From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 579 Sending On The Road

Chapter 579 Sending On The Road

Seeing that she was determined to say no more, Yun Luo stood up and asked, "Second Madam doesn't know that she is resting in the room right now, do you want to dismiss her?"

I don't know if it's because of a guilty conscience or because I'm afraid that Lin Shi will find out, but he didn't stay in the study today, and he didn't quarrel with her like in the past.On the contrary, the two are currently sharing the same room, she just sent someone to look at it, the two of them are chatting about family affairs, and the atmosphere is harmonious and harmonious.

As the saying goes, husband and wife love each other for a day, fight at the head of the bed and make peace at the end of the bed. Even if there is great resentment in Lin's heart, he can't stop him from being the father of the children.Therefore, in order to prevent resentment in the future, she still thinks that Mei Xin should avoid it.

And the second master Mei Zhongkai, if he knew that Mei Xin was going to poison his father to death, how would he feel as a son of man?Even if he knew the seriousness of the matter and knew that it was his father's fault, he might not be able to accept it calmly. If there was a trouble at that time, wouldn't Mei Xin become a bad person.

The more I thought about it, the more I felt that this matter was inappropriate and too risky. Yun Luo continued: "You can't do it, the major general, let's do it quietly. If you don't care about the major general, just pretend that you don't know about it, and the servant will do it. Sleep."

Mei Xin was so angry that she was about to die, but to be honest, she never thought of killing Mei Jingxuan, but he was really too much and too irritating.Unchanged, not knowing what is good or bad, completely unclear about the current situation.The Mei family has already stood on the edge of the cliff, and he didn't know it and just added to the chaos. Did he want to pull everyone to jump off the cliff together?
Taking a deep breath and forcing herself to calm down, Mei Xin sat down on the stool in the porch.Looking up at the moon and looking at the cold, she thought for a while and said in silence for a long time: "Bi Liu came here to take revenge on me, maybe I shouldn't have saved her back then. Yun Luo, you can send her on the road yourself, it can be regarded as fulfilling the love of the year." At dawn, the yamen will find that there are fewer people in the cell, and send her body out overnight."

Guessing that this was another trap, Mei Xin immediately changed her words: "No, you will send her on the road immediately, and after she dies, you will immediately hand over her body to the dark guards to send it out. Tonight, there was such a big accident in the city. Things must be difficult, let him find a place with few people and throw it away."

Fortunately, the secret guards in the mansion changed to a group of masters, otherwise she would have to find another way.

Since the Shangguan Mansion is still fighting the fire, most of the people patrolling the Gyeonggi Guards are there at this moment, but this side is loose.Therefore, throw it anywhere as long as it is not in Prince Liang's mansion.

"What about the second master, how will he deal with it?" Yun Luo was afraid that Mei's heart would get dizzy and impulsive, so he couldn't help reminding him: "Actually, it's not just the second lady and the second young master. If the general finds out, I'm afraid he will be unhappy."

After all, they are brothers and sisters, so there is no need to worry about each other from the same roots, not to mention that he has always valued love and righteousness.

It was because of her father that Mei Xin changed her mind temporarily, she sighed helplessly and depressed and said: "You go first, let me think about it."

Exhausted and distraught, she felt powerless and helpless for a moment.Although freezing three feet is not a one-day cold, and it is not a one-day effort to change the current situation of the Mei family, but they really don't have much time.If the Mei family can't unite to fight against the enemy, then they will definitely die without a place to die like in the previous life.

"Major General, things are ready." Bai Zhi walked over with a bowl of poisonous ginseng tea, feeling very uneasy.She has studied medicine for several years and has never killed anyone, let alone poisoned anyone, so she feels uneasy.

After waving her hands to signal her to hand over the things to Yun Luo and ordering them all to retreat, Mei Xin fell silent.Sitting quietly on the porch alone, the cold moonlight cast on her body elongated her figure, making her look lonely.

Some people say that people are born to be lonely, and everyone is the same, no matter how many friends you have or whether you are happy or lively every day, it is even more lonely when the prosperity is gone.

Undoubtedly, Mei Xin at this moment is lonely, and the endless loneliness surrounds her and engulfs her.There are many things in her heart that she wants to talk to someone, and there is a lot of suffering in her heart that she has nowhere to tell, so she can only grit her teeth and persist.

She is the major general in the Mei family's army, the only daughter of Mei Zhannan, the daughter of King Liang, and the only younger sister of the elder brother. hope.She has to live, live well, and take her father, brother and all the sons and daughters of the Mei family through this hurdle.She must be strong and face all this calmly and rationally.

"What happened, why are you crying?" Zongzheng Mingzhen, who was not afraid of death, ran out again, and quietly sat beside Mei Xin.

Because it was at home and immersed in her own thoughts, she was startled by her inattention.Seeing that his face was as white as snow and bloodless, she raised her head and wiped away the tears she didn't know when she fell, and said, "Why did you come out because of the wind? You forgot the lesson from the morning, and your wound doesn't hurt anymore?"

This is also a person with blisters on his head. He is so injured that it hurts to stand up, but he still has to be helped out.I have seen someone who is not afraid of death, but I have never seen such a toss. Seeing him like this, sooner or later he will toss himself to death.

Hearing that her voice was hoarse, it was obviously uncomfortable, he stretched out his hand and pulled away the corner of her cloak, sat down next to her and said: "It hurts, how can it not hurt, it's not in other places, it's in my heart, I almost didn't feel it in the morning. Kill me."

The cruel woman left as soon as she said she would, without even leaving him with a back view, she was really pissed off.

Seeing that the thin Mei Xin unbuttoned the cloak and put it on for him, the movements were done in one go, and it was only after doing all this that she suddenly realized that something was wrong.However, it is impossible for him to take it off even after wearing it. She sat back and distanced herself from him and said, "If you don't feel the pain, just lie down and you can see that it is almost healed. The chaos in the house is not suitable for you to heal your injuries. I will take care of you tomorrow morning." Send you back. If the old lady is not at home, there will always be maids and maids. If you are worried that others will not serve you well, I will let Cattail continue to serve you, and Dr. Han will come to see you every day, okay?"

Too many worries and a tiring day, she really didn't have the energy to argue with him or reason with him.Therefore, it was rare for the two of them to sit together and talk peacefully.

He likes her talking to him softly, but he doesn't want to leave.Before he finished speaking, he shook his head violently, and resolutely refused: "No, unless you stay with me every day until I recover from my injury, or I will stay here until I recover from my injury."

Finally, there was a justifiable opportunity to live in the same yard with her, so he didn't want to leave, and he wanted to take this opportunity to cultivate more relationships.The child is going to be born in a few months, and he has to hurry up to catch her and marry her home, otherwise, how can the child call him father or take his surname.

(End of this chapter)

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