Chapter 221
"I'm leaving."

Duanmu Gu said: "I can't take you with me, because the place I'm going to is very dangerous. So, I want to entrust you to them."

Duanmugu pointed to Xiao Ling and Yaocheng, and said: "They are my saviors, I think it's a good idea for you to stay by their side."

"Duanmu Gu, it seems that you want to die a few more times."

Xiao Hei looked at Duanmu Gu with disgust, and said, "I don't care how you want to die. What's more, I can't care. After all, you are already a dead person."

"Yes. I'm already a dead man."

Duanmugu looked at Xiao Ling and Yaocheng, cupped his hands and said, "Although this Saint Fantasy Cat has a weird temper and a bit of a low mouth, he actually has a very good heart."

"Ah, Duanmu Gu, I'm going to kill you!"

Xiao Hei was furious and rushed towards Duanmu Gu.


Duanmu Gu slapped Xiao Hei back to the ground like a fly.

"I'm leaving here now. I hope you will take good care of it."

Duanmu Gu instructed: "Although it has been sealed for thousands of years, I still feel like a child in my heart. Don't be offended."

"Duanmugu, I will fight with you!"

Xiao Hei persevered and rushed towards Duanmu Gu again.

However, although Duanmu Gu died, he still had the strength of Wu Zong, so he slapped Xiao Hei to the ground.

"Senior's instructions, I have already understood."

Xiao Ling cupped his hands and said, "We will take good care of Xiao Hei."

"Who wants you to take care of, what can you take care of me?"

Xiao Hei looked Xiao Ling up and down, and said with contempt: "You are no more than a five-star martial king, you are really too weak!"

"The strength of the five-star martial king is indeed very weak."

Xiao Ling said: "Everyone is very weak at the beginning. As long as you practice hard, your cultivation will naturally become stronger."

"That's a good point."

Duanmu Gu said: "No one is born to be a peerless powerhouse. Everyone's cultivation is gradually cultivated, and no one can tell the future."

Xiao Hei stopped talking. Although he sometimes messed around, he understood that Xiao Ling's words were very reasonable, and he couldn't find any reason to refute.

No one is born strong, they all rely on acquired efforts to become strong.

"That's it, I'm relieved."

Duanmu Gu said: "Xiao Hei, take care."

After finishing speaking, Duanmu Gu's figure moved, and disappeared in this area within a few flashes.

"This bastard, leave as soon as you say, you deserve to die so early."

Xiao Hei He cursed, looked at Xiao Ling, and said, "Boy, what you said just now, Master Cat, I also think it makes sense."

"It's just that, Master Cat, I'm a difficult existence to take care of."

Xiao Hei stood up, put his hands on his hips, and said: "First of all, you have to satisfy me with rich clothes and good food. There are many other things to eat, drink and have fun, you have to prepare for me..."

Xiao Hei was eloquent, as if he was an emperor, and could give advice.

"Xiao Hei, as long as I'm not hungry, I will definitely leave a mouthful of porridge for you to eat."

Xiao Ling grabbed Xiao Hei, interrupted Xiao Hei's words, and said: "Now, we are leaving here. Let's talk about these things after we leave here."

"Bastard, Master Cat, I am very precious, let go of your dog's paw!" Seeing Xiao Ling grabbing him, Xiao Hei grinned.

"Xiao Ling, this cat demon talks a lot..."

Yaocheng glanced at Xiao Hei. He had never heard of the Saint Fantasy Cat Clan, but he was sure that the Saint Fantasy Cat Clan must be a powerful race.

"Master Cat, let's go."

Xiao Ling gave Xiao Hei a blank look, and said, "We don't have time to chat with you right now. However, I will try my best to help you fulfill your request."

After all, Xiao Ling looked at Yaocheng and said, "Yaocheng, now that we have won the weak bone flower, let's leave the mass grave and join President He Tu and the others."

"it is good."

Yaocheng nodded, and immediately, the two walked towards the outside of the mass grave.

Along the way, he naturally encountered many zombies, all of which were shot by Yaocheng to kill them.

When he came outside the mass grave, Xiao Ling saw where the three of He Tu were waiting.

"Xiao Ling, Senior Yaocheng."

Seeing the two of them coming out of the mass grave, He Tu wiped his eyes and said pleasantly, "Are you all right?"

"Of course it's fine."

Xiao Ling smiled and said: "If something happened, it would be impossible to stand here."

"That's good."

Thinking of Xiao Ling's inexplicable disappearance with the Yin soldiers, He Tu was always worried, and he didn't feel relieved until Xiao Ling appeared.

Liusha and Lu Yao who were behind him were very worried when they heard that Xiao Ling disappeared with the Yin soldiers. Now that they saw Xiao Ling, they were all relieved.

"He Tu, did you get the Ant Emperor's eggs?" Yaocheng asked.

"Got it."

He Tu took out the Ant Emperor eggs and handed them to Medicine City.

"Okay, you're doing great."

Yaocheng looked at the Ant Emperor's egg, then put it away, and said: "You are here to protect the dharma, I will get rid of Xiao Ling's colorful ink poison first."

He Tu and the others nodded.

Immediately, Yaocheng took out the Banweiguhua, asked Xiao Ling to sit down, took off his clothes, and began the final step of detoxifying the colorful ink poison.

