Martial arts Lingyun

Chapter 1135 The Severed Arm of the Giant Demon Emperor

Chapter 1135 The Severed Arm of the Giant Demon Emperor

"Magic rule! It turned out to be you! You haven't left yet!"

Seeing the true face of the black-robed man, all the martial artists present were slightly taken aback, their eyes showing shock. A few days ago, when they were in the Wanjia Chamber of Commerce, Mozhi appeared and took control of the Tiexuan Sword Saint. The three powerful martial artists had besieged Xiao Ling, only to be frightened back when Xiao Ling sacrificed a ninth-level profound weapon. For such characters, all the martial artists present had deep memories of them.

"It sure is him!"

The eyes of the four masters showed a strong look of fear. The strength of the devil ruled by seven-star martial saints could easily control the three Iron Xuan Sword Saints. You must know that the strength of the three Iron Xuan Sword Saints were all six-star martial saints. Their strength was comparable to theirs. They are evenly matched, and there will not be too much difference. Now that Mozhi has set up a purple magic barrier, if they don't defeat Mozhi, they will not be able to break through the purple magic barrier at all.

However, the magic rule is too powerful, with their strength, they are not the opponents of the magic rule at all!
"It seems that you all remember me, so I won't introduce myself."

Mozhi put his hands in his sleeves, and his eyes were full of coldness. He was very annoyed that these people could remember him, that is to say, the way he fled in embarrassment at the beginning has been deeply imprinted in the hearts of these people.

This point is also very clear in Mo Zhi's heart.

In the past few days, he stayed in the western medicine world and heard a lot of things that Wuxiu talked about after dinner, most of which were about how embarrassed he, the peerless genius of the Tianmo sect, was when he escaped, like a bereaved dog.

Mozhi felt resentful in his heart. A mere group of ants had no right to tell him what to do. Therefore, he had to take care of all the martial arts present today. It was a way to vent. In his eyes, these human lives were insignificant and worthless.

While doing it, Mozhi heard some news that Xiao Ling had entered the altar, and inside the altar, there was also the Palace of the Wild Beast Emperor. Now Xiao Ling is inheriting the inheritance of the Mad Emperor. Even Mozhi admired it.

At the same time, this is also his best time to make a move!

Regardless of whether Xiao Ling is dead or alive in the Mad Beast Emperor's Palace, whether he can inherit the Mad Emperor's inheritance, as long as he first eliminates the friends beside Xiao Ling, and then destroys the altar so that Xiao Ling will never come out, it is considered indirect. Solved Xiao Ling.

Thinking of this, Mozhi's eyes were full of fierce murderous intent, and there were many savage colors.

"Xiao Ling is an important person, right? I'll get rid of you first! Then destroy the altar and let Xiao Ling be completely sealed in the Wild Beast Palace!"

Mo Zhi looked at Gu Xun and the others, only the aura of Gu Xun made him jealous, he knew that this white-haired and blue-eyed girl was the best of nine yin, called Gu Xun, and now Gu Xun's strength, even he could feel it He felt oppression, and he had felt this kind of oppression in the body of the Nine Gate Masters.

"Madman, if you want to destroy the altar, don't think too far!"

Gu Xun's blue eyes froze, she already knew the identity of Mozhi, the people of Tianmozong wanted Xiao Ling to die everywhere, so Tianmozong was her enemy, not to mention, Mozhi wanted to destroy the altar, she would never let Mozhi The cure succeeds.

"With the strength of your Seven Star Martial Saint, how confident are you to say such a thing?"

Gu Xun yelled coquettishly, and immediately rushed out, suspended above the sky, the breath of the Nine Star Martial Saint erupted unreservedly. The temperature of the sky and the earth suddenly cooled to the extreme, and there were still snowflakes falling. That kind of momentum can be said to be breathtaking.

"This little girl is actually a Nine Star Martial Saint!"

"You really can't be judged by appearances! She is young, but her cultivation is only one step away from Emperor Wu. Even if you look at Wu Dalu, there are not many such geniuses, right?"

"Two kinds of celestial ice! Yinhun Lengbing and Juehua Xinbing! She has mastered two kinds of celestial ice without repelling each other, and the aura emanating from her body. Could it be a unique physique that is rare in a thousand years? Nine Yins are absolutely perfect!" ?”

When Gu Xun erupted with the aura of the Nine-Star Martial Saint, all the martial artists present widened their eyes. They had never seen a Nine-Star Martial Saint before, let alone such a young Nine-Star Martial Saint who also possessed two Zhong Tianbing is still a rare Nine Yin Absolute Physique in a thousand years, so next, as long as Gu Xun makes a move, he will definitely be able to defeat Mozhi.

"The strength of the Nine Star Martial Saint has a great chance of winning against the Demon Ruler."

Zhong Xu watched Gu Xun unreservedly burst out the aura of Nine Star Martial Saint, his eyes narrowed with envy, even if he practiced for decades, he might not be able to reach this level.

After reaching the level of Martial Saint, it is very difficult to break through to one star, let alone reach Nine Star Martial Saint, this process is simply as difficult as ascending to the blue sky.

"There are many ways to rule the devil. After Senior Gu Xun showed his strength, he still didn't change his face. I guess there is something to rely on..." Yue Yin analyzed with insightful eyes.

"Makes sense."

