Chapter 591

Mr. Zhang was busy rushing back to the yamen and had no time to send Wen Ruyan back, so he left the two of them behind.

Snowflakes fluttering, the north wind whistling, Wen Ruyan sitting paralyzed at the gate of Prince Liang's mansion was extremely desolate, thinking that Cardamom's attitude must be Mei Xin's attitude, her heart felt ashamed and tears flowed like springs in an instant.

Everyone in the world knows that Mei Zhannan loves this daughter the most in his life, and he values ​​it as much as his son. At the banquet yesterday, she also knew that Mei Xin, the daughter of Mei Xin, would nod in this sequel.If she doesn't nod, let alone the woman Mei Zhannan likes, it's useless even if the emperor orders her.

Now that she has a prejudice against herself and feels disgusted, it will be impossible and hopeless to marry into Prince Liang's mansion.

With a heart like ashes and tears falling like rain, Wen Ruyan stood up tremblingly and said, "Let's go, go back to the house, go back to the house immediately."

Staggering under her feet, her heart was pierced like a knife, and she was so weak that she couldn't stand still.The two maids hurriedly supported her, set her up on the left and the right, and quickly got into the warm sedan chair, and then hurried back to Wen Guogong's mansion.

At the same time, Luoqiu looked out from the gate of King Liang's Mansion through the crack of the door, and saw that the sedan chair Wen Ruyan was riding in was gone, and there was no one in front of the gate, she turned her head and gave Dou Kou a thumbs up and said, "I admire, it's really amazing." Admire me, you are so silent on weekdays, if you are really silent, you have become a blockbuster. Tell me, why didn’t I find out before, it’s a good thing I didn’t offend you for being so quick-spoken, otherwise I would be out of luck. Cardamom, you just now It’s so heroic and beautiful.”

There is nothing wrong with liking someone, there is nothing wrong with loving someone, there is nothing wrong with waiting hard for someone, there is nothing wrong with wanting to marry into Prince Liang's mansion, what is wrong is that it is wrong to threaten each other in the name of love.

Cardamom smiled nonchalantly and felt that she was exaggerating, besides, she was as powerful as she said.They walked side by side to the backyard, and said indifferently as they walked: "The main reason is that you and Yun Luo are not here, or else it's my turn to talk about this. You know that I have always been quiet and I hate talking to people like this. Miss Qianjin. I think she is really anxious, otherwise how could she do such an extremely rude thing. You were almost mad because you didn’t see anyone just now, but her reaction also confirmed the major general’s Guess. The fact that Bi Liu was successfully brought out of prison by the second master must have something to do with the Wen family, but I don't know who she is cooperating with behind the scenes."

There is nothing wrong with playing tricks for love, it's just that she absolutely shouldn't plot against the Mei family at this time.Prince Liang's mansion is currently in turmoil, and if she is not careful, she will be doomed. If she wants to marry in and doesn't try her best to help her, she will make trouble at this time.

Self-confessed that his brain is not working well and he can't think of who it is, Luo Qiu said: "I have already sent someone to investigate, I believe there will be a result soon. By the way, have you visited Fei Chen after he was injured?"

Huangzhuang and his party were injured in Feichen's leg. Although it was not serious, he couldn't get out of bed.Therefore, Wang Geng and Yunying are helping Mei Zhongkai in the front yard of the mansion recently.

Originally, after Mei Changwu came back, he should be handed over to him for the affairs of the mansion, after all he is a relatively capable elder besides Mei Zhannan.But Mei Xin didn't want to, and he wouldn't be able to stay for long because there were so many things going on in the mansion, he might as well let Mei Zhongkai take care of it, rather than going to the Dark Guard Camp again, so as to avoid having to change back and forth.

Due to the many things going on in the house recently, she was too busy to be free. When Luo Qiu suddenly asked her, she was startled and replied: "I don't have time to go and see it, and it's not too convenient at night. But I heard Wang Geng say that he is much better. The wound has also healed very well, and I will be able to get out of bed and walk around after half a month of recuperation."

They were all brothers in the trenches, and they all lived and died together to fight the enemy bravely. She still remembered his injuries in her heart.

Seeing her calm and calm face, Luo Qiu didn't know Fei Chen's feelings for her at all, so she couldn't help laughing.Thinking about how pitiful Fei Chen is, being entangled by a little girl with a head as big as a cow, not to mention that his beloved doesn't know his love, let alone what he thinks, it's really tragic.

I don't know why she was so silly all of a sudden, Cardamom stopped and asked suspiciously: "What are you laughing at?"

Seeing it through, Luoqiu hurriedly covered her mouth, feeling that Feichen had to pierce this kind of thing by herself, or Cardamom figured it out by herself, she shook her head lightly and said, "It's nothing, I just remembered Wen Ruyan's embarrassment just now It's funny. I'm going to report to the Major General, you should go and see Feichen while the Major General is having dinner. After all, they are all people who have lived and died together, so it's not appropriate not to go and see."

Seven or eight days have passed, and he asked about Cardamom when she went to see Fei Chen.

Thinking about it carefully, it was true, and Cardamom agreed, "It's true, when the major general asked you to help me. In the morning, Mrs. Li made bean buns. I'll get him some sweets if he likes them."

Luoqiu couldn't help laughing before she finished speaking, thinking that these two people are really interesting, she obviously didn't know that he liked her but still remembered what they like to eat.

After waving his hand to signal that he understood, Luo Qiu asked her to bring some other delicious food.In addition, Feichen's clothes seemed to be torn, so he asked her to bring a needle and thread to sew it up.

Cardamom is not very good at female celebrity, but she still knows how to mend clothes. In addition, when she was in Liangzhou, she also failed Yunying and the others, so she didn't think so much.First go back to the room to get the needle and thread, then go to the kitchen to pick up a box of delicious food and then go to see Feichen.

After a while, Mei Xin in the Qingzhi Pavilion finished her lunch accompanied by Mei Jingxing.Seeing that he also put down the chopsticks and seemed to be full, she personally helped him wash his hands and face, then pulled him to sit on the imperial concubine's couch and said: "The child really changes every day. I haven't seen him for a few days and he has grown taller again." Are you used to moving to the front yard, are you naughty again, brother Douzi? I heard that the new teacher is very strict. Is there anything you don’t like or don’t understand?”

Two days ago, I heard that he and Qing Ke had a quarrel, and Qing Ke couldn't help crying. He opened his mouth in a hurry, but he only said a word and stopped talking.Qing Ke is a clever little ghost with a very lively temper. When she saw that she could make him speak when she cried, she cried a lot in the past two days.

Maybe because he knew she did it on purpose, no matter how much he cried, he didn't speak again.Mei Xin has always loved him very much, especially Chen'er who thinks of her previous life every time she sees him, her heart is even softer.

Mei Jingxing didn't speak, but nodded first, then shook his head, and then grinned again showing his white teeth.

Knowing that he was still unwilling to speak, Mei Xin didn't force her, she took out a sky blue robe that Bai Zhi just made yesterday and said, "It's cold and your elder sister Bai made you a robe, try it and see if you like it."

(End of this chapter)

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