Chapter 1788

Under the watchful eyes of countless eyes, a large black cloud appeared in the sky above Qing Qi and Zhao Futian. It was obvious that their Dan Lei had gradually formed, and it was also the critical moment of congealing the alchemy.

As the two super geniuses of Danta, Qing Qi and Zhao Futian naturally received the attention of the Lord of Danta and others.

"Pagoda Master, in your opinion, Zhao Futian and Qing Qi, who can refine the elixir first?" Chenjing Danzuo asked.

"Hard to say."

The master of the alchemy pagoda touched his chin and said: "The abilities of Zhao Futian and Qing Qi are almost similar. The pills refined by both parties are all eighth-grade top-grade pills. Moreover, during the refining process, they did not There were no mistakes, and the power of the lightning caused by the condensed pills was not much different. The difference between the two of them is that Qing Qi is younger than Zhao Futian, and Zhao Futian's cultivation level is two times higher than Qing Qi's. star……"

"So, until the end, it's really hard to judge their victory or defeat. They are the most outstanding representative disciples of Danta, and they are all new stars of Danta. Regardless of the outcome, they are all excellent!"

Hearing the words of the Lord of Pill Pagoda, Chenjing Danzuo nodded slightly, and other medicine emperors echoed, expressing their great agreement.

Only a small number of people's eyes flickered, and they didn't know what they were thinking.

call out!call out!call out!
Almost at the same time, the Dan Leis on the heads of Zhao Futian and Qing Qi also fell. These Dan Leis are not ordinary Dan Leis, they have already transformed into forms.

On the top of Qing Qi's head, sharp swords made of thunderbolts roared towards her overwhelmingly.

As for Zhao Futian's head, what emerged was a long thunder knife, which slashed at him fiercely.

The Danlei aura of both sides exuded a palpitating aura, making everyone here couldn't help but stare, wanting to see if Zhao Futian and Qing Qi could resist such a terrifying metamorphosis Danlei.

Both Qing Qi and Zhao Futian's eyes showed solemn expressions. Although they were the peak alchemists of the eighth rank, and had refined many eighth rank pills, the transformation pill thunder that fell before them was more powerful than what they had seen before. It's even more terrifying.

Immediately, without much hesitation, both sides used their means to crazily resist the transformation pill thunder.

Everyone watched Zhao Futian and Qing Qi use all kinds of methods to resist the transformation Dan Lei, and couldn't help being amazed. They secretly said that they are indeed the super geniuses of Dan Tower. This kind of ability is almost a rare existence in the Wu Continent.

An hour later, Qing Qi and Zhao Futian resisted Dan Lei almost at the same time.

"Condensation Dan!"

Zhao Futian and Qing Qi shouted together, and immediately, the pills of both sides were summoned and fell into their hands respectively.

"It was almost the same time, right?"

"It seems that if you want to distinguish the ranking, you have to look at the quality of the pill!"

Seeing this scene, everyone started talking.

"Give me your pills."

The master of the Spirit Hall moved and came to the arena.

Not only did the Hall Master of the Spirit Hall enter the field, he also brought several alchemists of the Emperor of Medicine level to appraise the quality of the pills to ensure the fairness of the competition.

After Zhao Futian and Qing Qi glanced at each other hostilely, they put away the medicine cauldron, and then handed the medicine pill to the master of the Spirit Hall.

After receiving the pills from the two of them, the master of the Spirit Hall immediately began to appraise them with other medicine emperors.

What Qing Qi refined was Tianluojie Pill, and what Zhao Futian refined was Bailian Xuanji Pill. These two kinds of elixir are both top-grade elixir, and it is very difficult to successfully refine them.

After being appraised by the Lord of the Spirit Hall and others, the result was immediately obtained.

"Qing Qi is better than Zhao Futian," said the master of the Spirit Hall.

"how can that be?"

Zhao Futian immediately stood up, with an unbelievable look on his face, and said, "Where did I lose to Qing Qi? With my ability and talent, I can't lose to Qing Qi at all, right?"

Qing Qi also showed surprise. She obviously did not expect that she would win against Zhao Futian.

"Zhao Futian, although you and Qing Qi succeeded in coagulating pills at the same time, relatively speaking, you are faster than Qing Qi."

The master of the Spirit Hall held the Tianluo Realm Danhe Bailian Xuanji Pill, and said in a leisurely manner: "So, although your pills are all refined to the highest level, but because you acted too hastily, the Bailian Xuanji Pill has no effect. There is a small flaw! Although this small flaw does not affect the efficacy of the elixir, but in the competition, this small flaw is enough to make you lose the game. Because, the Tianluo Jiedan that Qing Qi refined, in addition to the time You have slowed down a bit, everything else is no worse than you, and the elixir is also perfect!"

"The best result, if you don't act too hastily in the end, you can draw. Of course, there is no medicine for regret in this world. In this duel, you did lose to Qing Qi!"

After saying these words, the master of the Spirit Hall returned the pill to Zhao Futian and Qing Qi.

The elixir refined in the competition, the elixir refined by the pharmacist himself out of the medicinal materials, naturally belonged to the pharmacist.

After receiving the Bailian Xuanji Pill, Zhao Futian's eyes were a little lost. He saw a little flaw in the Bailian Xuanji Pill, which made him even more speechless. As a pharmacist, he knew what he had done better than anyone else.

