Brother is too evil

Chapter 798 The Grand Finale

Chapter 798 The Grand Finale (6)
Looking at Mo Xiao's slightly pale handsome face, Qin Luoyi felt mixed emotions in her heart. She knew that she was selfish in wanting to protect Feng Feili by letting him go first, but... she never thought that Mo Xiao would agree to her This selfish request finally chose to stay with her.

Feeling guilt and joy in my heart.

Chu Yifeng, Qin Tian, ​​Jian Yuyan, Duanmu Changqing... and the kings and powerhouses of the Three Realms of Monsters and Immortals looked at the direction where Qin Luoyi was swallowed just now. No one spoke, and everyone looked very solemn.

Ever since I met Qin Luoyi, I knew that Qin Luoyi had already advanced to the rank of Great Demon King, and his cultivation was even higher than his own, so there was no need for them to follow Dahei and Heidi to protect him. They ran and searched for treasures everywhere, because Mo Xiao ascended the throne as the Devil Emperor, they came to Linghua City in order to see the Emperor Star, and they knew that Qin Luoyi would definitely come.

Unexpectedly, they encountered the catastrophe of the time and space torrent.

They and Chu Yifeng tore through the void and searched for it, while Xuehu was left behind, but the void was calm, where there was no space-time torrent, and where were Qin Luoyi and the others.

They couldn't find anyone, so they had to wait quietly for a miracle to appear here.

These people all knew that Xuehu and Dahei were Qin Luoyi's contracted beasts. They were fine, which meant that Qin Luoyi was fine. This was why Chu Yifeng and the others waited here silently even though their hearts ached.

Also, Mo Xiao and Xuanyuan Qing have both gone. With their cultivation base, they should have great confidence in rescuing Qin Luoyi and Feng Feili. There are no figures of the two of them in the void. They should follow the time and space. The torrent has gone, unlike them, they can't even find the shadow of the torrent of time and space.

King Gu Yue and other kings of the demon world and the kings of the fairy world also looked anxious, but they clenched their fists tightly and did not make a sound.

Half an hour later, the space in front of them suddenly became turbulent. Everyone's expressions were serious, and they looked at the turbulent space intently... Soon, a black vortex appeared in the air, and a figure quickly fell out of it.

"Flying Phoenix!"

Chu Yifeng's expression brightened, and they rushed over, looking at him with burning eyes. After Feng Feili fell out of the black vortex, the black vortex disappeared quickly.

Feng Feili staggered, and then stood firm.

"Eldest brother, you're fine, that's great. Where's Luoyi? Didn't you see Luoyi?" Duanmu Changqing looked at him expectantly, seeing his pale face, he stretched out his hand to support him.

Jian Yuyan also reached out to support him.

Feng Xili didn't look at them, but only looked at the direction she came out just now, with a sad and angry expression, but she pursed her lips tightly and didn't speak.

"Brother, didn't you see Luoyi?" Duanmu Changqing's face gradually changed, and there was a tremor in his voice unconsciously. Feng Feili was the first to go in, and they also saw that he pulled Luoyi hands up.

Dahei and Xuehu are fine, which means she is fine now, but... where did she go when she was fine, she was left alone, in the torrent of time and space, he felt very sad when he thought about it.

"Young Master Feng, have you seen our Majesty?"

"See if King Xuanyuan..."

Facing everyone's expectant and disappointed eyes, Feng Feili finally withdrew her gaze, and said in a hoarse voice: "I didn't see King Xuanyuan, but I saw Mo Xiao. I've been with Luoyi all this time..."

Hearing what happened, Miss Sang, who had been expressionless all the time, suddenly burst into tears, crying bitterly, and murmured: "This is not the first time he has entered the turbulent flow of time and space, last time he also made a passage Come on, I came out by myself, but... For half a month, his cultivation was not as good as that of a demon king! At that time, I never heard him say that there was a mysterious person stalking him inside, but he just created a passage, which almost exhausted His cultivation base..."

King Guyue and the other four demon kings changed their faces drastically when they heard the words.

They did not know this.

"Mo Xiao!" Feng Feili gritted his teeth and said these two words, his whole body collapsed, he fell to the ground, and completely passed out.Dahei and Heidi leaned over and let him fall on top of them.

But Qin Tian and Chu Yifeng were stunned for a long time.Then the space of the heaven-defying bracelet has been broken, and if the person inside takes advantage of the situation to come out, Mo Xiao will not have the power to fight, Luo Yi...the two of them are a natal contract!No matter who has something to do, the other cannot escape.

Ouyang Ling and the others were silent.

But Beiming King couldn't bear it any longer, glanced at Feng Feili, muttered in his mouth, with warm eyes: "Your Majesty!" He understood that Mo Xiao might be in danger at this time.

They knew that Mo Xiao liked Qin Luoyi, but they didn't expect him to like Qin Luoyi so much that he put himself in danger, even his life. He had no power to protect himself, even if Qin Luoyi's cultivation was not damaged, he could only care about it How could I still take care of him!
People from the Demon Realm, such as King Guyue, also looked extremely sad.If they didn't know that breaking in was useless, they would have already broken in again... Seeing the extremely sad expressions of everyone in the Demon Realm, how could Dahei not know what they were thinking?
"Your Majesty Demon Xiao and my master, they are born in a contract of life and death, and if any one of them has an accident, the other cannot live alone!"

Miss Sang turned her head abruptly and stared at him.

Everyone in the Demon Realm also turned their heads to look at him, Dahei looked at them expressionlessly, and the light in Miss Sang's eyes flickered: "What you said, is it true?"

Dahei rolled his eyes at her, and glanced at Feng Feili, who was still unconscious, and Chu Yifeng, who looked ugly: "What do you think?" He is so boring, why is he still joking with her at this time?

Qin Luoyi's premonition came true.

Mo Xiao didn't meditate for a while, when the nasty black-clad man came, walked around the barrier Mo Xiao had set up twice, and soon started to attack.

Even though Qin Luoyi tried his best to protect him, the formation only lasted for less than a quarter of an hour. Although the man in black's cultivation base was not high, the turbulent flow of space was under his control at that time, and the attack power was too amazing. .

After the formation was broken, Qin Luoyi stood tightly on Mo Xiao's body to protect him, and sacrificed the vase of the Dao, but the vase of the Dao couldn't hold on for a while, and it still broke.

Soon, the magic weapon that Qin Luoyi could use was completely destroyed.Because she wanted to protect Mo Xiao who was lucky, the Hunyuan Dzi in her body was given to Mo Xiao, and the elixir was also given to Mo Xiao. In the torrent of time and space, her cultivation was only depleted but not supplemented, and she soon became weak in follow-up. Beads of sweat glistened on his face, and his face was a little pale.

"Haha!" The black-clothed man's eyes flashed with pride, "I'll see how long you can hold on!" He attacked Qin Luoyi fiercely again.

However, Mo Xiao opened his eyes at that time, his eyes shone with an extremely cold light, a powerful aura shot out from his body, and he blocked the palm that was about to fall on Qin Luoyi's body down.

(End of this chapter)

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