From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 535 Burning Huangzhuang

Chapter 535 Burning Huangzhuang
When the enemy invaded, Mei Xin, as the leader of an army, had never hidden behind.Therefore, at this moment, she is not in the courtyard where she is temporarily living, but is standing on the tallest tree in the Huangzhuang, looking down from the heights to look for Nurhei and other figures she may be familiar with on the battlefield.

The vast expanse of white land reflected the night as bright as day, even though all the visitors were wearing black clothes and black scarves covering their heads, she could still see them very clearly.

People are not only different in length and appearance, but also in stature and walking posture, and as long as you observe carefully, you will find that even the size of the head is also different.So, she narrowed her eyes and observed carefully, and after about a cup of tea she finally saw a familiar figure among the men in black.

"Major General, it's Nur Hei!" Dou Kou, who was standing beside her, also noticed it, but she didn't observe his behavior like Mei Xin, but saw it from the saber in his hand.

She has been practicing martial arts since she was a child, and she is very, very familiar with this kind of knife. In addition, she has fought against Nurhei on the battlefield, so she recognized the knife in his hand at a glance.

Nodding to show that she saw it, Mei Xin picked up the god arm bow that was placed aside, and pulled three arrows at once. She said to Dou Kou: "This opportunity is not lost, strong crossbowmen are ready, kill them all!"

She hated the cruel and almost cold-blooded Tartars, and she was completely disappointed with the Cheng family.Therefore, none of her people participated in protecting the princes, but were all pulled out by her to kill the enemy.

Xue Yufeng Tao is destined to see blood tonight, and someone is destined to die, and as for who will die, it depends on each person's ability.

Tartars and princes are thorns in her eyes, and in the end, no matter who dies, it will be beneficial to her.As for Zongzheng Mingzhen, it depends on his own ability. If he has the ability, he will survive. If he has no ability, he will be the soul of others.But she will avenge him, and one day she will kill all the Tartars.

Cardamom listened to the order and immediately turned down, Mei Xin felt the wind was too strong and closed her eyes.She was also waiting while estimating the wind speed, waiting for the best time to strike.

Cardamom kept silent, not daring to be disturbed, and watched the movement around vigilantly, while Bai Zhi wrapped the cloak tightly around her body and hugged one of the tree trunks tightly.Originally, Mei Xin left a few people to protect her and let her stay in the carriage, but she was afraid, she couldn't even imagine what would happen if she fell into the hands of the Tartars.So, even though she could barely stand in the cold, wind and snow, she still climbed the tree together with Mei Xin.

Although she has never been on a battlefield, and she doesn't know what a battlefield is like, but when she stood on a tree and saw the man in black suddenly rushing into Huangzhuang killing people like chopping tofu, she was stunned, trembling and shrinking her head back in fear. into the cloak.

The cold wind was blowing, and the dripping water turned into ice. Bai Zhi was so cold that she wanted to hide in the tree hole, but Mei Xin's personal guard, Wang Geng, and others lay motionless in the snow.It's not that they can't feel the cold, nor are they not afraid of the cold, but that they are used to it.

Liangzhou’s bitterly cold, goose-feather-like snow basically starts to fall in October, and if there is no food for the winter, the Tartars will still come to snatch it at this time.Therefore, they often fight in the snow and train uninterruptedly when the weather is cold, and they have long been used to it.

"Brother, there is a situation. The stepmother's Tartars came up from behind and headed towards the courtyard where the major general lived. They really came after us." Zhou Shan spoke in a low voice, but faintly revealed Can't hide the excitement.After careful preparation all afternoon, it finally arrived, and it was enough for them to drink a pot today.

Don't look at Wang Geng as a rough man on weekdays, but he is careful when fighting.Guessing that it was about the same time, he turned his head and said to his companions: "You guys stay here first, and I will go down to meet them. I don't care who is running out, just light the fire."

The major general was worried about the safety of the great general, so he didn't want to stay here for a moment, and he didn't want to care about the lives of these people.If she wanted to go back, they could only take the opportunity to set fire to Huangzhuang, so that they would have an excuse to go home.

The others nodded in agreement, and then Wang Geng and Zhou Shan got off the roof together.I quietly touched it back, only to hear screams already sounding inside.

One after another, Zhou Shan happily whispered: "Brother, it's done."

Wang Geng acted prudently and cautiously. After observing carefully for a while, he touched the small kitchen, and then lit the firewood poured with kerosene in advance. After a while, the whole yard was ablaze with the help of the cold wind.

Not far away, people had already entered the courtyard where Zongzheng Mingzhen lived. The sound of fighting was extremely fierce, and with a shout, more Tartars were attracted.

The imperial guards were killed and injured countless times. Prince Yong hugged the eighth prince tightly and said: "The flames next door will burn to the sky soon. We can't stay here anymore. We must go out immediately. Fourth and fifth, you hold the sixth and follow closely." gone."

After finishing speaking, he turned his head to look at Jiang Zhehan, and said again: "Mr. Jiang, you are the best martial artist here, and I need to trouble you to lead someone to lead."

Now is not the time for grievances, he must return to Beijing safely.

Jiang Zhehan came from a noble family but was very kind, so he didn't shirk it.He found a rope to tie the Ninth Prince to his body, then covered him with a cloak and said, "Your Highnesses are in the middle, the front, back, left, and right guards, except for the imperial guards, are also guarded. Lord Zongzheng is ready." Carriage and horses, and we can ride as long as we exit through the back door."

Two fists are no match for four hands, four legs are always faster than two legs, and as long as these princes get on the carriage, he can make a move.

Prince Yong understood, and immediately pointed to the queen.

After a while, a group of people were ready to go out, but when they opened the door, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.More than half of the nearly one hundred imperial guards were killed or injured, and corpses were lying all over the ground in the yard.

"Finally came out, how long did I think you guys could hide. Come, come, I'll count for you." Hei raised his finger and counted the heads, guessing how many princes were there, and another of Hei's subordinates was furious. General Mayetuo said: "Hey, they are all here. This is good, so you don't have to look for them one by one. Warriors, let's start."

The long spear swept across the head, and Jiang Zhehan swung his sword to kill him.Prince Yong came back to his senses and immediately shouted: "Quick, go, go to the back door."

The long guns swept Mayetto and laughed, and while fighting with Jiang Zhehan, he sneered: "Go, where are you going, none of you want to run today, you all have to stay, hahaha...hahaha..."

"Don't talk nonsense with him, let's go." The panic in his heart didn't dare to linger for a moment, the fourth prince grabbed the hand of the sixth prince, pointed at a guard and said: "You squat down and carry the fifth prince on your back, go, go quickly. "

The flames spread to the sky, and if they didn't leave, they would be burned to death if they were not killed by the Tartars.

(End of this chapter)

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