Chapter 532
It was night, everything was silent and white, and the snow had not stopped for a whole day.Not only did it not stop for a moment, but it was getting bigger and bigger, and the snow was falling like a goose feather, and it was so beautiful.

King Ping waited anxiously in the Liucheng Courtyard on the east side of the Huangzhuang, seeing the servant who came with him lying on the arhat couch, drinking and eating meat, feeling happy, an evil fire rose in his heart inexplicably.

If he hadn't lost his body and lost a batch of goods, and lost tens of thousands of taels of silver and killed a group of people, how could he have led wolves into the house to seek skins from tigers.The savage and unrepentant Tartar is ambitious and humble, so what qualifications do he have to negotiate terms with him, and what qualifications are there to sit on an equal footing with him.

Sluts, beasts, a group of bastards who deserve to be killed, deserved to be hacked into pieces.Eating his food, drinking his wine, lying on his couch, spending his money, nibbling on his food, and even trying to order him, he deserves death.

"Can you stop eating, and you won't be afraid of being stuffed if you eat so much. When will they come? What time is it? Are they still coming?" The midnight is approaching, and the whole Huangzhuang is silent. People went to inquire quietly, Mei Xin and his imperial brothers were all asleep, Zongzheng Mingzhen's courtyard was quiet and there was no candlelight.

In order to wipe them all out in one fell swoop, he ordered the kitchen staff to prepare hot soup and buns for the guards to eat.They are all filled with sweat medicine, and as long as they have a bowl of hot soup, they will not wake up until dawn.

Without the protection of the imperial guards, and his imperial brothers did not bring anyone with them when they came, their kung fu skills alone would not be enough.Let alone resisting or opening the door to let them run, they can't run away, let alone where they can run in the vast snow.

The servant who followed him into Huangzhuang was originally white-faced and without a beard, and was not tall, just like the eunuchs in the palace.But right now, the servant lying on the Arhat's couch has completely changed. Not only is he a full head taller, but his figure has also changed.The originally strong and chubby person is now very slender, completely different from the previous two people who are completely different.

He picked up a bunch of grapes with a raised eyebrow and began to bite, biting more than a dozen in a row and eating them. The man spit the skins on the ground provocatively and glared at him fiercely, saying: "You dare to be hungry How timid, if I don’t hold back, can I sit here? You don’t even look at this place, it’s full of guards outside.”

He opened his mouth and bit five grapes in a row. He swallowed the fruit together and said: "What time, what time can it be? Didn't you say that it's half past midnight? Why are you in a hurry? Besides, it's not even midnight yet. Wait a minute." Come on, you can't run away."

It's really long-winded, how many times have I asked in one night, and he is tired of answering when he is not tired.

He grabbed a peach and continued to eat it, like a starved ghost reincarnated. Then he muttered wow wow wow while eating the peach: "The emperor is not in a hurry to kill the eunuch. This is absolutely true, dead eunuch .”

He has no patience at all, and he can't hold back his anger at all. I really don't know what he can do.Even the princes and lords can't even deal with a few bandits, so there's no such thing as a waste.

Already anxious and nervous, already full of anger because of being deposed, King Ping couldn't help it when he heard the word eunuch, and roared with teeth and claws: "What did you say, tell me again."

Yun Gong raised his breath and charged straight away, took the knife on the plate and stabbed him fiercely in the neck.

The person who pretended to be a servant didn't know what his identity was in Tartar. Seeing that King Ping was stabbing him with a knife, he was not in a hurry, he raised his hand to block his attack with a cold smile and taunted: "You are the only one who dares to follow me these two times. Do it, don't overestimate yourself."

The big hand grabbed it and shook it vigorously, and King Ping flew out with a bang.

With a bang, it hit the flower shelf under the window, and the flower pot on it shattered to the ground in an instant, hitting him and making him groan in pain.

The injuries he suffered in Yixiantian hadn't healed in the first place, and the five Tibetans and the six residences seemed to have shifted in an instant.The pain penetrated into the bone marrow and the throat was fishy and sweet, King Ping swallowed the blood abruptly and said: "You dare to hit me, but you dare to hit me, I will kill you."

Raising his hand and throwing the knife in his hand, King Ping called out his hidden guards.

Seeing five or six black shadows flashing in front of his eyes, the man changed his face, and while catching the knife, he said gloomyly: "Drink too much wine and miss it, don't mind, Prince Ping. We are allies, and we fell on the same road." A grasshopper on a rope can’t start a fight before the fight outside. In fact, it doesn’t matter if you kill me, but collaborating with the enemy and treason is a serious crime. What does the emperor think?"

With a cold smile without sincerity, Nurhei spat out the peach nut in his mouth and then went to get the pear.Tayan lives by grazing, and it is difficult to eat peaches, pears, or grapes that are as sweet as honey.Especially in winter, when there is heavy snowfall, not a single blade of grass will grow, not to mention fruits, or food.Therefore, he eats more until he is full.

The sound of ping-pong-pong woke up Qiu Yutang who was sleeping next door, and he quickly got up from the bed after hearing the sound.He hurriedly put on his clothes, went to the door, knocked on the door and said, "My lord, what's the matter with you, what happened?"

King Ping didn't say a word, his eyes were as big as a bull cannibalistically staring at him with anger and blackness, his eyes were full of anger and monstrous hatred, he wished he could bite him to pieces and eat him alive.

Grinning reassuringly, Nurhei showed him a demonstration by biting a juicy and sweet pear.

Familiar with the law, King Ping knew what treason was like without thinking about it, and what his father would do to him if he knew it.So, even though he gritted his teeth and scratched his lungs with hatred, he still didn't dare to do anything.

Standing up while leaning against the wall, he patted the dirt on his body and said, "It's okay, it's just a stray cat bumped into a flower stand. Why aren't you sleeping? It's too cold to sleep?"

Waving his hand to signal the hidden guard not to act rashly, he stared at Fu Erhei.

Qiu Yutang accepted the bed, Huangzhuang was remote and the kang was very hard, he was indeed not used to sleeping alone, and it was difficult for him to fall asleep.However, he was about to fall asleep just now, otherwise he would run faster: "It's not too cold, it's just that I'm not used to it, it's okay, just get used to it. It's late at night, and I have to get up early tomorrow morning, my lord Get some rest early. After a long day of driving today, I’m tired from walking and I’ll go back to bed first.”

As the prince's brother-in-law, he didn't believe that a wild cat had entered King Ping's room, nor did he believe that the wild cat hit the flower shelf in the big commotion just now.Therefore, he said to go, but put his ear gently on the door.

 The pasting is wrong, it has been revised, sleep!
(End of this chapter)

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