From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 475 The fog is heavy

Chapter 475 The fog is heavy
The mother and daughter cried with grief in their hearts, and not long after, the younger brother of the Crown Princess, Qiu Yutang, came back.As soon as he entered the door, before he had time to salute, he blurted out in a panic: "Mother, sister, it's not good, it's not good, the prince's brother-in-law came over drunk. I asked him to come in and he wouldn't come in, and I wouldn't let him in. I have to ask my sister to go to the gate now."

The alcohol smell all over his body almost made him vomit, and he didn't know how much alcohol he had drunk and passed out at the gate.

The Crown Princess Qiu Yuwei was already furious. When she heard this, it was as if the dry wood had been ignited. She stood up and shouted angrily: "What is he doing here? Who asked him to come? Let him go, let him go!" Let's go, I won't see him."

How dare he beat her and want to divorce her? He is an ungrateful bastard, a heartless scum.It was in vain that she liked him, loved him, helped him wholeheartedly, planned for him, worked hard for him, fought for this and that for him, but in the end he treated himself like this, it was too much, too much.

Since Qiu Yutang left the house early in the morning and didn't know about the beating of the princess, he was stunned when he saw her roaring angrily and crying.Frightened and dazed, he was a little panicked while looking at Mrs. Qiu.

The princess's sister is several years older than him, and she is the calmest among the brothers and sisters in the family.Since she was a child, she has a good temper, gentle and virtuous, virtuous and virtuous, and she has almost never seen her get angry at anyone, and she has never seen her lose her temper.At this moment, it is really surprising and unbelievable to roar loudly and cry bitterly.

Mrs. Qiu felt sorry for her daughter, she stepped forward and hugged her into her arms and said: "What stupid things are you talking about, he is the prince, he is your husband, he is your God, how can you not see him?" Well, brother Yan, brother Yan, please go and invite him in. At this time, the neighbors are all at home, how do you talk at the door, if there is a trouble, it will be our own family that will be ashamed in the end. "

Seeing that it was ten o'clock in the evening, it was almost time for everyone to go home.There are a few censors living nearby. If they are seen, the higher officials may decide how to participate in the performance tomorrow.

Confused, Mrs. Qiu became more and more anxious as she thought about it, and immediately said: "Yutang, Yutang, you go too, you go and invite your fifth uncle to come over. In the past, the crown prince liked to talk to him the most, so let him hurry over to persuade him some."

The prince is not confused on weekdays, what happened today, it is so absurd, could it be that he went back to the mansion and drank again?

One head and two big, Mrs. Qiu's heart was almost broken by Qiu Yuwei's crying.She regretted it, regretted that she didn't listen to the old lady's advice and let her daughter marry into Mei's family and Prince Liang's mansion.If she went to the Mei family and became the eldest concubine, the Mei family's family style would definitely not do anything to women.What's more, the men of the Mei family don't know how to take concubines, the population is simple, and there is no nasty dispute between wives and concubines.

One wrong step, one wrong step, and it is useless to regret it now.Mrs. Qiu hugged her daughter tightly with tears in her eyes, and cried together with her.

After listening to the crying all afternoon, Qiu Muyan couldn't persuade him no matter what, but one of them was his mother and the other was his sister, and there was nothing he could do, and he didn't know what to say.Feeling powerless, he turned his head away, and heard the crown prince cursing before he reached the gate.

"Qiu Yuwei, Qiu Yuwei, come out for me, come out. You plotted against me, framed me, and couldn't give birth to a son. You still don't let others give birth to me. Why are you so worried? You want me to have no offspring? What in the world? There will be a vicious woman like you, a jealous woman, do you know that you have violated the seven rules, don’t think that I will not dare to do anything to you after hiding in your mother’s house. Let me tell you, if you don’t let me get out now, in the future Don't even think about coming back, if you have the ability, you will hide in your mother's house for the rest of your life. I will tell you that I want to divorce my wife, and I will divorce you, I will divorce you."

With a hiccup, the prince was choked, and after hiccupping, he lay down on the ground and fell asleep.

The two attendants who came with him were terrified, especially Qiu Muyan, who saw him coming out, supported him one by one and said: "Prince, you are drunk, stop talking, I will send you back first. "

After finishing speaking, the two moved Qiu Muyan to the car before he could speak.

Qiu Muyan's face turned black when he saw the people around the gate. He wanted to stop the prince to ask, but thinking that he was drunk and couldn't explain clearly to a drunk, he simply let them leave quickly.

When the troublemaker left, there was no excitement to watch, and the crowd of onlookers dispersed spontaneously.However, the matter was not over yet, the news spread like wildfire, one spread to ten, ten to hundreds, and soon spread throughout the entire capital and into the imperial palace.

The emperor knew that he was very angry in the future, so he sent Xiao Qichen to the East Palace overnight.Unable to wake up after splashing water, Xiao Qichen threw the prince directly into the cold pool.

I don't know how much wine the crown prince drank, and what kind of wine he drank. It took him a cup of tea in the freezing cold water to wake up completely.

Suffering from drunkenness, he has no impression of what he has done, or even knows nothing about it. It feels like a dream, very unreal.Especially when he went to the gate of Qiu's house to make a fuss, he didn't have any impression when he thought about it carefully. He felt that what Xiao Qichen was talking about was not himself at all, but another person.

Xiao Qichen just followed orders and ignored everything else, so he left after His Royal Highness was fully awake.After entering the palace to report, the emperor was furious, but he couldn't help but feel a little puzzled. You must know that although the son of the crown prince is not motivated, he has not done anything particularly extraordinary.The most important thing was that he was afraid of Qiu Zhuji, no matter how angry he was, he would not dare to go to the door of Qiu's house to make a fuss, and even yelled loudly that he wanted to divorce his wife.

This matter is strange, and there are many doubts. In order to balance the situation between the court and China, the emperor just reprimanded and grounded him, and did not punish him severely.The censors of the imperial court frequently turned up, and the emperor not only stayed in the middle school, but also secretly investigated the events of that day, but these are all for later.

At the end of the Shen Dynasty, Mei Xin returned home safely and smoothly under the escort of Jingzhao Yamen and Kou Zhenhai.He was supposed to be invited to the mansion for a cup of hot tea or to stay for dinner, but Kou Zhenhai said before she could speak: "My mother is still waiting for me to come home for dinner, so I'm leaving first."

Mei Xin was taken aback by the indifferent tone, she looked at him a little at a loss.A little surprised, a little surprised, after all, he used to be so passionate.

Looking at Mei Xin's astonished eyes, Kou Zhenhai's heart was shocked, he wanted to explain, he wanted to say something, but he didn't know where to start.

Turning around, turning his head and getting on his horse, he beat the horse and left without saying a word.

Watching him gradually go away, his heart suddenly felt as if a needle had been pricked, and his heart was full of mixed feelings.She thought they could be brothers and friends forever, but it turned out that her thinking was too simple.

(End of this chapter)

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