Chapter 582
Mei Xin coughed lightly, feeling a little embarrassed, but in the final analysis, she can't be blamed for this matter.Besides, she can't control Zongzheng Mingzhen, what can he do if he doesn't cooperate and treat her honestly.Speaking of which, he was really hateful, hateful, and exasperating, he was so injured that he couldn't stand still and insisted on running out.It's nothing more than running out, and it's over and over again, the wound is open, not to mention the high fever is still there, it's no wonder that Dr. Han is angry, she is half dead by him.

Annoyed and very dissatisfied in her heart but she didn't show it, Mei Xin responded with a blank face and said lightly: "Well, when he wakes up, I'll talk to him and then talk to him, the doctor's parents are worried about you, after all He is a sick man, and his temper is normal. There are a lot of people in the mansion who are sick recently, and you really can't handle it with two hands alone. In this way, I will ask Bai Zhi and Osmanthus osmanthus to help you. Is there anything they can do in the future? You just order. In addition, I told you about the apprenticeship before, how do you think about it, if you can bring a few more, I would like to pick a few children from the Yiying Hall to study medicine with you. "

Xiaodouzi's age is quite suitable, but he can't sit still, he jumps up and down like a monkey all day long.Jing Xing's child was calm and careful, and he was smart, so he was very suitable, but he found his relatives, and according to Mrs. Wei, his parents wanted him to take the imperial examination when they were still alive.

It is not uncommon to hope that a child will become a dragon, and Jing Xing is very diligent in reading, and he has already read the Four Books and Five Classics at a young age, which really lives up to the name of a child prodigy.So, she just thought about it and immediately dismissed it.Jing Xing is not an orphan in Yiying Hall, she must respect Mrs. Wei and Master Wei's choices.Therefore, he is currently studying in the Mei Family Academy under the name of Mei Jingxing.

The newly recruited old masters all liked him very much, saying that he was a good young man who studied, he was neither arrogant nor impatient and had the air of a general at a young age, and he would definitely not be a thing in the pool in time.Mrs. Wei was very happy when she found out. She was grateful to Mei Xin and said that his parents would have died in peace if they knew her.

Since Dr. Han did not want to take apprentices because he was a family member, especially those who had no relationship with him, he even rejected him from the bottom of his heart.But he didn't dare to say it, let alone reject Mei Xin, his family members were all in Liangzhou, and they were all in her hands, if he disagreed, his family members would be in danger.And with Mei Xin's style of being able to move but never speak, it is estimated that he only refused her and then gave the order, and when he knew the news of his family, grass would grow on the grave.

He thought for a while that it was useless to refuse, and he had no ability to resist and escape from Prince Liang's mansion. He was silent for a moment and said, "The eldest princess told the grassroots not to refuse, but can you find some children with solid foundation, preferably a little older?" , so that both teaching and learning are relatively easy.”

Last time, he only asked Bai Zhi to learn the art of suturing wounds from him, but now he is directly asked to accept apprentices, and he is not alone, he will be busy in the future.Just thinking about it gives me a headache, and I feel tired when I think about it, but what can he do?He couldn't beat him, and he didn't dare to speak, except for the occasional whining and temper, he seemed to have to accept his fate.

Hu Hu Ai Zai feels uncomfortable, I really don't know when I met Mei Xin, she actually found me a little-known doctor, she really owed her in her previous life.

Thinking that her father had cut off all the roads to sell grain to the Tartars, and that there would be a fierce battle in the beginning of spring, Mei Xin nodded and said, "Yes, they will arrive in Beijing in ten days, if you need to prepare anything or if you need anything, just tell me If you are not satisfied with the servants who serve you, you can change them to maidservants, or you can tell Yunluo directly if you feel better. My request is very simple, they must all learn how to deal with trauma and suture before the beginning of spring."

The Tartars make a living by grazing, and the food flowing out before was only enough for them to survive the winter.Therefore, in order to survive the New Year, they are very likely to attack aggressively.The emperor now hates the tartars to death, and he will definitely fight to the end, and this is the main reason why his father does not let a grain of food flow out.

The rebellion is about to start a war. In order to avoid being attacked by the enemy, the emperor must first use the hands of the emperor to deal with the Tartars.Not to mention killing them all, at least they will not be able to send troops for three to five years, and they will not dare to act rashly.

The bravery of the Tartars is well-known throughout the world, and the war was tragic with countless casualties, so she must prepare as soon as possible.Although the suturing technique is shocking and unbelievable, after seeing Mei Wanzhi's wound, she knew that the soldiers in the Mei family's army are blessed.

Doctor Han was very angry, even though he knew that Mei Xin was determined for him, he was still depressed when he heard that he would arrive in ten days.Liangzhou is thousands of miles away, and within ten days it would be impossible to get there even if you were on a fast horse.She was so sure that she must have delivered the letter a few days earlier, so why ask, she has already called someone to come.

His eyebrows were cold but he didn't dare to raise his head. Doctor Han said: "The eldest princess told me that the grass people will do their best, but as for whether they can learn everything..."

She was interrupted by Mei Xin before she finished speaking, and she only heard her say: "It's okay, won't they learn not to have you, and then you will go to the battlefield instead of them. Don't worry, even though swords have no eyes on the battlefield, I will definitely I will send someone to protect you and never let you die young."

Gritting his teeth, Dr. Han was angry, but he dared not speak out. He said in his heart, "You're cruel." He lifted his robe and knelt down and said, "Princess, don't worry, Caomin will definitely live up to expectations."

Before, I thought that Zongzheng Mingzhen had a poisonous mouth, and he was nothing compared to Mei Xinyi.He was so mad, he knew how to bully him all day long, so he might as well change his name to Shouqi Baozi.

Mei Xin was quite satisfied with his attitude, so she raised her hand to signal him to stand up and said, "I received a letter from your family early in the morning, go down and have a look. I have worked hard for you recently, and I asked Nanny Sun to also I made a medicated meal for you, and you supplement it."

I don't know when Mei Xin also learned this trick, but it's quite useful, Doctor Han immediately laughed when he saw the letter, happily took the letter and went out to read it.

Half an hour later, Zongzheng Mingzhen, who drank the medicine, finally stopped burning. He was sweating all over and called Zichen to help him change. After changing, Mei Xin didn't go out. She set up a table not far from his bed Started to process news from all over.

Martial law in the capital city continued to turmoil, and the incident at the banquet at the Princess Zhen's Mansion was quickly spread throughout the capital under the manipulation of people with good intentions.Wu Ziyuan fell into the water and was rescued by the concubine of the Jiang family, and Shangguan Xinrou blocked the carriage in the street, which was also widely publicized.There was a lot of discussion after tea and dinner, and the Mei family was pushed to the forefront again for a while.

Mei Xin was not alarmed when she got involved, but she was a little surprised that the Jiang family would propose marriage to the Wu family and Wu Ziyuan immediately agreed.

(End of this chapter)

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