Martial arts Lingyun

Chapter 589 Demon Blood Sky

Chapter 589 Demon Blood Sky

"Blood Curse Demon Scar Festival?"

Looking at the sudden scene, all the martial arts present were slightly shocked, and their eyes were horrified as they watched the countless blood curses and magic marks, which completely sealed the burial ground.

Many martial artists wanted to leave here, but found themselves trapped here. Even if they used any attack method, they could not break the seal here, and could not get out at all.

"What's going on, my body seems to be melting?"

A weak Wuxiu was horrified to find that his flesh and blood began to blur, falling to the ground bit by bit like wax from a burning candle.

After a while, the martial artist let out a shrill scream, and his whole body melted into a pool of blood, merging into the earth.

Such a horrifying scene happened to many Wuxiu, and the continuous screams resounded, weaving the symphony of hell.

"What kind of weird method is this?"

The crowd couldn't help being terrified, and immediately flew in mid-air, urging their vitality to wrap themselves. They found that as long as they came into contact with the blood curse, Wu Xiu would turn into a puddle of blood.

"Sacrificial means!"

Xiao Ling's pupils shrank sharply. In Ling Danzi's experience, he mentioned the sacrificial method, and the current blood curse and magic scar sacrifice seems to be a kind of sacrificial method.

Sacrifice methods are generally used to worship some kind of powerful existence.

Now that Heisha is performing the Bleeding Curse, is it possible that there is some kind of powerful existence in the Boneyard?

"Xiao Ling, you know what to do."

Heisha smiled coldly, and said, "The Blood Curse Demon Scar Sacrifice is a resurrection sacrifice method of the Heavenly Demon Sect! To tell you the truth, everyone in Boneyard is a sacrifice!"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked. They actually fell into a trap and became sacrifices for the resurrection of a strong man.

"Master Hei, shouldn't we be sacrifices?" Lonely Qing couldn't help but said loudly.

There was a trace of fear in Lonely Qing's eyes, and he felt his flesh and blood melting, and he couldn't stop it. He seemed to realize that he had been ruthlessly abandoned by Heisha.

"Miss Lonely, you are not stupid."

Now that the Blood Curse Demon Scar Sacrifice has been perfectly activated, Heisha does not intend to continue to hide it, and said with a smile: "When you are dripping blood essence, you are already sacrifices!"

"Heisha, you bastard! You lied to us!" Lonely Qing exclaimed and cursed.

Lone Qing was smart all her life, but she didn't expect that she would become a victim of other people's conspiracy!

Not only Lonely Qing, but those who followed Lonely Qing also showed panic and began to curse. They found that their flesh and blood were melting, and it was estimated that it would not be long before they would turn into a pool of blood.

"You should feel honored! As sacrifices, I offer you to the supreme Emperor Wudi, Master Moxuetian!" Heisha laughed fiercely, bent his back slightly, and said, "Respected Lord Moxuetian, Your people have come to revive you. Wake up! Master Demon Blood Sky!"

As soon as Heisha's voice fell, the forest of tombstones began to shake, and a large number of tombstones began to collapse.

"Jie jie jie, this emperor has waited for thousands of years, and the moment of resurrection is finally coming!"

A ghost-like shrill voice resounded in this area, as if very excited.

"That's the voice!"

Mei Jingyue's pupils shrank, and she said, "The voice I heard in the Boneyard was the voice of this man!"

"Demon Blood Heaven? The Emperor Wu is a strong man?"

Xiao Ling's pupils shrank, and Heisha used the blood curse to revive a strong Emperor Wu. He probably belonged to the Heavenly Demon Sect. Pass on the news of birth, and deceive everyone to come as sacrifices.

Hearing the words, the other Wuzong powerhouses had incomparably solemn expressions in their eyes. They were all plotted by Heisha!


Cracks appeared on the death tombstone, spreading like a spider web, and finally, under the gaze of countless eyes, it was fragmented and turned into a pile of stone chips.

This is not over yet, a bright red skeleton arm protrudes directly from the pile of stone debris, which is shocking and makes the scalps of everyone present go numb.

After a while, a bright red skeleton crawled out from the pile of stone debris, exuding a suffocating breath from all over its body, causing all the martial arts present to feel panic and despair in their eyes.

From this bright red skull, they seemed to feel a wave of a peerless powerhouse, and that wave seemed to be possessed only by the Emperor Wu!

"This emperor, Demon Blood Heaven, fought with the Tomb Emperor for ten days and ten nights thousands of years ago, smashing the Zhengtu Domain to pieces. In the end, just when this Emperor was about to win, the Tomb Emperor risked his life and turned into a death tombstone Suppress this emperor here!"

Mo Xuetian murmured to himself, and said: "To this day, thousands of years have passed, and this emperor will finally see the light of day again! I really can't die! Damn the tomb emperor! I will be resurrected soon, even if you die. Expected it! The final winner, after all, is me!"

Speaking of this, the bright red skull of Demon Blood Sky trembled violently, as if very excited, but also very angry.

During thousands of years of bleak times, Moxuetian was suppressed here by Mudi, and his state of mind has become distorted.

"Lord Moxuetian, the younger one is Heisha, the head of the Heavenly Demon Sect. In the name of Master Qing, come to revive Lord Moxuetian."

Heisha half-kneeled on the ground, with a respectful tone, and said: "The martial arts I have attracted here are all sacrifices to my lord. My lord can swallow the flesh and blood of these people to restore their strength."

"Heisha, you did a good job."

Moxuetian's skull glanced at Heisha, nodded slightly, and said, "You have done a great job in resurrecting this emperor, and when the time comes, this emperor will not treat you badly!"

"Thank you, my lord!" Heisha said hastily with a happy expression on his face.

Moxuetian was the former strongman of the Emperor Wu of the Tianmo Sect. If he fully recovered his strength, Heisha's life would be easier in the future.

As long as Demon Blood Heaven supports Heisha, his status in Heaven Demon Sect will also increase.

"Although the strength of these sacrifices is not strong, there are a lot of them. If I swallow all their flesh and blood, I guess this emperor can only recover to the peak strength of Wuzong..." Demon Xuetian looked at all the martial artists present, indifferently Said.

Mo Xuetian's tone was not turbulent. As a strong Martial Emperor, his gaze was extremely high. Even if he was a skeleton now, he still regarded all the martial arts here as insignificant ants.

"Demon Blood Heaven..."

Listening to the conversation between Heisha and Moxuetian, all the people present felt their scalps go numb and their hairs shuddered.

Now, everyone finally understands that a strong Emperor Wu was buried in the Burial Ground!
Heisha performed the Blood Curse Demon Scar Sacrifice to revive Demon Xuetian, and then swallowed all their flesh and blood!
In other words, they will face the engulfment of the Demon Blood Heaven next!Being targeted by such a strong man really makes everyone desperate!

Moxuetian is the strongest of Emperor Wu, even if they have been dead for a long time, they can't resist!

"Ants, give your flesh and blood to this emperor."

Mo Xuetian's tone was indifferent, and he slowly raised his hand, blood curses and magic scars wrapped around his body, he controlled the blood curse magic scar sacrifice, and started a massacre.

(End of this chapter)

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