Yaocheng carefully took out the flower core of Banweiguhua, then refined it into a liquid medicine with a cauldron, then squeezed the formula with both hands, and injected it into Xiao Ling's body.

When the medicinal solution of the flower core of Banweiguhua entered Xiao Ling's body, under the means of Yaocheng, the medicinal solution purified the seven-color ink poison.


A puff of seven-colored smoke diffused from Xiao Ling's body, Yaocheng's eyes were fixed, and with a wave of his hand, the seven-colored smoke was dispersed.


Xiao Ling finally spit out a mouthful of pitch-black blood. At this moment, all the poison in his body had been eliminated.

Xiao Ling sat cross-legged, performed the anti-blood magical skill, and began to adjust his breath.

The scars on his back healed at a speed visible to the naked eye under the effect of the reverse blood magic.

Feeling the extremely strong vitality in his body, Xiao Ling felt that his body's ability to bear it had gradually become stronger after the seven-color ink poisoning.

"Shadow Killer, if I meet you again, I will personally deal with you." Xiao Ling thought to himself.

These days, Xiao Ling has been running against time and almost died several times.

If it wasn't for Yaocheng also coming to the lawless zone, he might really not be able to find a way to detoxify.

"You heal quickly."

Seeing that Xiao Ling recovered from his injuries, Yaocheng said: "Next, I will leave here and return to the Alchemist Guild in Huangsha City to study how to refine the Heavenly Bone White Meat Pill."

"I will stay here for a few more days before returning to Huangsha City."

Xiao Ling pondered for a moment, then said: "Also, Senior Yaocheng, I want to trouble you with something."

Yaocheng said: "Whatever, just say it."

"In an inn in Huangsha City, there are two people waiting for me to go back. One is a one-armed man and the other is a little girl."

Xiao Ling said: "Senior has arrived in Huangsha City, please send a message for me, saying that I will go back later."

"no big deal."

Yaocheng nodded, looked at He Tu, and said, "He Tu, thanks to you for taking care of Xiao Ling along the way. Now, let's go back. With Xiao Ling's strength, there is no problem here."

"All according to senior's orders." He Tu cupped his hands and said.

Lu Yao said: "Brother Xiao and I will stay here and return to Huangsha City after we go to the Bone Dao Palace."

Everyone chatted and made their own plans.

Medicine City, He Tu and Quicksand returned to Huangsha City.

As for Xiao Ling and Lu Yao, they will go to the Bone Dao Palace, planning to practice again.

"Master Xiao Ling, you have to take care."

Liusha looked deeply at Xiao Ling, and then left here following Yaocheng and He Tu.

"Brother Xiao, this girl seems to be interested in you." Lu Yao teased.

"Don't talk nonsense."

Xiao Ling gave Lu Yao a blank look, and said, "It's not too late, you lead the way, we're going to the Bone Dao Palace now."

"You bastard, you're going to the Bone Dao Palace, that's a good place."

Seeing that Xiao Ling was going to the Bone Dao Palace, Xiao Hei's eyes lit up immediately, and said: "You know, the Bone Dao Palace is a treasure house. Only those who hold the Bone Token can enter. Both of you have the Bone Token?"

"That's natural."

Lu Yao looked at Xiao Hei, then at Xiao Ling, and said, "Brother Xiao, when did you accept a pet cat. This cat pet is as thin as dry wood, very ugly."

"You are the pet, and your whole family is a pet."

Xiao Hei cursed, then his eyes glowed, and he cast an illusion, attacking Lu Yao directly.

Naturally, Lu Yao didn't know that Xiao Hei had such tricks, so he was caught immediately, his eyes were dull, and the corners of his mouth were drooling.

"Xiao Hei, don't go too far."

Xiao Ling frowned, and said: "Lu Yao is my friend, not an outsider, quickly take back the illusion."

Xiao Hei roared: "Call me Master Cat! Call me Master Cat and I'll accept it!"

Xiao Ling blushed, and said: "Master Cat, I know that your measurement is like the vast sky, so you don't care about such small things."

"That's what it sounds like."

Xiao Hei withdrew the illusion, with a smug look on his face.


Lu Yao regained his composure, then looked at Xiao Hei, screamed, and took a few steps back, with fear in his eyes.

He fell under Xiao Hei's illusion, although the time was very short, but in this short period of time, he encountered extremely terrifying things during the illusion.

"Boy, it's extremely irrational to dare to provoke me, Master Cat."

Xiao Hei said: "If this bastard hadn't pleaded for you, I might have used illusion to kill you."

Hearing this, Lu Yao remained silent and said, "Brother Xiao, he is too scary..."

Xiao Ling just smiled and said: "Xiao Hei is not bad at heart, just don't provoke him in the future."

"Call me Master Cat!" Xiao Hei roared.

Immediately, the three of them walked towards the Bone Dao Palace.

"Bone Bone Dao Palace, only Bone Commanders can enter."

Xiao Hei said: "In the Bone Dao Palace, there are many profound weapons. However, after that great war, there are no good profound weapons in the Bone Dao Palace."

"It's just that your cultivation is low, even if the profound weapon inside is very tattered. But to you, it is still the best profound weapon."

"Both of you have a bone order, so you can bring out a kind of profound weapon from the Bone Dao Palace. As for what kind of profound weapon it is, it depends on your luck."

(End of this chapter)

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