qin Luoyi's heart skipped a beat: "What's wrong?" Since I've been here all this time, it must be to wait for her.

"It's not a big deal." Qin Tian embraced her body, lay lazily on the head of the bed, and said with a smile, "We have chosen several places, and we plan to ask you to choose one as our future residence. He also came up with several proposals for how the house should be built, and there have been a lot of people who have come to see Brother Feng these days. Before that, he had rejected them all, and he hardly saw those people. They were all received by the city lord of Yao Xuecheng. They are now planning to hold a banquet in the City Lord's Mansion, so we still need to meet them."

Qin Luoyi knew that those who came to see Feng Feili were all strong men from the demon world, and many of them came to surrender.

Not only are there many people visiting the senior brother, but the elder brother, and the second senior brother, Jian Yuyan and Chu Yifeng, are also very popular in the demon world now.

"It's good to hold a banquet, and it will be done in one go." Qin Luoyi's phoenix eyes were full of smiles: "That's a good idea."

Qin Tian made another move, took the map on the case, and pointed out the places they found one by one, and gave her a detailed introduction to each place.

Qin Luoyi listened attentively.Leaning lazily in Qin Tian's arms, he smelled the clear and masculine scent of Qin Tian's body, and when he spoke, he was so immortal, his thin lips were leaning against her ears, and he breathed warmly , and occasionally the skin of the two of them touched intimately... Qin Luoyi became a little distracted.

Qin Tian continued to talk, and he pointed out nearly half of the area outlined on the map... Qin Luoyi felt that he was getting more and more lustful, and Qin Tian's clearly unintentional actions hooked the lust in her body stand up.

Even those places he mentioned, she only remembered one name. As for what else Qin Tian said, she had no impression. She blinked in embarrassment, moved her body slightly, and wanted to leave Qin Tian Keep her lips far away so that she can concentrate on listening to him.

(End of this chapter)

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