It's just because I acted too hastily, fighting for the moment, and, it was only a second or two faster, but I lost to Qing Qi in the end.

"Haha, Zhao Futian, let me see what you are going to do in the future!"

Qing Qi put away the Tian Luo Jie Pill, glanced at Empress Zhao Futian with a smile, and went to look for You Qing without looking back.

Qing Qi was already very happy to defeat Zhao Futian.

After all, Zhao Futian was originally stronger than her, and she kept catching up to get close to Zhao Futian's level of strength.

Now in the alchemy scripture, he defeated Zhao Futian with a little advantage. Although there was some element of luck, it was enough to make Qing Qi extremely happy.

"This damn Qing Qi!"

Zhao Futian walked down the arena with his head down, his face couldn't help but twisted and hideous. His title as the first genius of Danta was no longer to be kept, and he also became Qing Qi's stepping stone. He felt like he couldn't lift his head up.

"This damned Danta should be destroyed, and I am qualified to become the new master of the Danta. And this group of people who only know how to mock me must surrender under my feet!"

Feeling the gazes of countless gazes, Zhao Futian felt that these were mocking gazes, as if mocking him, the first genius of the fallen Danta, which had completely become the past of history.

It was at this moment that Zhao Futian wanted to fully integrate into the Tianmo sect like never before, and wanted to completely subvert the entire Danta with the power of the Tianmo sect!
After thinking of this, Zhao Futian calmed down his bad emotions, raised his head, his face was already expressionless, his eyes swept over everyone present, his eyes were filled with gloomy light, and then he left the arena without looking back.

After the sparring between Qing Qi and Zhao Futian was over, everyone's eyes turned to Xiao Ling and Mo Huayu.

The elixir that the two of them were going to refine was Tianxiaguiyuan elixir. As a ninth-grade intermediate elixir, it would take a few days even for the Emperor of Medicine to refine it, so this decisive game had to be watched for several days.

Time passed bit by bit, and three days passed in a flash.

To Wu Xiu, these three days are nothing at all, and Danta is also well-served, even if he is here to watch the battle for a month, he can still enjoy the top-level service.

Terrifying thunder resounded, and everyone turned their attention to the magic flower rain, because it was the thunder that the magic flower rain was going to trigger.

"Could it be that Mohuayu is going to refine Tiantian Guiyuan Pill?"

Everyone present couldn't help being startled, and their eyes showed horror. If it really succeeded, then it means that the Heavenly Demon Sect has given birth to an extremely terrifying Medicine Emperor!
Amidst countless exclamations, Mo Huayu slowly raised her head, and a ecstasy appeared on her icy face, and immediately turned her provocative gaze to Xiao Ling who was not far away.

She didn't expect that she would succeed!

As long as she has overcome the Tiandao Pill Thunder of Tianxia Guiyuan Pill, she can refine Tianxia Guiyuan Pill!
With the strength of her eight-star peak Martial Emperor, although she is extremely weak now, as long as she finally puts out some means and goes all out, it is naturally not a problem to resist the Heavenly Dao Danlei of the ninth-grade pill.

"Young Sect Master, she is going to succeed, this is really a miracle!"

Mo Manlou couldn't help trembling slightly in his palms. He underestimated Mo Huayu's talent and ability. Even if he wanted to refine Tianxia Guiyuan Pill, he couldn't say that he was [-]% successful. As a result, Mo Huayu really It was done, this is really God's blessing to the Heavenly Demon Sect.

"Xiao Ling seems to be able to refine Tianxia Guiyuan Pill. Now we can't be too happy..."

Although Master Qing didn't know how to refine medicine, but seeing Xiao Ling's calm appearance, he couldn't help staring at him, and a sense of uneasiness swept over him quietly, because during the duel between Zhao Futian and Qing Qi, he I just understand one thing, even if Mo Huayu breaks through herself and refines Tianxia Guiyuan Pill, it still needs to go through the final appraisal of the pill.

If Xiao Ling also refined Tianxia Guiyuan Pill, once the quality surpassed that of Demon Flower Rain, then it would be meaningless for Demon Flower Rain to refine Tianxia Guiyuan Pill.

In his eyes, there are only winners and losers.

Obviously, he didn't want Mohuayu to be the loser.

As if feeling Mo Huayu's provocative gaze, Xiao Ling turned his head and smiled at Mo Huayu, but his mentality did not change much.

It was true that Xiao Ling was a little surprised that Mo Huayu could refine Tian Tian Gui Yuan Pill, but that's all.

Because, with Mohuayu's strength, it is absolutely impossible to refine Tianxia Guiyuan Pill to a perfect level.

Xiao Ling is well aware of Mo Huayu's actions. Mo Huayu wants to be the first to refine Tianxia Guiyuan Pill, not because she is in a hurry to be faster than anyone else, but because her secret technique has reached a time limit, so she can only take the lead Condensed pills.

However, the characteristic of Tianxia Guiyuan Pill is that in the process of congealing the pill, the essence of the liquid medicine is continuously refined, and only after thousands of tempers can it reach the top level.

Thinking of this, the corner of Xiao Ling's mouth curled up, because the champion of this alchemy scripture must be his. He can be sure that the quality of Tianxiaguiyuandan refined by Mohuayu is absolutely inferior!
(End of this chapter)

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