Brother is too evil

Chapter 815 Extra production

Chapter 815 Extra production (2)

After more than half an hour, suddenly there were a few shocking screams from the delivery room, and his heart that had just been let go suddenly raised again, and he didn't care about anything anymore, he pushed open the door and rushed in.

He moved quickly, and a white figure was even faster, rushing into the delivery room before him.Xuanyuanqing rushed to Qin Luoyi's side, clenched his hands, a stern look appeared in his eyes, but he couldn't hide his anxiety. Seeing that Qin Luoyi was fine and looked good, he felt relieved.

Chu Yifeng and the others also rushed in together.

The scream was naturally not from Qin Luoyi.Tao Xiangning, Xie Ruyan, and the two midwives were dumbfounded. "Children...children..." They pointed to the air, looked shocked, swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and stuttered.

In mid-air, a small baby was bobbing up and down, its eyes opened unexpectedly, unlike ordinary children, it takes a day or two to open their eyes.He is completely naked, with pink skin and hair growing on his head. Although only the top of his head has hair, it is black and shiny, very soft, his eyes are rolling straight, and he is grinning continuously while he is sinking and falling, showing a toothless smile. Gums are so cute.

Because he was naked, everyone could clearly see that there was a little stick between the baby's legs, and it was a boy.Xuanyuanqing stared at Qin Luoyi for a long time, held Qin Luoyi's hand tightly, followed Qin Luoyi's doting and gentle gaze, and looked at the child as well.

The corners of the lips could not help but curl up and up.

his child!

Luoyi bore him a child!

An unspeakable satisfaction filled his heart.

After going up and down more than ten times, the baby floating in the air seemed to be tired of playing at last, and stopped in mid-air, but the spiritual power between the sky and the earth fluctuated violently, and soon formed a huge vortex above him, A force so strong that it was almost terrifying surged towards him crazily.

Demon Xiao raised his eyebrows.

Chu Yifeng laughed out loud.

Jian Yuyan, Feng Feili, and Duanmu Changqing couldn't hide their joy.

Qin Luoyi withdrew his gaze and looked at Xuanyuanqing. Xuanyuanqing immediately grabbed the child and put him in a red bellyband that he had prepared a long time ago. Then he let the child go. Continue to float in mid-air.

Absorbed the spiritual power between heaven and earth, but in less than half an hour, the child was actually a circle bigger than when he was just born.

When he was just born, his face was red and his body was not very fat. At this time, the pink color on his skin faded a lot, and his skin turned white, with a nice pink color in the white skin, making him even more lovely. Xie Ruyan and the people in the room were all eager to grab him into their arms and kiss him hard on his pink face while smiling and absorbing the spiritual energy between heaven and earth.

Seeing the child grow up a lot, Qin Luoyi, who is the child's mother, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his eyes... This is... Bigu?Can you grow up without eating?She couldn't help but glanced at her chest.

Although Xuanyuanqing's gaze also fell on the child, he did not pay attention to Qin Luoyi's every move. When she looked down at her chest, there was a flash of understanding in her eyes, and the corners of her lips curled up.That's fine, although this is his own child, but the child has consciousness in his stomach, and he never planned to let Qin Luoyi feed him himself.

Mr. Qin, his son Qin Mu, his grandson Qin Mo, and many others were waiting outside the delivery room. The two midwives had already left the delivery room. They finally knew that Qin Luoyi had given birth to a son, and this son was very unusual. Come down and fly.

It can even absorb the spiritual energy between heaven and earth!
People outside are not allowed to enter the delivery room, but looking at the extremely powerful vortex in the sky and the overwhelming spiritual power pouring towards Kaiyang City, everyone became more curious about the child Qin Luoyi gave birth to, and could digest and absorb such a powerful force. Strength, you can also think about it with your knees, this child's future fortune will be limitless!

Just when everyone was waiting to see through, a white light suddenly shot out from the delivery room, accompanied by giggles, went straight into the air, and then stopped at a height of a thousand meters away.

"Ah, it flew out!"

Countless gazes moved with his small body, and the spiritual power vortex above his body became bigger, and gradually his whole body was surrounded by the spiritual power vortex, Mr. Qin was a little worried.

Qin Luoyi and his party came out of the delivery room.Qin Luoyi looked very good, with a smile on his lips, and his eyes were crystal clear. Seeing Mr. Qin's worried expression, he waved to him, signaling him not to worry.

An extremely cute-looking baby wearing a red bellyband actually floated up in the air, and it floated up from the core of the Qin family, and crazily absorbed the spiritual power between the heaven and the earth. This strange phenomenon has long attracted countless people. The monks in Kaiyang City looked up into the air, and everyone looked shocked.

Soon, the news that it was Qin Luoyi's newly born child spread quickly as if it had grown wings, and the monks were even more shocked, with exclamations and sighs one after another.

"It's so perverted! You can fly when you're born, don't say you've never seen it before, you don't even dare to think about it!"

"That's right! Such terrifying spiritual power can be absorbed, even the cultivators of the Purple Mansion are nothing more than that!"

"You are worthy of being the son of Miss Qin and King Xuanyuan!"

The giggling baby has been absorbing spiritual power hungrily in the air, and the powerful spiritual power vortex lasted for more than an hour before it slowly calmed down.Old Master Qin was so excited that he wanted to fly up into the air and hug the child down. Suddenly, the sky darkened suddenly.

Dark clouds came over the sky.

"God! This is Thunder Tribulation, is it going to be promoted?" The monks in Kaiyang City were a little dumbfounded.

Moreover, the child is above the Qin family's territory, and so many people below are within the sensing range of Lei Jie, how terrifying is it that Lei Jie descends?After absorbing so much spiritual power, what kind of powerful thunder tribulation should it attract?
Seeing that incomparably cute baby, everyone was very worried, even Mr. Qin, Master Luo, Sect Master Ge and others became anxious. No matter how powerful it was, it was just a baby after all, a baby that had not been born for half a day!It was too late for everyone to withdraw at this time, Tsing Yi, who was able to absorb the power of the thunder calamity and help others survive the thunder calamity, did not return to the Xuantian Continent this time!
Qin Luoyi and Xuanyuanqing both moved violently when the sky darkened and dark clouds billowed in the sky, and they disappeared in the Qin residence in an instant, and appeared not far from the child in a blink of an eye.

Mo Xiao, Feng Feili and the others also quickly jumped out.

Old Master Qin was impatient and wanted to jump out, but he only jumped a few hundred meters and fell back into the Qin Mansion again, with an invisible barrier between the sky and the earth.

(End of this chapter)

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