Brother is too evil

Chapter 817: Extraordinary Extraordinary Talent

Chapter 817: Extraordinary Extraordinary Talent (2)
He coughed lightly.

After the two separated, he stood by the door and looked at them with a half-smile and said, "It seems that I came at the wrong time? Why don't you go ahead and I'll come in later?" That's what he said, but his feet didn't move at all. , where there is the meaning of leaving.

Qin Luoyi blinked.

Xuanyuan Qing glanced at Chu Yifeng, then turned back and smoothed Shun Qin Luoyi's hair, put on the coat for her by himself, let her lean on the bed, and carefully placed a soft pillow on her waist, Only then did he go out.

Naturally, he didn't miss the sourness in Chu Yifeng's eyes.

Not only Xuanyuanqing, but also Qin Luoyi didn't miss the sourness in Chu Yifeng's eyes, his heart softened, and he smiled at him.

"Wind." The voice was soft, with a lazy and charming voice that had just woken up, beckoning to him.

Chu Yifeng raised his eyebrows, and walked over with a half-smile.

Once again annoyed that he was not that lucky, Xuanyuan Qing was the last one to he could have been drawn by him!

And that chaotic son You Dan really lived up to its reputation, it really can make people successfully conceive a child.Xuanyuanqing didn't know what kind of luck he had to have such good luck!
Chu Yifeng gracefully walked to the bedside and stood still.

A sly look flashed across Qin Luoyi's dark eyes, and he hooked his finger at him again, motioning for him to lean over. Chu Yifeng thought she had something to say to him, but who knew he leaned over, Qin Luoyi Luoyi hugged his neck fiercely, and with a slap, he was kissed heavily on the face.

Qin Luoyi succeeded in sneak attack, and quickly let go and retreated, leaning his head on the pillow, looking at him with a smile.

The feeling of tenderness made Chu Yifeng startled for a moment, looking at her pretty face, the sour eyes that were originally full of sourness instantly burst into splendor, and he stretched out his hand to hug Qin Luoyi, how could kissing her face satisfy him?And it's so short!

Qin Luoyi didn't let him succeed.

Avoiding his lips, leaned close to his ear and chuckled: "What delicious food did you bring me?"

Chu Yifeng's heart fluttered unceasingly with the exhalation in his ears, he put his arms around her waist, smiled and said, "Do you know that I brought you something to eat?"

"Of course, how can you not know about such a fragrant smell?" Qin Luoyi said with a smile.

Chu Yifeng nodded her nose affectionately: "Your nose is insane." With a thought, a very delicate and small jade table appeared in front of Qin Luoyi, followed by several plates full of things They flew out one after another, and the table was full, which was extremely rich.

"So many?" Qin Luoyi immediately beamed, these are her favorite foods on weekdays, and they are so well made that they whet the appetite when they see them.Qin Luoyi, who didn't feel anything in his stomach, suddenly felt hungry, and even began to secrete body fluid in his mouth.

Although Chu Yifeng's father has come to the Xuantian Continent and practiced hard in the Xuantian Continent, he was an emperor after all, and he is very particular about what he eats, and he never tires of eating.Unlike the monks on Xuantian Continent, since Bigu, they don't care much about what they eat, especially when they eat, they all prefer things that contain a lot of spiritual power to help their cultivation, rather than this kind of pure food. The delicacy is just to satisfy the appetite.

When Emperor Chu came to Xuantian Continent for the first time a few years ago, he knew that the people here did not pay much attention to food. Now that he abdicated this time, he knew that he would have to stay here for a long time to be more conducive to his cultivation, so he decided to come from Shenglong Continent. He brought a lot of cooks, all of whom he was used to in Chu Palace.The things that Chu Yifeng brought were the handicrafts of Chu Huang's imperial cook.

Chu Yifeng set the table, saw her bright eyes, smiled lightly, squeezed her sleeves up again, took the chopsticks in his hand and asked her: "I don't know what you want to eat, let them I also made a little preparation, what do you want to eat?"

"It's all very good." Qin Luoyi is not very picky about delicious food, let alone the food made by those cooks is really good.

"Then try everything." Chu Yifeng smiled like a spring breeze, and instead of handing the chopsticks to Qin Luoyi's hands, he did it himself, holding the bowl in one hand and the chopsticks in the other, handing the food between them. to her lips, motioning for her to open her mouth.

Qin Luoyi was embarrassed.

She gave birth to a baby, and it's not that she can't move her hands and feet anymore... But the object has already been brought to her lips, so she has to open her mouth to swallow it first.

Sure enough, the lips and teeth are fragrant.

The world is delicious!
"I'll do it myself, and you can eat some too." Qin Luoyi saw that he was about to pinch it again, so he quickly said.

Chu Yifeng automatically ignored her words.

I changed the clip again and fed her.

Qin Luoyi had no choice but to open his mouth again.

Chu Yifeng was extremely busy serving dishes, and his expression was gentle and satisfied. Seeing this, Qin Luoyi no longer said what he said in person, knowing that what he said was in vain.

When it was almost time to eat, Xuanyuan Qing walked in, holding a soup full of spiritual energy in his hand, it looked like a great tonic, Chu Yifeng glanced at it, knowing that when he brought something in, Not only Qin Luoyi found out, but Xuanyuan Qing also found out, that's why he only brought a soup.

After eating, he drank the soup again, and chatted with Xuanyuanqing and Chu Yifeng, but Qin Luoyi didn't want to lie down anymore, and got up to find his son.

Her son is in Baihua Pavilion.

"Hao'er, hurry up, come here Uncle...Uncle will give you this."

There were a lot of people standing near the pavilion, two senior brothers, Jian Yuyan, elder brother were there, Mr. Qin was also there, her mother Xie Ruyan and Tao Xiangning were all there, and they all looked into the air with smiles on their faces.

Her son was floating in the air dancing with his hands and feet, and he was much more energetic than yesterday.Qin Mo stood on the ground holding a delicate toy in his hand, clapping his hands and teasing her son with a smile to lure her down.

Xuanyuan Hao is her son's name, which was chosen after a long discussion with Xuanyuan Qing while she was still pregnant.

The area around Baihua has been completely destroyed, there is not a single flower, and there is no complete place to be found. It is almost called the Remnant Flower Pavilion.

Qin Luoyi sighed.

You can guess who is the culprit with your knees!His eyes quickly fell on Xuanyuan Hao.

"Don't worry, I have already sealed most of the power in his body." Xuanyuan Qing said.

Qin Luoyi had already seen clearly that there was no wound on his son's body, so he was relieved after hearing this, and walked over at a faster speed.

Xuanyuan Hao had already been attracted by Qin Mo and drifted towards him. When he caught sight of Qin Luoyi, he threw Qin Mo directly, and ran towards Qin Luoyi babbling.

Qin Luoyi hurriedly reached out to catch it.

(End of this chapter)

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