Chapter 823
Mingyue stood behind Mo Xiao, and glanced at him lightly.


Lan Chengwang and his wife couldn't hide their shock. Although this woman gave them a familiar feeling, but...their daughter didn't look like this!
"Miss is not April Fool's Day." Displeasure appeared on his face, looking at his sad wife, he blamed Qin Luoyi for arousing his wife's longing for a daughter again, and in half a month it would be her daughter's death day, These days, my wife is so sad that it is difficult to sleep every night.

"Dad, Mom, I'm really Qiao Yue."

Qin Luoyi held the hands of the two of them tightly and did not let go. With a thought, his face changed.

Lan Qiaoze was dumbfounded again.

Fortunately, the members of the Lan family were not in the room, otherwise they would have laughed at him for the rest of their lives when they saw his stupid appearance. Lan Qiaoze was famous for his calmness in the Lan family, and there were not many things that could move him.

"Qiao Yue!"

Zhao Nan exclaimed in shock, she had seen the face in front of her for more than [-] years, and she was very familiar with it.Since her daughter left, she often dreamed back at midnight, dreaming that her daughter came to her, and the daughter in the dream has never changed.

"Qiao's really Qiao Yue..." She stretched out her hand and gently stroked the face in front of her, as if stroking a priceless treasure, for fear that the person in front of her would disappear again.

After Lan Chengxuan's initial excitement, he quickly returned to his senses. It was obviously a different face, but suddenly he became his daughter's appearance... It's too absurd to even say it's his daughter.

Lan Qiaoze clenched his fists.

She suddenly turned back and asked Mingyue in a low voice: "What's going on here? What kind of weird illusion did she practice? You asked me to bring them to my uncle and aunt... Could it be that you are pretending to be my uncle and daughter for fun?"

Although he was smiling, his eyes were a little cold.

This matter is so absurd... To actually make fun of the dead, no one can be happy when encountering such a thing.

In fact, it's not that Qin Luoyi never thought of meeting his relatives with his original appearance, but he had to change back after telling his parents the truth, which would be troublesome, and Lan Qiaoyue was indeed dead. That's what she really looks like.

Lan Qiaoze's questioning reached Qin Luoyi's ears. Qin Luoyi turned his head and glanced narrowly at Lan Qiaoze.

"A, next to the big sycamore tree, first kiss."

Lan Qiaoze was stunned, and his heart shrank violently.

"What did you say?"

His first kiss was lost, but thanks to someone, except for the little witch, even the person who was kissed did not know that he kissed it... Except for the little witch, no one knew that it was his first kiss.Why would this woman know?

"Oh, do you want to come? 16 years old, Taishan Cliff, Guluo Sword Manual."

The Gu Luo Sword was obtained by Lan Qiaoyue and Lan Qiaoze when they accidentally discovered an ancient cave when they went to Mount Tai to play. Apart from the secret book, the two also found a lot of good things, but in order not to attract attention People suspected that it caused unnecessary trouble, and the two unanimously claimed that the secret striata was found by accident in a flea market, because there were rumors of a peerless treasure being born in Mount Tai during that time.

Lan Qiaoze's Adam's apple rolled up and down quickly, and there was a strange light flickering in his eyes.Apart from him, only Lan Qiaoyue knows Gu Luo's sword score!
"Still forgot? Tsk, this memory is really bad. It seems that someone doesn't remember when the third brother was not paying attention, put water on the third brother's bed, and said that the third brother wet the bed, poor third brother , I walked with my head bowed in shame for a whole month."

The smile on Qin Luoyi's lips grew stronger.

Lan Qiaoze's face was a little green, but the light in his eyes was even brighter. He walked towards Qin Luoyi, and lightly opened his thin lips: "The water I sprinkled, it's obviously you..."

He's been blamed, okay?
He walked over to Qin Luoyi, his eyes were burning, and he believed that Qin Luoyi was Lan Qiaoyue. The only person who knew what he said just now was his cousin Lan Qiaoyue. moon.

Seeing Qin Luoyi's current appearance, which is exactly the same as ten years ago, but completely different from the appearance when we first met, and the strange feeling when we first met just now, his heart suddenly moved, and the light in his eyes became brighter.

"Seize the house?"

If Lan Qiaoyue really came back from the dead, he couldn't think of any way to explain the extremely weird scene in front of him, except for the ancient legend of seizing the house.

"What do you mean, I'm not." Qin Luoyi smiled.

Turning his head and looking at his parents, seeing their expressions of excitement and fear of loss, he took the initiative to talk about the past.At the beginning, in order to have the ability to speak, she chose those extremely secret things, as well as what she and her mother had said in private.

It is easier to win the trust of her father. She was an alchemist before time travel, and her father was also an alchemist. His father once guided her to practice and taught her to refine many elixirs.

"Qiao Yue! It's really my Qiao Yue!"

Zhao Nan hugged Qin Luoyi fiercely, and hugged her tightly, the tears in his eyes could no longer be held back, they kept falling down, muttering her name repeatedly, Lan Chengxuan's eyes also sparkled Moved, the hand hanging by the side clenched into a fist.

Qin Luoyi was hugged in his mother's arms, and his heart became even more sour. It was all because she came back too late... Fortunately, she finally came back, before it was too late.

After a while, Zhao Nan finally suppressed the joy and excitement in his heart, let go of Qin Luoyi slightly, gently stroked the black hair on her head with his fingers, and asked her about the past few years, never thinking about it again. After ten years, she could still see her daughter.

Qin Luoyi helped his mother to sit down, after thinking about it, he changed back to his original appearance, sat down next to his mother, and talked about how he was brought back to his previous life and reborn by the sky-shading bracelet.

"No wonder... when we found you, the bracelet that had been in your hand for several years was gone. Your father and I have been looking for it for a long time, but we didn't expect it to be the one that saved you. It's a good thing I have this bracelet..." Zhao Nan sighed with joy.

The only daughter was killed suddenly, which brought a fatal blow to their husband and wife. They couldn't even keep their daughter's personal belongings. also no.

"Tsk, I thought the bracelet was just good-looking, but I didn't expect it to have such a strange use." Lan Qiaoze was amazed, it must be such a heaven-defying thing to be able to travel with the soul.

He looked at Qin Luoyi's wrist with shining eyes.

Qin Luoyi and Lan Qiaoze are about the same age. Although one is a younger sister and the other is an older brother, they are only a few months old. They had a good relationship before. Judging by his expression, how can they not understand what he wants to do? Look at the sky-shading bracelet.

(End of this chapter)

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