From the ashes: Return of the General

Chapter 589 Mei Zhannan, Will You Marry Me?

Chapter 589 Mei Zhannan, Will You Marry Me?

Leaning forward and hiding the knife in her smile, Mei stared intently at Vice Commander Wu and said, "In vain of the law, trespassing on the royal palace, I have committed the crime of framing the court officials, speaking disrespectfully to this princess and drawing a sword to hurt others, disrespecting the late emperor and contemptuous of the imperial power. It can be forgiven. However, I will not punish you for your crimes, you go to the emperor to receive the punishment yourself."

After finishing speaking, Mei Xin turned her head and glanced at the injured Ge Dazhuang, then raised her voice and said again: "Vice Commander Wu will definitely pay for the medical expenses before he hurts someone. If he hurts his muscles and bones for a hundred days, he will give you supplements first." 100 taels of silver."

The vice-commander got angry before he finished speaking, and blurted out: "100 taels of silver, why don't you grab it."

Just cut a small cut on the back of the hand and asked for 100 taels, she must be crazy.

With a sneer and eyes full of contempt, Mei Xin said disdainfully: "That's 1000 taels. I'll see the silver before dark. If you don't wait after the expiration date, you will bear the consequences!"

Turning around, Mei Xin was about to leave, but she was stopped by someone, only to hear a female voice from the sedan chair that had just stopped: "Wait, Princess, please stay!"

Pressing the sedan chair, holding the servant girl's hand to come out, I saw a good-looking woman who was not young but dressed as a girl came forward.

Hearing the sound, Mei Xin turned her head and found that it was none other than Wen Ruyan, the head of Jiajing County who wanted to marry her father.

Not knowing why she came here or why she called her back, Mei Xin frowned slightly.

Even though Wen Ruyan was older than Mei Xin in terms of seniority, she was overwhelmed by being a senior official. She was a princess proclaimed by the emperor and she was only the head of the county. When they met, they had to salute her.

It didn't feel awkward if the rules were so, she stepped forward to bow her knees and saluted softly and said softly: "Wen Ruyan, the head of Jiajing County, pays respects to the eldest princess, best wishes to the eldest princess!"

The two servant girls who came with her knelt down on their knees and gave Mei Xin a big gift.

Knowing that she has a deep scheming heart and repeatedly used her to achieve her goals, Mei Xin is a little displeased, but she can't say anything if she is a guest.He stretched his brows and said expressionlessly: "Waiting for you, get up!"

After speaking, everyone got up as promised, Deputy Commander Wu wanted to talk to her but was held back by Feng Wuzheng.Gently shaking his head to signal him not to make any more troubles, they planned to leave.

Wen Ruyan was stunned when she heard the words because she saw Mei Xin and Yan Yuese at the banquet at the Princess's Mansion.She didn't know what she did wrong that displeased her, she couldn't help but said a little nervously: "I heard that the Jingzhao Yamen lost a criminal last night, and one of the witnesses was a servant from my house, so I came here to apologize and ask the boss The princess spares his life."

Looking back at his maidservant, a seventeen or eighteen year old boy ran over with tears streaming down his face.Kneeling down with a plop, trembling as if facing an enemy, weeping: "Princess, please forgive me, please, princess, please forgive me. Last night, the servant was drunk and misread the mark on the carriage. He thought it was Mrs. Mei's carriage, so he spoke nonsense. .The slave didn’t do it on purpose, the slave got drunk, and the slave didn’t dare anymore.”

The little boy was terrified, and seeing his red and swollen face, he must have been taught a lesson before coming here.

Mei Xin didn't know which play Wen Ruyan was singing, she turned to look at Feng Wuzheng with doubts in her heart.

Feng Wuzheng's reaction was extremely quick, as soon as he caught Mei Xin's gaze, he immediately walked over.He clasped his hands and saluted and said: "This man's name is Ye Xiaoliu, he is a domestic slave in Duke Wen's mansion. He has a friend who works as a jailer in a prison. The two of them were drinking in a small alley yesterday and saw the Mei family's carriage. There was a misunderstanding."

Is it a misunderstanding? He knows it very well in his heart. Mei Xin didn't know it before, but now she should understand it, otherwise she wouldn't get angry, let alone hold her back.

I thought that Wen Ruyan was deeply scheming, but I didn't expect that she would do anything to the extreme. In order to marry into Prince Liang's mansion and do favors for her, she made such a big circle. It seems that the situation yesterday was not done by others, but by her. Make.

Da Wei sneered in disgust and Mei Xin pretended to be enlightened and said: "Oh, so it is like this, but you are too hasty in handling things. The Jingzhao Yamen is not a vegetable market. Wouldn't it be an unjust case if you acted like this? Frequent occurrence. Alright, I've already understood the matter. I'll report it to the emperor at the meeting. As for you, it's abhorrent to testify and frame the imperial court officials knowingly that you are drunk. Master Zhang will take you back to the Jingzhao Yamen and beat you ten times. Use it as a warning to others, and if there is another time, I will never let you down!"

Lengheng walked away with a flick of his sleeves, Wen Ruyan was in a hurry.Her complexion changed drastically, knowing that Mei Xin must have misunderstood her, she instinctively stretched out her hand to pull her, and at the same time protruded out: "Eldest Princess..."

As soon as the words were out of his mouth, Cardamom pinched her hand, shook her hand fiercely and said sharply: "Bold, presumptuous!"

She also practiced a few words in private after learning from Nanny Song, and this yell was quite imposing, but Wen Ruyan was stunned in an instant.

Mei Xin knew what she was going to say and knew that she had no good intentions, so she ignored it and strode forward.Because she was walking fast, but in the blink of an eye, she left and disappeared.

Originally, she came here on purpose to offer love and friendship, but she thought it would be self-defeating, Wen Ruyan was stunned for a while, and was about to catch up again.But who would have thought that cardamom stood in front of her like a mountain, not allowing her to take a step forward.

She was so anxious that she was about to cry, Wen Ruyan panicked and explained: "I still have something to say, I want to see the eldest princess, please go in and report."

She was about to die, Qinqin had nothing to do with her, but she misunderstood her, what should I do, what should I do?

She won't hate herself, she won't speak ill of herself in front of King Liang.No, no, I have to explain it clearly to her, and I have to explain it clearly to King Liang.

Although I don't know what role she played in today's incident, but Mei Xin's temper is very clear, she is obviously unwilling to tell Wen Ruyan more.So, she said with a blank face: "The eldest princess is tired and needs to rest. If you have anything to do, please hand in the greeting card and talk about it another day. If you don't come early or late, the troublesome eldest princess didn't even eat lunch. You are brave enough." Big one. Fortunately, the eldest princess is safe, otherwise none of you would be able to leave."

Whether it is true or false, the emperor gives people the feeling that he attaches great importance to Mei's confidant's child, so everyone in the capital now knows that Princess Zhen's favor is deeply in the emperor's heart.

Wen Ruyan had heard about Mei Xin's miscarriage, and she didn't dare to force her, let alone confront the cardamom in front of her. She thought about it and pretended to be pitiful, and said, "I want to see the prince, I have something very important. Report to the prince, please go in and report."

It had been nearly 20 years, and she couldn't remember the last time she saw him, and she didn't know if he had changed his appearance over the years.

Mei Zhannan, how are you? Do you remember me?When you fell in love at first sight back then, you know that I waited hard. Would you marry me as a wife?
(End of this chapter)

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