Chapter 571
Mrs. Wu also wanted to be patient, but she couldn't help it.The daughter's life is hanging by a thread and she can't cry. Isn't this killing her?

Nodding and agreeing to cover her mouth, Mrs. Wu stared at Wu Ziyuan with tears in her eyes, and then Mei Xin stepped aside to allow the doctor to administer the needle.

After all, he is an old doctor with experience, medical skills and real skills, but after a few needles and pushes on the abdomen, Wu Ziyuan started to move.She spit water out with her head slightly raised, and in the blink of an eye she began to cough violently.

Madam Wu was terrified, rushed over and hugged her head and exclaimed, "Yuan'er, Yuan'er, what's wrong with you, don't scare mother."

Before he finished spitting out the water, the old doctor was afraid that she would choke again, so he pushed her away despite Madam Wu still crying and said, "Don't touch her, don't talk to her, you will kill her like this."

After saying keep quiet, she still ran over. Could it be that she can't understand human words?
For a moment, Mrs. Wu was pushed to the ground and fell into the mud, and immediately said angrily: "What are you doing, why are you pushing me?"

Mei Xin was convinced, and she winked at Wu Ziyuan's servant to signal her to hurry over and hold her, to persuade her not to bother the doctor to save others.

The little maid was very clever, and when she understood, she hurried forward to help Mrs. Wu and said, "Madam, it's important to save Miss. If you have anything to say, let's talk about it after Miss wakes up."

It's not too late to settle accounts after Autumn, there is no need to argue with the doctor at this time, and Wu Ziyuan is still waiting for his help.

Although Mrs. Wu was unwilling, she still felt sorry for her daughter. She was afraid that she would really die, so she gave the old doctor a hard look and stood up.Helped by the little maid to sit on the chair again, the old doctor continued to treat her.

Soon, Wu Ziyuan vomited up the water she drank in the lake, and soon after finishing the acupuncture, she woke up leisurely.His body was freezing cold and there was no heat at all. After the old doctor put away the silver needle and closed the medicine box, he saluted Mei Xin and Mrs. Wu: "All the water in the abdomen has been vomited out. This girl is no longer in danger of life. To prevent blood Please get someone to help her rub her body as soon as possible when she suffers from bruises. Especially the soles of the feet and palms must be warmed before entering the hot water. The hot bath should not be too long, with a stick of incense as the limit. It may cause fever at night. You must not leave people around you."

The conflict of cold and heat is very troublesome, so don't worry at all.Therefore, rubbing the body must be fast and light, and it will be troublesome if the hands are heavy.

Seeing that Wu Ziyuan's frozen teeth were chattering, Mei Xin asked, "Can I use wine for rubbing my body?"

Wine is something that warms the body, and she must bring a pot with her when she fights in autumn and winter, not for appetite but for warming up.

Frowning slightly and thinking about it carefully, the old doctor said very cautiously: "If it is a man, it can be used, but for a woman, she may not be able to do it. But I should drink a few sips of wine and go down slowly, but not too much, too much will hurt the stomach."

Mei Xin understood, after sending the old doctor out, Mrs. Wu and the maid began to take off the wet clothes on Wu Ziyuan's body.

Afraid of hurting her, no one touched her clothes after she was fished out of the lake, so the wet quilt quickly wet the ground.Mei Xin signaled Luo Qiu to spread the hurried quilt on the bed, and then put her unworn clean clothes beside the bed, and then said: "I'll go and see Mr. Jiang, you can do whatever you want, tell them directly if you need anything." that is."

After finishing speaking, she left.

Luo Qiu didn't leave, but she didn't stay to help.Although she is a woman, she doesn't like to look at other people's bodies. She brought in buckets of hot water and put them in the bathtub, and she stood at the door.

After a cup of tea, Dr. Han came bravely against the cold wind. He complained when he saw Luo Qiu before entering the door: "Why did you ask me to come over after inviting the doctor? I'm busy."

Aying is Mei Wanzhi's youngest daughter, her name is Mei Xueying, the name was chosen by Mei Xin, and it was Mei Wanzhi who begged her to take the name.

Seeing that he was very impatient, Luo Qiu originally wanted to scold him, but when she heard that Mei Xueying was ill, she became nervous, and blurted out: "What's going on, didn't you feel fine this morning, why did you suddenly become ill?" ? Did the nanny vomit badly after eating something cold or seeing the wind?"

Poor Mei Wanzhi is even more pitiful to her two children, plus she is affectionate and likes children, so she loves little Aying very much.

Little Aying looks like her mother, beautiful and cute, plus she is quiet and easy-going on weekdays, not only Luoqiu likes Dr. Han but also Dr. Han.Thinking of her crying and spitting up several times in the afternoon, he replied a little irritably: "It's not bad, can I be so anxious, who fell into the water, and has it been cured? It's okay, I'm leaving, I have to catch up Let’s go back and change the general’s medicine.”

Since he entered Prince Liang's Mansion, he has not been idle for a day, either one is sick or the other is injured, he is busy every day like a spinning top, and he can never be idle for a moment.Originally, he was not needed for such a trivial matter as changing the dressing, but General Mei Zhannan was seriously injured, and the wound would bleed if he was not careful, so he had to be very careful when changing the dressing.

After finishing speaking, she turned her head and went down the steps to go back. Seeing his short-tempered temper, Luo Qiu ran up to grab his arm and said, "Why are you so anxious, I haven't finished my sentence yet."

What the hell, all the doctors she met were slow-tempered, but he was in a hurry every day, as if he was the busiest in the whole world.

Stopping and looking back at her, Dr. Han looked at her hands and said solemnly: "Would it be proper for a man and a woman to kiss you and talk about it? Let go, I will marry a wife and have a big fat boy in the future."

He doesn't want to hear other people's gossip about the difference between men and women. Besides, he wants to marry a gentle and virtuous woman, not a tigress like Luo Qiu.

Luo Qiu annoyed him the most, a big man with too many rules, like a woman with bound feet, snorted depressed and shook off his arm, she dismissed him and said, "Only you Donkey temper can still marry a daughter-in-law, go ahead and dream. It’s a good idea to give birth to a big fat boy. The people inside are awake but haven’t finished taking a hot bath. You wait a while. You are here. Always show it to other girls, otherwise the major general will not be easy to deal with anywhere."

On the way here, he heard that it was a man and a woman who fell into the water, so he didn't bother to wait here and said: "There is one more, I've read it long ago, there are a lot of things going on in the house, and I haven't received my medicine yet. "

Maybe it's because his family members are all in Liangzhou, they are all in Mei Xin's hands, or maybe it's because of the doctor's parents' love, he has unconsciously regarded the Liang Palace as his home, and he treats everyone very sincerely.

As long as he talked to him, he wanted to quarrel and get angry. Luo Qiu said impatiently: "I know your medicine baby, didn't you arrange someone to look after it for you? What's the hurry? Third Young Master Jiang is in the next room. You go and have a look first."

(End of this chapter)

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