Martial arts Lingyun

Chapter 1665 Rescue

Chapter 1665 Rescue
"Senior Jinying, did the other party perform some kind of secret technique on your soul, causing you to be a little delirious now?"

Regarding Jin Ying's words, Xiao Ling was really confused. He rescued Jin Ying in a reasonable manner. Jin Ying should thank him, but Jin Ying said that he would not marry Jin Taoqian. It really made him a little speechless, muttering in his heart, even if you really want to marry Jin Taoqian to me, I'm really not happy.

"Boy! Stop pretending! I still don't understand you?"

With her body on her back and her hands behind her back, Jin Ying said calmly, "I've seen a lot of young people like you! The methods they use to pursue my daughter can be described as varied, and I'm no longer surprised by them!"

"Moreover, I have not been cast some kind of secret technique on my soul. I am very clear-headed. You can rest assured about this. I am just imprisoned and cultivated!"

"If I'm not wrong, you can enter smoothly, it must be because you hired a strong man with a lot of money to defeat Yang Ying and Yin Gui. You must have used some means to make my daughter compromise to get this money! Afterwards, you Arrange for these strong men to join forces to defeat the formation, and then enter the cell alone to save me! In this case, you will definitely gain my favor. In the end, you put forward the condition for my daughter to marry you, and I have to agree to you! "

"Hmph! Kid, ginger is still old and hot, I see through everything!"

Speaking of this, Jin Ying turned her head and glanced at Xiao Ling who was in a sluggish state, her eyes were full of complacency, everything was under his control, the young man was still a little tender to fight with him.

"Senior Jin Ying, aren't these all your imaginations? What you said has no logical evidence at all!"

Xiao Ling regained his composure, and thought it was funny in his heart, since the three of Jin Wuxuan were guarding outside, he might as well talk to Jin Ying, so he immediately refuted Jin Ying's remarks.


Hearing Xiao Ling's words, Jin Ying was so choked that her face was a little flushed. Just like what Xiao Ling said, the thoughts he said were indeed conjectures without the slightest evidence.

"Cough cough..."

Jin Ying coughed lightly, turned around, glanced at Xiao Ling, and asked, "Xiao Ling, what is your cultivation level? Besides, why did you save me? Will you get any benefit from saving me? Will you make a condition like me?"

Hearing Jin Ying's words, Xiao Ling was a little speechless, and thought to himself: "As expected of a businessman, the first thing that comes to mind is all kinds of benefits..."

"My four-star Martial Emperor's cultivation, as for the rest of the questions, you can actually ask your precious daughter all of them after I release you from the imprisonment. In addition, I came here to save you alone, and I didn't have to hire any top experts with a lot of money! "

Xiao Ling spread his hands, frankly speaking, he didn't want to answer Jin Ying's questions at all, and even if he answered it himself, Jin Ying would not believe it for a while, so he didn't want to waste his words.

"What? You have reached the four-star Martial Emperor after cultivating in the barbarian land? When will the vitality in the barbarian land be enough to make Wuxiu break through the Martial Emperor? Besides, even if you really have the four-star Martial Emperor's cultivation base, how can you do it?" Can they defeat Yang Ying and Yin Gui? Their joint attack technique, even the eight-star Martial Emperor would not dare to neglect!"

Jin Ying had an unbelievable expression on his face, he knew Xiao Ling's strength was good, but he never expected that Xiao Ling had already reached a four-star Martial Emperor.

More importantly, Xiao Ling said that he came here alone, so Yang Ying and Yin Gui, and those trap formations, so to speak, Xiao Ling defeated Yang Ying and Yin Gui with the cultivation base of a four-star Martial Emperor. Incidentally cracked the trap formation, how is this possible?
Anyway, Jin Ying didn't believe that Xiao Ling had such ability!
Seeing Jin Ying with a suspicious expression, Xiao Ling shrugged helplessly, and said, "Senior Jin Ying, no matter how big your brain is, I'm telling the truth! As for whether it's true or not, you'll know when the time comes Yes! Now, you sit cross-legged, I will erase the confinement in your body first, and let you restore your cultivation first!"

"I'm reasoning! It's not brainstorming! I emphasize it again!"

Jin Ying pouted, but he listened to Xiao Ling's words and sat cross-legged directly, without the slightest arrogance of the Nine Star Martial Emperor powerhouse, on the contrary he was approachable.

"Then I'll start."

Xiao Ling came to Jin Ying's back and sat cross-legged, put his hands on Jin Ying's back, and said: "When I remove the imprisonment for you, you must not resist in the slightest. Of course, I know that your repair Because you are imprisoned, you can't resist, anyway, I still want to emphasize this again..."

"You kid, you said it on purpose..."

Jin Ying couldn't help becoming interested in Xiao Ling. He half believed what Xiao Ling said just now. After all, Xiao Ling did come to save him, and there was no malice in his eyes.

Xiao Ling kept silent. After pouring soul power into Jin Ying's body, he began to observe the confinement in Jin Ying's body.


Xiao Ling was certain that the confinement in Jinying's body was placed by the lord of the Heavenly Demon Sect, and there was a trace of soul imprint in the confinement. Once it was erased, the lord of the Heavenly Demon Sect would definitely notice it. .

"Fortunately, I am prepared..."

With a wave of his hand, Xiao Ling opened the sacred tablet and released a member of the Money Club.

This is the only survivor left by Xiao Ling, and at the same time, he also branded him as a blood slave, in order to replace Jin Ying in case of emergency.


After seeing Xiao Ling, this person immediately knelt down on the ground.

"This person is Jin Wuxuan's capable general! He is a traitor!"

After seeing this person, Jin Ying's eyes turned red. He really hated Jin Wuxuan, and those people under Jin Wuxuan. If it wasn't for these people, he wouldn't have fallen to this point. If Xiao Ling hadn't saved him If not, his life and death will definitely be played by those people in the future.

"Why would he call you master? Could it be that you controlled him?"

Jin Ying looked at Xiao Ling, he had already begun to believe Xiao Ling's words, if Xiao Ling could bring the people of Jinwuxuan here, then Jinwuxuan's power in the Money Club would most likely be uprooted.

"I did control him."

Xiao Ling nodded slightly, and said: "I took him out because I wanted to transfer the imprisonment in your body to him. After all, the person who casts the imprisonment in your body is a member of the Heavenly Demon Sect! If a strong person's soul brand is erased forcefully, that strong person will definitely notice it! If this happens, it will undoubtedly startle the snake and those who have taken refuge in the Heavenly Demon Sect!"

Hearing Xiao Ling's words, Jin Ying looked at Xiao Ling from doubt to admiration, and said, "Xiao Ling! I obey your arrangement. When you transfer the imprisonment in my body for me, by the way, you will tell me what happened recently. Tell me. I already believe your words!"

(End of this chapter)

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