Chapter 517 Mei Yuzheng

The mind has never changed, Mei Zhannan closed his eyes after a soft "um", and then ordered: "The Mei family has guarded Liangzhou for generations, and all the men of the Mei family died at the hands of the Tartars. Killed countless Tartars, the Mei family and the Tartars are inseparable, they will never die, the Tartars will never make peace. Dayong, immediately send an order back to Liangzhou to speed up the construction of fortifications, and there will be a tough battle next year."

The outside of Xiang must be settled first. Although he wanted to rebel, he could not ignore the hundreds of thousands of people in Liangzhou.What's more, Liangzhou is the root of the Mei family, if it is attacked by the Tartars, it will be sorry for the ancestors.Therefore, he had to make full preparations in case the Tartars took the opportunity to attack the city during the civil strife, attacking the enemy from both sides.

Perhaps in order to guard against and contain the Mei family, the emperors of all dynasties did not let Liangzhou take the initiative to go to war, but just blindly defended and waited until the Tartars rushed over before counterattacking.Therefore, Wei Dayong was very happy, and blurted out in disbelief: "General, do you want to take the initiative?"

Only being a thief for a thousand days is not the reason for guarding against a thief for a thousand days, and this thief is so arrogant that the soldiers of the Mei family army are full of breath, and want to attack them more than once in one fell swoop. dare to come.

Mei Zhannan didn't answer. He closed his eyes tightly and ordered: "All nineteen cities in Liangzhou are under martial law, and all the details and nails that have been investigated before will be pulled out. In addition, an order was sent to General Huo to cut off all traffic to the Tartars. On the road of grain and grass, no more grain is allowed to flow out of Liangzhou City since the beginning of his operation. He ordered the Seventh Division of the Dark Guard to pay close attention to the movement of the city and the Tartars, and arrest anyone who came into contact with the Tartars immediately. The emperor is currently watching no one The silver-haired military pay, once caught, will be uprooted, and the family property will be copied directly to the military pay."

He has known about the long history of selling food, not only him, but also his grandparents.It's not that I don't care about it or that I can't control it, but that it snows heavily every year in Liangzhou. If some food is not leaked out, the tartars will come to snatch it even more frantically.Therefore, they keep turning a blind eye and closing one eye, and just control the amount of outflow every year.

If he wanted to rebel, he had to deal with the Tartars first, not to mention destroying them in one fell swoop, at least they would be severely injured, and they would not dare to attack within three to five years.Therefore, he had to create opportunities for himself to send troops, and he had to use the hands of the emperor and the money from the treasury to fight the battle.

Most of the Tartars live by grazing and do not know how to farm. They are short of food every year, especially after the snowstorm.If a grain of grain is not leaked out in three to five months, then they will definitely come to grab it.And as long as they come to rob him, he can send troops. As long as he sends troops, he will have a way to beat them up, and he will have a way to prevaricate the emperor.

Of course, the emperor is not a fool, and he can only fool around for a while, but as long as he fights for a while, he can turn around and go straight to the capital.

The army has not been paid for three months. Wei Dayong thinks this idea is very good, but he also reminded with a little worry: "General, the emperor is staring at you, staring at the nineteenth city of Liangzhou. Will you make any noise if you do this?" Will it be too big?"

Not all the spies in the nineteenth city of Liangzhou were sent by the Tartars, but also by the emperor and various forces.Isn't it an open confrontation with the emperor to uproot the family and exterminate the family?

As the leader of an army, Mei Zhannan is not just brave, nor is he completely straightforward as people say, and if he had no strategy, he would have been killed by the emperor long ago, and he would still be alive today .What Dazhi Ruoyu kindly said was that he was the kind of person who didn't have any plans but disdained to be with villains, and didn't want to get involved in court battles. He only wanted to protect the people of Liangzhou.

Having thought of this a long time ago, Mei Zhannan said: "Hasn't the Major General already paved the road, and he used my serious injury as an excuse to find out the traitors and wipe out the nineteenth city of Liangzhou. The same is true in the army, tell Changshan and Baihu Don't shrink back, it's time to move."

Both Mei Changshan and Mei Baihu are generals of the third rank, they are both the sons of the Mei family, and the loyalists of the Mei family.Therefore, panic will inevitably be caused in the Qing army, and he can rest assured that there are two of them in the army.

As soon as Wei Dayong heard it, he knew that this time he was going for real, and he was really about to turn around. With a happy smile, he stood up and saluted happily, saying: "Yes, the last general will pass the order."

This matter is so important that the emperor's eyes and ears must be bypassed, so the dark guard had to go to Liangzhou with a token.

With limited energy and unhealed injuries, he was a little tired after talking for nearly half an hour.Thinking nonstop, he suddenly thought of his little sister, not knowing where she was right now, he opened his eyes and asked very tiredly, "Is there still no news about Yuzheng?"

The ranking of the Mei family is different from that of other families, men and women are ranked separately.Therefore, although Mei Yuzheng is the youngest among them, she is still the second girl in the family.

Speaking of Wei Dayong, I have a headache. After four or five years of searching, there is no progress at all. I only know that Mei Yuzheng eloped with the family manager. As for where he went, there is no news. I searched all around the capital and Liangzhou. Well, they also went to the hometown of the manager four or five times, but they didn't have any news.It was as if she had evaporated from the world, without a trace.

Gently shaking his head, Wei Dayong said truthfully: "Perhaps it was because the second girl changed her name when she was cold-hearted. She knew that the general and her brother and sister would look for her, so she hid on purpose. I don’t know how many guards have sent out. They have traveled all over the country, but there is no news. General, don’t worry, the second girl has also learned boxing kung fu. Ordinary guards can’t do anything to her, she can protect well my own."

I wanted to say that although the second girl is not as powerful as the eldest girl Mei Linlang, she is not bad after all, and she can survive wherever she wants to go.

Mei Zhannan didn't know, but as an older brother, he was just worried.Back then, her mother took advantage of his absence and secretly engaged her to marry her natal cousin's son, who was eight years older than Mei Yuzheng.She is not willing, she has someone she likes in her heart, and she wants to marry him.Therefore, forced to have nowhere to go, she followed the man she liked.As soon as he disappeared without a trace, he was almost worried to death, and he had dreamed of her all these years.

I feel uncomfortable, and in my dreams, I always dream that she is suffering, lonely and being bullied, Mei Zhannan said: "The elder brother is like a father, it is all my fault, and it is because I did not take good care of her that she left with nowhere to go." Home. Send people to continue searching, and find her no matter what, if she's doing well, that's all, if she's doing badly, I, the eldest brother, can't just sit idly by. "

The son never speaks of his mother's faults, even if he clearly knows that what happened back then was the mother's fault, he can't say anything as a son.Besides, it's been so long, it doesn't matter who is right and who is wrong, the important thing is to find her and reunite the family.

(End of this chapter)

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