Qianling nodded, and said: "Mozhi dared to set up a purple magic barrier, he must have analyzed various situations before he dared to do so."

"In any case, we'd better hope that senior Gu Xun can win."

Cao Ying took a deep breath and said, "Mozhi is too arrogant to want us all to die. However, he does have the strength to kill us..."

Everyone nodded, thinking that what Cao Ying said was very reasonable.

The strength of Mozhi is too strong, and among the martial arts present, only Gu Xun has the ability to defeat Mozhi.

"Nine Yin Absolute Physique!"

There was only a flash of astonishment in Mozhi's eyes, and then there was no emotion at all, and he said lightly: "Jehua Xinbing is in your hands, it seems that Xiao Ling has a deep affection for you, and he is willing to spend his money. However, you For the Nine Yin Jue Physique, if you break through the realm without reservation, the time of death is not far away! Of course, if you submit to my feet, I can take you to the Heavenly Demon Sect and help you find a way to suppress the Nine Yin Jue Physique."

Gu Xun's physique is very special, it is a rare Nine Yin Physique that is rare in a thousand years, Mo Zhi understands this very well, not only that, but he also understands that if he gets the Yuan Yin of Nine Yin Physique, his cultivation base can skyrocket, plus Gu Xun's appearance is unmatched, and he is also a top existence in the imperial domain, so he has some crooked ideas, wanting to occupy Gu Xun.

In the sky of Emperor's Blood Valley, Gu Xun's indifferent blue eyes, like the snow peaks of ten thousand years, flashed a hint of sarcasm, and a sneer appeared on his pretty face, and that chilling and murderous voice echoed in the sky.

"You don't need to worry about my affairs!"

"However, you have thought badly about brother Xiao Ling, even if you kill you thousands of times, it still can't appease the anger in my heart!"

"Also, you don't piss to take pictures of yourself, even if I, Gu Xun, die, I won't surrender at your feet!"

The cold words, carrying an unquestionable momentum, showed Gu Xun's firm determination. Her life was given by Xiao Ling, and she would protect Xiao Ling even if she died.

"Hehehe, you are so affectionate! It's a pity that all of this is your wishful thinking!"

Mo Zhi sneered, saying every word to his heart. He had investigated the news and situation of the partners around Xiao Ling very clearly, so he also understood the relationship between Gu Xun and Xiao Ling. Xun Jiao's body trembled imperceptibly, he was very satisfied in his heart, his mind-attack technique had worked.

"Nine Yin Jue Physique, your strength is that of a Nine Star Martial Saint, and you have two kinds of Sky Ice. Of course I am not your opponent, let alone, I have no intention of fighting you!"

As the words of Mozhi fell, he quickly squeezed the formula with both hands, at an extremely fast speed, like a ghostly phantom, making people unable to see the trajectory, but the strong here all understand that Mozhi must be brewing some kind of big move.

One after another of devilish energy roared out from Mozhi's body, turning into mysterious patterns of devilish energy. Finally, these patterns formed a huge portal in the sky, attracting everyone's attention. Behind this portal of devilish energy, there was an extremely powerful breath, which is difficult to breathe.

Gu Xun looked at the portal of demonic energy, his blue eyes surged with a dignified look, in the portal of demonic energy, there was an aura that was not weaker than her at all, even more terrifying than her.

"It's not me who wants to fight you."

With a smile in Mozhi's eyes, he spread his hands and jokingly said, "The one who wants to fight you is the severed arm of the Giant Demon Emperor!"


The portal of devilish energy opened slowly, and then, under the watchful eyes of countless horrified eyes, a ferocious giant hand surrounded by devilish energy broke through the door, appearing in everyone's field of vision.

"It turned out to be a ferocious giant hand!"

"It is rumored that this ferocious giant hand was the arm of a super strong man in ancient times. Even if that super strong man has fallen for a long time, the broken arm he set up is still terrifying!"

"Everyone who has seen the ferocious giant hand is dead!"

"Impossible! The ferocious giant hand will only appear on the night of the full moon, how could it appear at this moment? This is illogical!"

Hearing the discussions of many martial arts practitioners present, tinged with despair and dead silence, Mozhi smiled lightly. If it was normal, the severed arm of the Giant Demon Emperor could only wake up on the night of the full moon. The severed arm of the Giant Demon Emperor was found within ten days, and a lot of demonic energy was sent. It took some means, and naturally the severed arm of the Giant Demon Emperor appeared.

The Giant Demon Emperor was the peak Martial Emperor back then, and his strength was extremely powerful. Even the broken arm left over had the strength of a nine-star martial saint. What's more, this was the arm of a peak Martial Emperor, which could unleash a powerful attack against a Jiuyin Absolutely, it won't be too difficult.

"Not good! The giant hideous hand is the broken arm of the giant hideous devil emperor. The strength of the giant hideous devil emperor is the peak Martial Emperor, and his broken arm is not something that senior Gu Xun can match!"

Zhong Xu's face turned pale. He obviously didn't expect that the Demon Ruler could summon the broken arm of the Giant Demon Emperor. If Gu Xun was defeated by the Demon Ruler, then the fate of all their martial arts practitioners would be Slaughtered by the severed arm of the Giant Demon Emperor.


Seeing this, the rest of the powerhouses showed despair in their eyes. Originally, they hoped that Gu Xun could defeat Mozhi, but now the possibility of this is almost zero.

(End of this chapter)

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