Chapter 545 Unfair
The always calm emperor lost his composure to such an extent that he even ignored the face between husband and wife, which shows how scared he is, and judging from his reaction, the wedding date must not be changed.For a month, he regarded it as buying vegetables and doing business. If he wanted to buy others, he had to sell them.

It's really simple, but it's a pity that he really doesn't know his younger brother Zongzheng Mingzhen too well.He doesn't look like a kind person, he is full of aura, and he is very strong, domineering, and willful in his heart, and he is a donkey, so talk to him about anything, as long as it makes sense and is persuaded, he is willing.On the contrary, the more you make a one-shot deal, the more he will disagree, and not only disagree, but also oppose it.So, this is very tricky.

Fei Cui was shocked, instinctively thinking that the emperor was drunk, otherwise how could he talk drunk and nonsense in broad daylight.Let alone a big wedding in a month, even the etiquette before the big wedding can't be finished.Besides, where are people going to find a bride for a while now? Master Hou has such high eyesight, who can he look up to in the capital.

Thinking carefully that he has never heard that he likes that girl, for a while, Fei Cui felt as if she had knocked over fifteen buckets in her heart.Silently poured a cup of tea for the empress, she said worriedly: "The first servant asked Deshun quietly outside, saying that the emperor lost his temper in the Hall of Mental Cultivation. Regarding the matter of suppressing the bandits, why did you rush here to talk about Lord Hou's marriage for no reason, and you are still in such a hurry?"

It was like a verbal order that the empress was restricted to complete the matter within one month, and Zongzheng Mingzhen got married one month later.

Zongzheng Mingzhen is twenty-four, and will be 25 after the new year. Bai Yulan has always been very, very anxious about the marriage, and so is the empress.But the emperor has never been in a hurry, not only has he never been in a hurry, sometimes the empress is in a hurry, and when she gets annoyed, he will still persuade her by the side, saying that a man has ambitions everywhere, and if he gets married later, he will marry later.It's not that the family is poor and can't get rid of the pot, and it's not that the person is not good-looking, and I'm afraid that I won't be able to find a wife.

After taking a sip of hot tea, the queen returned to normal, and replied with a flat face: "There is no wind, no waves, he is scared. Speaking of which, Mei Xin really has means. Calculate how long she has only been back to Beijing. Mingzhen will be there for her at the moment of life and death." She blocked the sword. This is really desperate, and I don't want my mother."

Hearing all of a sudden, he was frightened and frightened, but now he calmed down and couldn't help being a little angry.Her father left early, and she and her mother brought him up single-handedly.He is unmarried and has no heirs. He is the only bloodline of the Zongzhenghoufu, so he would block Mei Xin's sword without hesitation. He is really crazy.

Fortunately, it was just a serious injury and not killed on the spot, otherwise how would she and her mother survive.After Zongzheng's family died, how would she and her mother have the face to meet her father when they went underground, and how would they explain to him.It's too much, when he recovers, he will definitely be called into the palace to give him a good scolding.

Knowing that the two siblings have a deep relationship, Fei Cui also feels that Zongzheng Mingzhen has been reckless this time, which is also a bit chilling.However, I don't admit my fault, some things are not convenient for her to say.

Seeing that the empress seemed to be really angry, she smiled lightly and comforted her in a low voice: "Princess Zhen Guo was born beautiful and full of heroism, which seems to be enough for the concubine Rong back then. The Marquis would like her as a human being." It's normal, besides, don't both of them have children. Your Majesty also knows that our Lord Hou is an upright man, and has always been the most responsible. In a hurry, it is right to help the children. Besides, Zichen also said that at that time it was really It's dangerous, Master Hou can't just sit and watch the princess of Zhen Guo die."

Father and son Lianxin, even if they were not born, they are his own flesh and blood, besides, Mei Xin is not a voluptuous woman, so to say she is unfair.

Thinking of Mei Xin's confidant Zongzheng Wanyin's heart softened, she sighed deeply and said, "Why don't I know this, it's just that I'm a little angry that he doesn't cherish himself. I really don't feel at ease when my mother is alone at home, so hurry up Take your things and go out of the palace. According to the emperor's intention, Mingzhen is currently in Prince Liang's mansion, and his mother is probably there, so please persuade her for me, don't worry too much, and let her take care of herself. "

Even if the mother takes good care of her, she has to be said to be old, gradually getting older and her body is getting worse every year.

Fei Cui understands to salute and leaves, and after a while, Lu Shui comes to report that the Seventh Prince has woken up.The queen rushed over in a hurry, only to see her seven-year-old son crying out of breath with tears on his face.

I don't know what happened, the queen's heart tightened, and after hearing the report from the youngest son that her son had a nightmare, she reached out and hugged him with distressed eyes, and said, "Don't be afraid, you have returned to the palace safely, those assassins are all dead." Dead, they will never appear again."

The emperor was furious, and the Tartars who were arrested heard that they had been tortured, and if it was not useful to keep them, they would have been killed by now.

The seventh prince, Cheng Ruilin, was young and had never seen a dead person, let alone blood, before he went to Huangzhuang.Therefore, I was afraid from the bottom of my heart: "Queen mother, what about uncle, will uncle die?"

Seeing Zongzheng Mingzhen close his eyes, seeing a sword stuck in his body, and seeing him unconscious, he was extremely worried and frightened.

His mother once said that his uncle was his reliance, the person he could trust the most in this world, and he didn't want his uncle to die, let alone his uncle's mistakes.

Zongzheng Wanyin didn't know about the imperial physician yet, but she couldn't tell her son that.Letting go of her arms holding him wiped away the tears on his face, she replied firmly and affirmatively: "Didn't uncle tell you that he is a cat? Cats have nine lives. He will be fine." Yes. However, after going through this incident, my mother thinks that you should practice martial arts well, and even if uncle is not by your side, you will be able to protect yourself."

The sudden departure of the eighth prince made her feel scared. Although the country is peaceful and the people are safe now, who can guarantee the future.As the saying goes, relying on the mountains to fall, relying on the sea and the sea to do things, it is better to be the master than to entrust your life to others.Besides, practicing martial arts can also strengthen the body, so she should be more ruthless in this regard.

The seventh prince was deeply touched, and nodded without hesitation like a little adult and said: "Don't worry, my queen, my son will never dare to be lazy in the future, and I will definitely practice martial arts with my uncle and the others. My queen, don't take my sister back, just Let my younger sister stay at Mei's house and practice martial arts with Princess Zhen Guo. The queen mother doesn't know, but the people around Princess Zhen Guo are very powerful, one against ten, much stronger than the imperial guards."

He didn't know why his mother liked Concubine Rong before, but now he understands.

(End of this chapter)

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