Martial arts Lingyun

Chapter 1328 Pinghai Town

Chapter 1328 Pinghai Town

After the end of the secret realm, a piece of breaking news completely swept the entire Western Heaven Demon Territory!
Ze Yun, the mysterious genius of the East China Sea who swept all the geniuses in the Western Sky Demon Territory six years ago, appeared in the secret realm of the old world, and was directly crushed by the No. 1 in the ages!
The superpower in the East China Sea, the invincible Emperor Bohai of the same level, after fighting against Qiangu No.1, was completely defeated by Qiangu No.1, and finally became the servant of Qiangu No.1!

Either of these two explosive pieces of news is enough to shock the Western Sky Demon Territory!
All of a sudden, everywhere in the Western Sky Demon Territory, even in the streets and alleys, everyone from the demon tribe began to talk about Xiao Ling, discussing the deeds of Xiao Ling sweeping Zeyun and Bo Haidi.

"Let me tell you! I was there at the time! I witnessed the whole wonderful process!"

"Brother! Tell everyone what you have seen and heard! You have been tortured! I am so anxious!"

"That Zeyun, the mysterious genius of the East China Sea, swept away all the geniuses in the Western Heaven Demon Territory six years ago. I don't know how arrogant he is! Later, our super geniuses in the Western Heaven Demon Territory, Yaotian and Shuli, attacked respectively, but they were all defeated by Zeyun's despicable means. beat!"

"When Ze Yun ridiculed us that there was no one in the Western Sky Demon Territory, no one in our Western Sky Demon Territory would dare to fight! Because Ze Yun is going to be strong! Only when we are wronged to the extreme! That is the eternal No.1, my ultimate! The idol has made a move! As soon as he makes a move, even Ze Yun's despicable means will be useless, and Ze Yun will be defeated in an instant!"

"Later, Zeyun's master, the well-known Emperor Bo Hai of the East China Sea made a strong move and threatened to wipe us all off!"

"In the end, he was still my ultimate idol. He made another move, defeated Bohaidi, and saved us all!"

"If I were a daughter, I would follow Eternal No. 1, cling to him and let him marry me"

What this person said at the end caused everyone to burst into laughter, but Xiao Ling's legendary deeds did make the hearts of many Yaozu women thump, as if they were first love.

"By the way! What does Eternal No.1 look like? I haven't seen it yet!" A monster woman couldn't help asking.

"I also want to see the elegance of Qiangu No.1!"

The Western Sky Demon Territory is too big, and many monster tribe members have never seen Xiao Ling's appearance, so they are curious about what this No. 1 in the ages who has created one miracle after another looks like.

"Selling the portrait of No. 1 in the ages! 500 yuan yuan stone per piece! The quantity is limited! First come, first served!"

Hearing that everyone wanted to see Xiao Ling's appearance, many businessmen with sly eyebrows immediately set up stalls on the ground, took out a thick stack of portraits that had been prepared in advance, and started to sell them loudly.

"Give me one!"

"I want to buy one!"

"I also want!"

Everyone ran over immediately and started grabbing wildly, especially the Yaozu women, who even fought for the ownership of a portrait and scuffled together in the street. The scene was too tragic.

"Wow! Dressed in red, with delicate features, handsome and unrestrained! I'm in love!"

After a girl from the monster clan won a portrait of Xiao Ling, she couldn't help but become intoxicated by it.

Many Yaozu women gathered around to look at Xiao Ling's portrait, their eyes burst out with strange light, wishing to abduct Xiao Ling home.

Da da da!
At this moment, Xiao Ling, who was dressed in flames for nine days, crossed the sky and stepped towards the distance.

"Look! That person looks like Qiangu No.1 in the portrait!"

A sharp-eyed person couldn't help shouting after seeing Xiao Ling's figure.

"He is the No.1 Xiao Ling in the ages!"

The merchants who had sold the portraits had cramps in their hands and blissful faces. Xiao Ling made them a fortune. Afterwards, when they saw Xiao Ling's figure, they screamed, completely making those commotions The crowd quieted down.

"What! Eternal No.1 is right in front of our eyes!"

"Hurry up, I want to meet the No.1 real person in Qiangu!"

"It shouldn't be far away, let's hurry up, maybe we can still hold Qiangu No.1's hand!"

After hearing the words of those merchants, figures rushed out, turned into rays of light across the sky, and chased towards Xiao Ling.

Especially the monster women, when they heard Xiao Ling flying past them, their eyes glowed, their speed was unbelievably swift, even faster than usual speed in battle.

It's a pity that Xiao Ling's speed was too fast, these people couldn't catch up with Xiao Ling's figure at all, so they could only stomp their feet, unwilling to give up.

Xiao Ling was completely unaware of how popular he was, and even being surrounded by monster women. Even if he knew, he would leave the scene at a terrifying speed.

After leaving the secret realm of the old world, Xiao Ling submitted some medicinal materials to the Sky Demon League, which was a bit of fun.

Obtaining the essence of the sun and the moon, as well as the sapphire, is already Xiao Ling's biggest gain.

Afterwards, Cang Chen told him a piece of news that in a place called Pinghai Town, on the border between the Western Sky Demon Territory and the East China Sea, there was a woman who claimed to be Tan Xue and needed Xiao Ling's help.

After hearing the news, Xiao Ling rushed towards Pinghai Town immediately without saying a word, regardless of whether it was true or not.

Tan Xue may not be known to others, but Xiao Ling understands that Tan Xue is Junliu's lover.

Tan Xue asked him for help, so something must have happened to Junliu!
As Junliu is Xiao Ling's good brother, Xiao Ling naturally does not allow anyone to hurt Junliu!

Those who hurt his brother will be killed without mercy!

Pinghai Town.

Night falls, and the sky is full of stars.

In the alley next to a restaurant, a delicate and slender woman crouched here.

Although the woman's clothes were tattered and her face was dirty, she still couldn't hide her heroic eyes.

However, there were many deep-seated injuries on her body, and her breath was extremely sluggish, obviously she was severely injured.


The woman's stomach growled uncontrollably, and she glanced at the restaurant opposite, where the aroma of wine was rippling, which made her swallow her saliva.

She hadn't eaten for many days, coupled with her lack of breath, she was simply unable to do things to make money.

"Brother Xiao is in the Western Sky Demon Territory, I will definitely find him, only he can save Junliu!"

This woman is Junliu's lover Tan Xue.

Tan Xue didn't know what had happened, her body was covered in scars, she didn't even have money for food, and her breath was not much stronger than that of ordinary people.

"There are still three days left. If after three days, I haven't found Brother Xiao, then Junliu's life will be in danger!"

Tan Xue gritted her silver teeth, trying to find Xiao Ling in the vast Western Sky Demon Territory, it would undoubtedly be as difficult as climbing the sky. Fortunately, he heard that Xiao Ling and the Yueyao Tiger Clan were getting close, so he immediately found the Yueyao Tiger Clan People from the Yueyao Tiger Clan to pass on the news.

Although those members of the Yueyao Tiger Clan were all monsters and hated the human race, but after hearing that Tan Xue was looking for Xiao Ling, they still agreed with suspicion and helped Tan Xue pass on the news.

Tan Xue could only pin her hopes on those members of the Yueyao Tiger Clan, hoping that Xiao Ling would get the news sooner, and come to her sooner, and together they would save Junliu.

(End of this chapter)

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