Martial arts Lingyun

Chapter 1468 Water and Fire

Chapter 1468 Water and Fire

call out!call out!call out!call out!
The sound of four breaking winds resounded, and the four sea emperors had already stood in a row, and they came to the vast ocean in the distance.

If it is really going to be fought at the place where the pilgrimage of all races is held, then there is no need to continue to hold the pilgrimage of all races, the venue will be destroyed by the terrifying battle fluctuations!
call out!
Xiao Ling also dashed out, and with a wave of his hand, the Desolate Sky Pagoda roared out, sitting on the surface of the sea.

A ray of light whizzed out, turned into a barrier, and imprisoned the place of worship of all races, obviously to prevent the fluctuation of the battle from affecting here.

During this period of time, the Huangtian Pagoda has also been repaired a lot by itself. Although it cannot return to its heyday, given time, it will definitely become a complete product.

"You can make a move now." Xiao Ling glanced at the four sea emperors and said with a smile.

"Go all out!"

Emperor Xuandi of the East China Sea let out a yell, there was no unnecessary nonsense, only to see him wave his sleeves, and mysterious and mysterious lines roared out, like an upside-down galaxy, crashing into the sea.

When those mysterious patterns entered the sea surface, the sea immediately became turbulent, and huge water columns spreading the patterns soared into the sky, blending together extremely quickly.

In just a few breaths of time, under the watchful eyes of countless eyes, a huge prototype of the water prison slowly took shape, and the sea water around this sea area was continuously poured into the water prison.

"Tian Shui Shark Prison!"

After the sealing in the hand of Xuandi Donghai ended, eight gigantic sharks emerged from the water prison.

These sharks are made of sea water, and after relying on the terrifying vitality of Emperor Xuandi of the East China Sea, they exude an extremely terrifying aura, and the eyes of these sharks are extremely agile. If you don't know it, you will think it is a living thing!

"It turned out to be the famous stunt of Emperor Xuandi of the East China Sea! Tianshui shark prison!"

After seeing several sharks wandering in the Tianshui Shark Prison, everyone present couldn't help but slammed their mouths, their eyes were full of solemnity, and they couldn't help admiring the Xuandi of the East China Sea even more.

"Sister-in-law, was the water shark prison strong that day?" Junliu couldn't help asking.

"Tianshui Shark Prison, the eight summoned giant sharks are called Tianshui Blood Sharks! Tianshui Blood Sharks are extremely cruel and only exist for killing. Therefore, this family has been exterminated thousands of years ago."

Long Bijun raised his head, looked at the incomparably huge Tianshui shark prison, and said solemnly: "Besides, that water prison is very strong and difficult to break through. It can form a Tianshui domain inside, which is also the most suitable environment for Tianshui blood sharks! In Tianshui Domain, the strength of Tianshui Blood Shark will be exerted to the extreme, that is to say, what Xiao Ling will face is the existence of eight half-step Seven Star Beast Emperors! This is also the full blow of Emperor Donghai Xuandi!"

"Then brother Xiao Ling is very dangerous?"

Gu Xunyu clenched her hands tightly, her beautiful eyes were full of worry.

Seeing Gu Xun's expression in his eyes, Long Bijun slowly said: "Although the Tianshui Shark Prison is terrifying, Emperor Xuandi of the East China Sea has not cultivated it to the extreme! If you practice it to the extreme, you can summon nine Tianshui blood sharks, and the water prison It will also turn blood red! Therefore, I believe that Xiao Ling will break through the Tianshui Shark Prison!"

"However, the other three sea emperors have also made a move with all their strength, and it seems that they will also use their trump cards..."

After Gu Xun felt Long Bijun's gaze, she dodged subconsciously. At some point, in front of Long Bijun, she lost her original calm state of mind.

"I know."

Long Bijun nodded and said with a smile: "If the four sea emperors attack at the same time, if they don't hold back at all, Xiao Ling will defeat them, which will be more meaningful! So, you have to believe that he can win, don't you?"


Gu Xun said softly, her beautiful eyes looked at Xiao Ling again, she believed that Xiao Ling would definitely win.

"Cloud and water attack!"

Emperor Yundi of the South China Sea had finished kneading the formula with both hands, and his mouth was constantly agitating, as if something was brewing. Then, he opened his mouth, and a huge mist burst out from his mouth, instantly covering the entire sky. Shark firmly spread live.

Because of this, outsiders could no longer see clearly what was going on inside Tianshui Shark Prison.

"Clouds and water envelop..."

Long Bijun narrowed his eyes slightly. After Emperor Yundi of the South China Sea performed this trick, the outside world could not see the situation inside the Tianshui Shark Prison clearly. However, she has the blood of the Dragon Clan and the blessing of the Sea God Trident, so she can naturally see clearly. Condition.

"The cloud and water attack concentrates the vitality in a strange energy container in the body, similar to the sea container of the sea swallowing secret technique, and then spits it out concentratedly, and then the mist disperses. Therefore, the cloud and water attack can not only interfere with the enemy The line of sight also has a terrifying illusion, which can make people fall into an illusion. Not only that, but the fog also has extremely terrifying corrosive power..."

"Emperor Mang of the North Sea and Emperor Wei of the West Sea also took action, are they all famous stunts..."

After Long Bijun's analysis was completed, Emperor Mang of the North Sea and Emperor Wei of the West Sea also finished making formulas.

"Takitsubo technique!"

After finishing making the formula, the Phantom Emperor of the West Sea raised his hand and waved it, creating dense and sharp rainstorms, which began to pour down from all directions in the Tianshui shark prison.

The sharp piercing force can easily kill all the strong people below the Six-Star Martial Emperor. Even the Six-Star Martial Emperor will be exhausted to death if he has no way to resist the Dragon Pot Technique.

Of course, because it is a joint attack, it will naturally not hurt other people's offensive.

"Break the torrent, Yuche!"

Emperor Mang of the North Sea let out a yell, and his figure was already rushed out. He raised his arm high, and spread along his arm to the palm of his hand, forming a huge rain blade.

This rain blade is composed of dense water blades, each water blade has the power to split the sea, and this rain blade is enough to split a sea area in half!
What's more, Emperor Mang of Beihai is also an expert in body training. With his rapid sprint, he can also enhance the power of Rain Blade!

"Xiao Ling..."

In fact, Long Bijun was also worried about Xiao Ling. After all, the four sea emperors did not hold back at all, and even put on a desperate posture and launched the most powerful offensive.

"It seems that the four of you didn't hold back at all, which is exactly what I want..."

Xiao Ling raised his head and looked at the attack of the four sea emperors. He also smiled slightly, and his hands began to seal.

"In that case, I won't hold back either."

"Heaven Killing Technique! Exploding Sky Star!"

With the end of Xiao Ling's kneading formula, he raised his hand and waved it out, and a huge seven-color fireball was thrown into the midair.

Immediately afterwards, a huge seven-color fireball made a terrifying roar, and ripples of attraction visible to the naked eye emerged, forming a frightening storm, and began to crazily absorb all kinds of seawater around it.


Seeing Xiao Ling's attack, the pupils of the four sea emperors also shrank. They could keenly sense that the surrounding sea water was being crazily attracted by the seven-color fireball. Not only that, what shocked them even more was that the seven-color fireball could contain seawater!

What exactly is this means?
(End of this chapter)

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