Chapter 576

The big knife slanted in front of her, Wang Geng sat on the horseback and looked down at her condescendingly, his beard trembled wildly, and he said with a frosty face: "Stay back, and if you dare to go forward, be careful that the sword has no eyes."

A shameless woman who doesn't obey women's morals, before the general and the major general went to settle accounts with her, she came to her door first.It's really audacious to deceive others too much, and it doesn't take their subordinates too seriously.

Shangguan Xinrou was taken aback by the sharp weapon, and Wang Geng's face with beard and tiger eyes was very scary and fierce, so she shrank back subconsciously.But she has something to do, she wants to see Mei Xin, she must not leave before seeing her.

Clenching her hands into fists, her heart was uneasy, she collected herself and took a breather, she took a step forward and said: "Don't you dare, you dare to hurt me a hair. I am Mei Xin, the eldest princess of Zhenguo. My biological mother, I want to see her, who dares to stop me."

Yizheng spoke sonorously and forcefully, her face was neither red nor out of breath, and Mei Xin laughed as she sat in the carriage, I really don't know where her face came from.Hong Xing abandoned her husband and son and swept away all the money in the family. Before she was born, she wanted to kill her.Mother, there is no other mother in the world who is as cruel, vicious or even vicious as her.

Even though tiger poison does not eat children, she is undoubtedly worse than animals. She still has the face to dare to say that she is her own mother. She is really shameless and shameless.

"Xin'er, don't be angry, maybe she has some tricks, you must not be fooled, and you must not be as knowledgeable as her." Seeing that Mei Xin was as cold as ice and her eyes were as murderous as a sword, Lin was in a hurry. Killing one's mother is a serious crime and a great filial piety. , No matter what the reason is, someone will poke her spine, and she will go to hell if she dies. She can't let her do this.

A word awakened the dreamer, and Mei Xin suppressed her anger and opened a corner of the curtain of the carriage to look out.The night was quiet and silent, except for the noise of Shangguan Xinrou.

Although it was late now, and everyone basically turned off the lights and went to sleep, there were people patrolling the city day and night.Moreover, because she has been assassinated frequently recently and additional patrols have been sent, the Gyeonggi Guards have almost come out with all their strength. Logically speaking, it is impossible to be so quiet.

The cold wind blowing suddenly made people feel shocked, Mei Xin lowered the curtain and tapped on the carriage, and whispered: "Tell the second master that no one is allowed to get out of the carriage, and no matter what happens and hears any sounds, be honest Now, you are not allowed to look, and you are not allowed to poke your head out. Yunluo, you and Luoqiu each took two pairs of people to quietly go up to the roof, and find out the person hiding in the dark. If you can survive, stay, stay. If not, kill them directly."

A grasshopper on a rope, Shangguan Xinrou must be inseparable from King Huai of Chu, but she doesn't know what she wants and what her purpose is.

Yunluo and Luoqiu took the order and went away, and Doukou quietly sat on the shaft of the chariot.Lifting up the curtain of the carriage again, she found that it was not far from the Shangguan Mansion. Mei Xin ordered calmly, "Yunying, after a cup of tea, tie her up and gag her, and beat the gong to clear the way to the Shangguan Mansion. Hand her over to Shangguan Zhe, be careful if someone secretly shoots a cold arrow, let the archer prepare, and don't let her die."

Speaking of which, Shangguan Xinrou is not a smart person, otherwise she would not let King Huai of Chu manipulate her.Now that he has fled the capital and rushed to the fiefdom, but she still provokes herself for him, isn't she asking for her own death?

Yunying understood and asked in a low voice: "Should I send someone to inform Jingji Wei or Jingzhao Yamen?"

It's easy for an outsider to explain clearly what happened, otherwise Shangguan Xinrou had something wrong or died, and Mei Xin couldn't explain it even if her mouth was all over her body.

"No, this is not a remote alley. No one appeared when she yelled so loudly. Either someone silenced her, or someone opened the door for convenience. It's useless to look for it. Sounding the gong to clear the way will alarm the people around. Find two Let's beat the gong." There are too many people who want to see the Mei family's jokes, and those young masters in Gyeonggi Wei have their own ideas.Therefore, Mei Xin clearly knows that it is impossible to count on others, and everything depends on herself. "

While speaking, Shangguan Xinrou cursed louder, and became more and more ugly, even Wang Geng and his ancestors greeted him.Seeing that the time was almost up, Yunying greeted Wei Dayong and asked him to stay beside Mei Xin's carriage, and then he personally led someone to tie up Shangguan Xinrou, and stuffed her tightly with a handkerchief. Q.

The whining sound scared her out of her wits, she kept struggling and looked up to the roof.I thought to myself, didn't I agree that I would take the lead and they followed down? Why is there no one here? Could it be that they left themselves and ran away?
She was terrified and panicked, and while trembling all over, she screamed again.It's a pity that no one paid attention to her, let alone looked at her more, and turned a deaf ear to her struggle.

Binding hands and feet and throwing them directly onto the horse's back, Yunying got on the horse and said, "Bring the gong to clear the way and continue walking."

After speaking, he pulled out the saber he carried with him, and he and Wang Geng rode forward one after the other.

It was too late and then it was too fast, just as the horse's hoof took two steps, a sharp sound broke through the air and came straight to Yunying's face.

Knowing that it was a hidden weapon, Yunying didn't dodge. On the contrary, he raised his foot and kicked Shangguan Xinrou who was lying on the horse's back.

The arrow came with a gust of wind, and Wang Geng picked up Shangguan Xinrou with a light swing of the back of the knife.The long knife rose and she landed firmly on his horse's back, and then the archer's arrow shot out.

Two puffs of arrows pierced the flesh, and the two assassins on Yunying's side who had just escaped the hidden weapons and hid on the roof involuntarily rolled down and died.

Zeng's group who heard the movement in the carriage were terrified, especially her two children were shivering in her arms.

"Mom, I'm scared. I want daddy. Where is daddy? I want to go home with daddy. I'm afraid." The sound of the gong almost didn't scare her to death. Mei Qingke was about to cry while talking.

Zeng was also afraid, but she believed in Mei Xin, and with so many people outside, she didn't believe that the assassin could succeed.So, she hugged the two children tightly and comforted her in a low voice: "Your father is behind, he will come soon. Don't be afraid, your big sister will protect us, don't be afraid."

If I knew there were assassins, I would let my husband go with me, but why is Shangguan Xinrou here?Didn't she disappear and run away? How dare she appear in front of Mei Xin? Isn't she afraid that her elder brother will kill her?
Thinking of Mei Zhannan's temper, Zeng sighed deeply, she was too kind, if it was her, even if she didn't kill Shangguan Xinrou, she would never let her go easily.He Li is really benevolent and just let her go. She dared to run out without staying away from hiding.

(End of this chapter)

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