Chapter 573

Taking a meaningful look at Mei Jingchu, she turned and went in. Soon, Mrs. Zeng also returned with the maids and women.Although all the guests in the mansion have left, there are still a lot of things to do. Things need to be cleaned up. All the gifts received today must be counted and put into storage, and recorded in a book. In the future, they will return the gifts to others. I am busy. , Not enough manpower.

After a while, with everyone leaving the gate, only Mei Jingchu, her maid, and Mr. Kou who was kneeling on the ground and did not get up remained.

She wanted to help him but was very scared, and she was afraid of being gossiping when she was in the boudoir, so she was very entangled and struggling, and the handkerchief in her hand was almost torn.

She didn't dare to go forward, but she was really worried about him in her heart. She looked around but didn't leave. In the end, her maid said: "Miss, it's windy here, let's go in quickly. The Fourth Madam said that she will teach you how to sort out the list, so let her wait." I'm afraid it's not good."

Considering that she is about to reach Jiji and seeing other people, Mei Xin asks Zeng and Lin to teach her how to run the house.Since she has just started and hasn't learned anything, Mrs. Zeng wants to teach her well while holding a banquet in the mansion today.

A daughter of the Mei family must be a good lady when she gets married, and it is the most basic thing to have a housekeeper.Therefore, you have to teach her well so that she will not be bullied and fooled when she arrives at her husband's house in the future.

Being a junior naturally has no reason to make the elders wait, and Zeng himself is doing it for her own good, but for some reason she just doesn't want to leave.Turning her head and glanced at the servant girl, she immediately looked back, and seeing Mr. Kou standing up, she mustered up her courage, hesitated and hesitated to speak, and asked, "You...are you okay?"

Although the door was paved with bluestone slabs, it was extremely tight, and his long and thin knees must have hurt when he knelt down.

The sound is small, and the distance is not close, and ordinary people will definitely not be able to hear it.However, he has practiced martial arts since he was a child and his ears are still good, so he immediately saluted and thanked him: "Thank you for your concern, Miss, it's okay!"

Recognizing that she was the girl who eavesdropped on them by the lake, Mr. Kou smiled.

He is good-looking, and he is also very good-looking when he smiles. For a while, Mei Jingchu was fascinated by his smiling face.Like the vernal equinox, a hundred flowers are blooming, and she even vaguely smelled the fragrance of flowers.His heart beat faster, his face was inexplicably red, but he was very nervous for some reason, a heart almost popping out of his throat.

Blushing and embarrassed to look at him again, Mei Jingchu lowered her head and stared at her toes and said, "You, don't worry, my eldest sister is very kind, she keeps her word, she won't blame your little aunt Yes, I won't blame you either."

Seeing her bewildered and blushing almost bleeding, Mr. Kou also looked away.Looking back at Guo Lixin waving at him, he said: "Remember, thank you, farewell!"

He bowed again and left, walking fast, as if someone was chasing him.

Thinking that he fled in despair and was very displeased with her avoidance like a snake and scorpion, and was even unwilling to speak, Mei Jingchu was stunned.The inferiority complex that was suppressed in her heart flooded her instantly, but after a while she turned pale and cried.

Two lines of tears flowed down the maidservant's face, she didn't know what happened to her, she asked very anxiously: "Miss, what's wrong with you, why are you crying so well?"

Taking out the clean handkerchief that she carried with her and handing it to her, she became even more anxious.

Hearing the sound, Mei Jingchu shook her head lightly, she didn't want to say more and didn't know what to say, she took the handkerchief and wiped away her tears, forced a smile and said: "The wind is so blinding, let's go in quickly Bar."

Stepping up the steps and walking towards the mansion, my heart feels like a knife is piercing, and my heart is in a mess.He is the bright moon in the sky, and she is worthless on the ground. How could he be willing to take care of himself.It turned out that he couldn't hit eight poles one day at a time, and his words of thanks were just polite.

Although she has been serving her for a short time, but she understands her, it is obvious that she is telling lies, the little girl Dantong is in a hurry.He blurted out: "Miss, don't be like this. If you feel uncomfortable, tell your slaves, tell the fourth lady, and if you can't do it, go tell the eldest princess. The eldest princess..."

"Don't tell anyone, don't tell anyone." Mei Jingchu, who didn't know where the guts came from, yelled angrily, but compared to others getting angry, she was so gentle, she sounded soft-spoken without any momentum .

Seeing her angry for the first time, Dan Tong was stunned, knowing that this was not a small matter, she said nonchalantly: "If you don't say it, don't say it. Don't get angry and don't get angry. The servant has always been strict. You can tell the servant, and the servant promises not to say anything." go out."

In view of her different growth experience from others, Mei Xin called her over and told her that Mei Jingchu was a particularly sensitive person, so she must be careful and take good care of her.Don't hide anything, you must report it to her immediately, otherwise she won't have to live if something happens.

Seeing that Mei Jingchu's mood was very unstable, and tears filled her eyes almost instantly, Dan Tong held her arm and said in a low voice: "Miss, don't think too much, the Eldest Princess decides for you. And the third young master, No matter what happens, they won't ignore you. Just put your heart in your stomach, whether it's marriage or other things, the eldest princess will definitely take care of you to the end. "

Although Mei Xin has never said this to her, it can be seen from her attitude towards Mei Wanzhi and her two children.There is also the third young master, Mei Guangjian, who have been protecting him since childhood, even if they are married, they will not ignore her.

Thinking of Mei Xin's concern for her and her elder brother's protection for her, Mei Jingchu felt better, and said with a slight smile: "I know, it's really nothing, I will tell you if there is something to do. The fourth aunt must have started Clear the list, let's hurry over."

The eldest sister has already had a hard time being pregnant, and she is in charge of a lot of things at home. I can't cause her trouble, let alone make her worry.Since ancient times, marriage has been ordered by her parents and the words of the matchmaker. It is never up to her to decide who she will marry or not. Let fate let nature take its course.

Thinking this way in her heart, she would not be able to pass her own level, and then thinking of Mr. Kou's appearance just now, she helped Mrs. Zeng sort out the gift list and made a booklet before returning home and then fell ill.

The illness came like a mountain, and for some reason, many blisters formed in his mouth, and his entire lip was rotten.It looked like he was on fire, but in fact he was in a hurry, so he had a fever in the middle of the night.

The burn was in a mess, and people started to talk nonsense in a daze, crying and laughing for a while, and yelling hysterically like crazy, scaring Dantong out of his wits, and the two timid maids hid outside even without the door. Dare to enter.

However, these are all things for later, Prince Liang's mansion was also in chaos because of her severe illness, and Dr. Han was busy running around.

(End of this chapter)

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