Violent president, don't mess around!

Chapter 78 Blood Types Are Different

Chapter 78 Blood Types Are Different

He opened his eyes and saw that the person in front of him was not the person in his dream, and then closed his eyes again, completely ignoring the people around him.

Mu Jinyan couldn't bear the look of him dying, so he lifted his leg up on the bed and kicked his leg vigorously, "Your good sister committed suicide, she is in the hospital for rescue!"

He seemed to be a little gloating, shrugged his shoulders very happily, "I guess God can't get used to a woman like her, maybe this time I really want to take her in!"

Mu Junyao finally opened his eyes, and there was no wave in his eyes, "Block the news of her leaving, keep looking, and let the people in the dark night look for it!"

He only wanted to find Ji Chuxiao, as for Ye Su Nian that Mu Jinyan was talking about, it didn't occupy any place in his heart at all.

"Why did you treat her like that?" Mu Jinyan asked suddenly.

Mu Junyao remained silent, and only after a while did he speak slowly, "Just because I didn't hurt her, doesn't mean others won't. I thought that would be the best way to protect her..."

Mu Jinyan's eyes widened, he didn't expect that he would use such an extreme method to protect someone, his throat felt dry and he couldn't speak.

Tang Yuling stood alone outside, her whole body suddenly aged a lot, staring fixedly at the light of the operating room.

Her only son has been divorced, and she can no longer let her daughter leave her.

"Madam, someone has already sent someone to notify the young master, but the young master doesn't seem to be planning to come over."

Tang Yuling nodded, shedding tears, "It's fine if you don't come, so as not to cause more trouble."

The operating room was suddenly opened, and the nurse came out in a hurry, "Ma'am, Miss is bleeding heavily, and the blood needs to be adjusted now."

"Then go quickly!"

The nurse clapped her hands in embarrassment, "Miss Ye is a rare blood type. There is not enough stock of this kind of blood in the hospital. I'm afraid it won't last until the end."

Tang Yuling's eyes darkened and she almost fell down. Fortunately, the people around her supported her.

"Draw my blood, mine, it's my own daughter lying in it."

The nurse immediately took her for a blood test, "Ma'am, even if you have the same blood type as Miss Ye, you alone may not be enough!"

"Then what?!"

"I don't know if there is a way to call other family members."

Tang Yuling's face turned pale, thinking of that cruel son, tears kept streaming, "You should do a blood test first, the Mu family has always stored blood in your hospital."

The blood tester was a little embarrassed, "The stored blood can only be used with the signature of the blood donor, let alone the Duke's blood, we are not qualified to test the Duke's blood!"

Tang Yuling frantically threw the bag in her hand, "Are you blind?! The Duke is my son! Am I not qualified to test his blood?"

The people around looked at each other and apologized in embarrassment, "Madam, aren't you embarrassing us?"

"Go right away!"

The dean rushed over after hearing the news, seeing that the situation was about to lose control, and he didn't want to offend the lady, so he had no choice but to bite the bullet and open the blood bank.

Mu Junyao's blood was drawn out and tested immediately, but the results that came out quickly surprised the doctor who did the blood test.

"Ma'am, I'm sorry, the Duke's blood type does not match Miss Ye's blood type."

"What did you say?"

Tang Yuling was slightly startled, but the doctor beside her began to explain, "Madam, this situation is very common, even brothers and sisters of compatriots may not have the same blood type."

Tang Yuling breathed a sigh of relief, but noticed that the little nurse who did the blood test had a weird look on her face. She lowered her face slightly, "What is the Duke's blood type?"

The little nurse turned pale, "This..."

(End of this chapter)

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