From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 541 Full of resentment

Chapter 541 Full of resentment
Since Concubine Hui is pregnant, the emperor forbids her to go out of the palace to go to Prince Ping's mansion, and the queen does not allow her to look at Prince Ping's body, for fear that she will be too excited and accidentally injure the child, so she can only hold the clothes that Prince Ping wore when he was a child. Howling.

She fought in this palace all her life, endured all her life, fought all her life, and suffered all kinds of humiliation.It was not easy for her son to grow up, leave the palace and build a mansion. She had something to look forward to, but his son was suddenly deposed and became a eunuch.

She was ridiculed, run on, and talked about.She endured it, she admitted it, she thought that as long as her son was alive and well, it would be enough, but who would have heard bad news early this morning.

They said he was dead, and the body had been found, so it was definitely her son.She didn't believe it, she couldn't believe it until now, her son was fine yesterday, and he came to the palace to pay her respects yesterday, how could he be gone after just one night.

Her son's being deposed as a eunuch already made her life worse than death, and now the sudden news of the bad news made her feel so sad that she couldn't bear to live.She hates, she is annoyed, she resents, she wants to kill someone, she wants to rush into the Hall of Mental Cultivation and ask the emperor if he is old and confused.

In order to be disgusting, Mei Xin sent the princes to Huangzhuang for no reason, why did she send him there when she knew her son was still injured.The prince was grounded but he escaped a catastrophe, but her son died, her son died.

"Ping'er, Ping'er, my emperor, why are you so heartless and left behind mother and concubine? Who killed you, who killed you? You tell mother concubine, you don't tell mother concubine, mother concubine How can I avenge you. My son, my son..." The emperor said it was a tartar, but she didn't believe it.Because she knew clearly that her son had already made a covenant with the Tartars in order to win the throne, and now anyone could kill him except the Tartars.

The hysterical crying sounded like a scream, and the scalp of the palace maid Yinliu who was kneeling beside her was numb. Afraid that something would happen to her, she immediately knelt forward and supported her arm and said, "Mother, I'm sorry, don't do this, you In this way, the prince will be sad when he finds out."

Concubine Hui felt that King Ping was filial, but she didn't.On the contrary, she felt that Prince Ping was very scheming and stingy, always wanting to exchange the smallest things for the greatest benefits.Especially for his mother concubine Huifei, she always wants to use her words to achieve her own goals, and she will do everything she can.

Concubine Hui grabbed her arm with her backhand and sat up straight, gnashing her teeth and said, "It's Mei Xin, it must be Mei Xin, she must have killed my son. I want revenge, and I want to do it for Ping'er." For revenge, I want to kill her, and I want her to be buried with Ping'er."

The princes were killed one after another, either dead or injured, including Zongzheng Mingzhen who was also seriously injured.Only Mei Xin, she was the only one who escaped unscathed, even she sent someone to inquire about it, and more than half of the imperial guards were killed or injured, but none of her personal guards died.

Not only did he not die, but he just suffered some flesh injuries, and it will be fine after a few days of care.Therefore, it must be her, she must have taken advantage of the chaos to kill her son.

Not daring to speak nonsense without evidence, Yinliu looked back at the door and immediately retracted her gaze and said, "How does your empress know, it's the prince..."

Before she finished speaking, she was yelled at and saw Concubine Hui furious: "I knew it, I just knew it. Go, send a letter to my family, and send a letter to my family immediately now. I want revenge, I want revenge."

Tears poured down like a fountain and her whole body trembled, she was about to die of anger and pain.Concubine Xian Gui has two sons, one is missing and the other is missing.As for her, she is only this one son, how will she live in the future, how will she live, how will she gain a foothold in this palace?

What else is she fighting for, what is she fighting for, so what if she wins the fight to the death, she has no son, she makes wedding dresses for others, and in the future she still has to live on the face of others.

No, she doesn't want, she doesn't want, she doesn't want to continue living like this for the rest of her life.She can't be a queen, she wants to be a queen mother, she wants to be the most noble woman in the world, and for the rest of her life, everyone in the world wants to live by her face.

Yinliu felt that she was too impulsive and not calm now, so she patted her on the back lightly and said in a low voice, "Your Majesty calm down, Your Majesty calms down, Your Majesty always says that the more calm you are at this time. Your Majesty, Mei Xin is the daughter of the Prince of Liang with great military exploits. Not only was she named the eldest princess by the emperor, but she also has a golden whip from the imperial court. The most important thing is that there are so many masters around her. Even if the Tartars did not hurt her at all, you If you act rashly, I'm afraid you will startle the snake. Madam, the prince has already left, you have to make plans for the princess and the little prince in your belly."

As the court lady by her side, although her wealth and life have long been tied to her, and she will be prosperous and hurt, but she doesn't want to die, and she doesn't want to risk her life when she is about to get out of the palace.Therefore, she had to persuade her, persuade her to calm down, and persuade her to think twice before acting.

Dazzled by resentment and grief, Concubine Hui couldn't take it anymore after hearing these words.Like adding fuel to the fire, she said sharply: "Daughter of Prince Liang, daughter of Prince Liang, daughter of Prince Liang and my son are honorable? Princess Zhenguo, the biggest joke in the world, what is she, what is she?" Shit princess. She is a lowly maid, she is a lowly bastard. Kill her, kill her, I will kill her, I will kill her now, ah... ah..."

She couldn't help howling in hysteria, she was going crazy with all the grief.She can't wait, she can't wait for a moment, she wants her life, she wants her to die.

The painful scream alarmed Zhou Li, the eunuch who was guarding outside. As the number one eunuch beside Concubine Hui, he was very loyal.He rushed in hurriedly, seeing Concubine Hui crying on the ground without any trace of her former dignity, he knelt down with a plop and said, "Master, your condolences, your condolences."

King Ping is the child he watched grow up, and he loves him from the bottom of his heart.Suddenly losing him is also sad, and he is also sad, but no matter how sad and sad, life still has to go on.

Concubine Hui cried bitterly, but Yinliu hurriedly said to him: "Your Majesty said that Mei Xin killed the prince, so I will send a letter home to kill her now, you should quickly persuade her."

Zhou Li trembled when he heard the shock, and signaled Yinliu to close the door. He said earnestly and urgently: "Your Majesty, calm down, this is absolutely unacceptable. Let's not say that this matter has not been investigated clearly, but we will do it." You have to think carefully before, you must hit the target, you must not act rashly to scare the snake, let alone put the adults in danger. Madam, I know your heartache, you are sad, but there is no rush for revenge. Think about it You still have a family behind you, you can't put the whole family's life in it just for a moment's pleasure. Madam, you must listen to the servant, it is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years, let's plan slowly in Japan."

 Don’t think about adding more, breaking more, etc. The data of this book is extremely poor, and the editor told me to finish it as early as 70 words.I don't want to give up, and I don't want to finish it in a hurry, so I keep writing slowly.I am taking care of my baby 24 hours now, thinking that taking care of my baby is my main business, code writing is a side job, and if the side job doesn’t make money, I can’t make money writing.Therefore, it’s good if we can insist on finishing the writing, don’t try to blow up anything more.

(End of this chapter)

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