Brother is too evil

Chapter 792 Advancement to Demon Emperor

Chapter 792 Advancement to Demon Emperor (2)
She didn't see the scene of their fight yesterday with her own eyes, but judging by Mo Xiao's current state and the extent of damage to her courtyard yesterday, one can imagine how fierce the battle was then!
"You just blame me for leaving you behind, and you don't even think about what you did!" Qin Luoyi finally couldn't bear it in his heart, he unscrewed the lid with his hand holding the ointment, and stretched out his fingers to goug some of it inside. Come out and apply it evenly around Mo Xiao's eyes.

Mo Xiao looked at her with his eyes open, and the look in his eyes softened a lot, but with his eyes open like that, Qin Luoyi couldn't wipe some places, so he glanced at him, and opened his red lips lightly: "Close your eyes."

Demon Xiao obediently closed his eyes.

Qin Luoyi's heart softened even more. Mo Xiao just didn't like him. He thought about himself. He didn't want his life to be held in the hands of others. He wanted to put her under his nose to ensure his life. It's really normal not to be hindered by others.

After evenly wiping Mo Xiao's wounds everywhere, Qin Luoyi screwed the lid of the ointment, Mo Xiao opened his eyes, and she put the ointment into Mo Xiao's hands: "Morning and evening."

This time Mo Xiao didn't refuse, he put away the ointment directly, and stretched out his hand to pull Qin Luoyi to sit beside him, but Qin Luoyi stood still.

"Devil Xiao..." Qin Luoyi said after deliberating, "We are a matter of our destiny contract..."

Before she finished speaking, Mo Xiao snorted coldly and interrupted her: "Did you tell Xuanyuan Qing?"

Qin Luoyi nodded.

Looking at Mo Xiao's appearance, he didn't seem very excited, and his heart moved, did he know it before?But Mo Xiao didn't get mad because of her words, which made her secretly relieved.

Walking behind Mo Xiao, put both hands on his shoulders, and continued: "Mo Xiao...after your Mo Xiao ceremony, if you want, come and live in the Demon Realm, I will live in Illusory Rain City in the future. "

As soon as the words fell, she sensitively noticed that the body of the person under her was suddenly stiff, and then turned her head, her dark eyes were fixed on her, there was a strange light flickering at the bottom of her eyes, and a smile slowly curled up on the corners of her lips, Holding her hand on his shoulder: "Luoyi..."

Qin Luoyi didn't pull away his hand, but also looked at him fixedly, and smiled at him: "I also know what you have been worrying about, hey, when the palace of Magic Rain City is repaired, I will leave it for you too. One, whenever you want to come and live, you can just come and live, or you can live forever if you want to, I am under your nose every day, you should feel at ease?"

Mo Xiao's eyes darkened, his face changed, and the smile on his lips disappeared: "What do you mean?"

Qin Luoyi blinked.

What do you mean?
She naturally wanted to take a step back, so that everyone would be better off. Anyway, Mo Xiao can't prove it in a day or two. Since it can't be proved in a day or two, let time witness it. The purpose of getting married is to be able to stay by her side all the time, and for this reason, she is even willing to become one of her husbands. In this case, it is better for her to take a step back, and not let Mo Xiao feel wronged by her because she is worried about her. Husband and wife can achieve his goal... She thinks it's good for both of them.

Just looking at Mo Xiao's current appearance, he still seems dissatisfied?After thinking about it, she opened her mouth again to explain her thoughts.

"After all, you just don't believe that I like you, do you?" Mo Xiao sneered: "No matter what I do, you just don't believe it! In the bottom of your heart, you have already decided that I am using you. There is a purpose to being together, no matter what you do, you can't change your mind..."

He let go of Qin Luoyi's hand, stood up from the swing, and disappeared into the bracelet space in the blink of an eye.

"Demon owl!"

Qin Luoyi called him hoarsely, but failed to call Mo Xiao back. Seeing Mo Xiao like that, Qin Luoyi was so bored, she quickly jumped out of the bracelet space, Mo Xiao was walking with his hands behind his back not far away Looking at the sky with both eyes, I don't know what I'm thinking.

"Demon owl!"

Qin Luoyi called him again, and walked towards him. Mo Xiao stopped, but didn't look back, and then his figure became weaker and weaker, and soon disappeared again, leaving Qin Luoyi alone by the lotus pond .

For a few days, Qin Luoyi didn't see Mo Xiao again, but Xuanyuan Qing told her that Mo Xiao had returned to the Demon Realm, and half a month later, it was the day when Mo Xiao officially ascended the throne and proclaimed himself emperor.

On such a day, the Demon Realm will only announce to the world, but will not spread invitations. This is a grand event in the Demon Realm, and the demon cultivators in the Demon Realm are naturally proud to be able to participate in this grand ceremony.

And if people from other worlds of demons and immortals want to go, naturally no one will stop them. The demon world in the grand ceremony is hospitable and kind. .

Xuanyuan Qing, as the king of the fairy world, naturally wanted to go, not only him, but also several other great fairy kings in the fairy world.

On the occasion of such a grand event as proclaiming the emperor, even if there was any nasty friction between the fairy and demon worlds before, everyone will temporarily abandon it at this time and shake hands. Moreover, there are many lands bordering the three realms. The existence of the emperor level is the strongest existence in the upper realm. No matter what happened in the past, the three realms of immortals, demons and monsters must maintain superficial peace now and in the future.

Feng Feili's Demon Emperor Ceremony has not yet been held, but it is already a certainty that he is the Emperor of the Demon World, so Feng Feili will also go.

Chu Yifeng and the others, who were on the side of the Demon Emperor and the newly promoted Demon King, also wanted to go with Feng Feili.

Qin Luoyi would naturally go too.Not only because they were given by their own destiny, but also because the Hunyuan Dzi was on her body.

On the day of the grand ceremony, Qin Luoyi and the others went not too early, but not too late. A group of people arrived in Linghua City in a mighty manner. , Demon Xiao led the four major demon kings to welcome them out in person.

Qin Luoyi's eyes quickly swept over him.

Today's Demon Xiao is dressed in a silver brocade robe, with a jade belt around his waist, and his jet-black hair is tied up with a jade crown.The handsome face smiled, the bruises on his face had completely disappeared, his skin was like jade, and there was no trace left.

The group was quickly welcomed into the palace.

People came one after another, but apart from them, the people who came later naturally didn't need Mo Xiao to greet them in person. After half an hour, the grand ceremony officially began.

Officially proclaiming the emperor in the upper realm, everything is imaginary, the only thing is that the three worlds of immortals, demons and monsters can summon an altar. The altar was built in ancient times. The altar is extremely complicated. In the middle stands an emperor The emperor star, that emperor star is only a little bigger than a baby's head, if you can light up that emperor star, and it will last forever, then you can be regarded as a real emperor, and the whole world is under the emperor's control.

(End of this chapter)

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