Chapter 601
He arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye, and the storyteller pushed Jiu Dashao forward to block the knife that was coming at him, turned around and ran straight to the door.

All of the attendants moved in unison in an instant, and a skinny attendant closest to the door reached out and grabbed my sister's dislocated arm.There was another burst of piercing pain, but my sister was stubborn and didn't say a word.Not only did he not yell, he held back the pain and kicked him, preparing to escape from his grasp.

The thin man followed cleverly, and while dodging, he swung the nine-ring knife in his hand.It was too late to say, but it was soon, seeing my sister's clothes being cut, the knife was cut into the meat immediately, and the storyteller arrived.He kicked him flying, and with both hands he pushed him hard and threw his sister onto his back.

In the past, my sister would have hugged his neck accurately and lay on his back, but now her two arms are dislocated and she doesn't listen to her at all.Therefore, when Da Mozi and other followers hit them, my sister fell down again and fell directly from the storyteller's back.

With a plop, my sister fell on her head and was dizzy, but before she could react, she slashed her head with the knife again.

The storyteller brother was entangled by the big scorpion and couldn't take care of himself and couldn't spare her hands to save her, but when she thought that she would die if she couldn't dodge the knife, Mei's heart moved upstairs.Raising his hand, the chopstick bucket on the table flew down from the window as if it had grown wings, and then hit the followers like a goddess scattering flowers.

With a bang, the chopsticks bucket missed the knife that was cutting towards the young lady, and at the same time Mei Xin said: "Go, don't hurt anyone's life."

The emperor was worried that he couldn't find the fault of Prince Liang's mansion, so she had to be cautious even if she saw a rough road and drew her sword to help.With the current status of Prince Liang's mansion and the numerous military exploits of their father and son, as long as they don't die, it's a trivial matter. Even if they are impeached by the imperial censor, it's nothing more than the Princess Zhen's domineering bullying.

She has no intention of marrying and doesn't care about fame.So, whoever wants to say something, let him say it, and she can't control her mouth growing on others, and she has no time to control it.

Before Yunying moved, Luoqiu couldn't sit still, she jumped up with her hands on the window, before jumping down, she said: "The bullies need you to do it, it's up to me."

Ruoyan was very dexterous, and after taking out a dagger as black as ink from her sleeve, she joined hands with the big man.

Mei Xin's purpose was not to beat them away but to tie them all up. Seeing that Luo Qiu volunteered to go down first, she ordered: "Stay guard at the front and rear goalkeepers and catch them all, and then ask someone about their identities. Such arrogance and domineering Forcibly robbing civilian girls, you should be killed!"

People in the capital are more afraid of troubles because the folk customs are different, and they don't care about themselves, let alone raise their swords to help.Therefore, if it was in Liangzhou, she would not need to take action at all, ordinary people alone could beat these bullies away.

The world is getting worse and people's hearts are not old. Apart from being more prosperous than Liangzhou, the capital is actually not much better. She also doesn't like it very much. There is always a feeling of being restrained and not free.

Yunying understood to follow the order and left, and soon, the screams like slaughtering pigs were heard in the lobby downstairs.Immediately afterwards, Luoqiu said: "A dignified seven-foot man runs away when he can't beat him, and dares to call others a bear. I think you are even worse than a bear."

The other arm was removed with a click, and Luo Qiu loosened his hand and said, "You guys like to take off other people's arms so much, and you all have a taste of it. Auntie, I have specially trained to make sure you don't feel pain and you can do it quickly."

After pulling and pulling, the big man who was kneeling on the ground dislocated his arms and legs at the same time. He grinned in pain and shouted for mercy from his aunt.

Luoqiu, who is also a woman, hates men who bully women the most. In addition, she is surrounded by tough men, and she won't say a word even when she scrapes her bones and heals her wounds.

Kicking his outstretched hand away in disgust, Luo Qiu snorted and said, "It's just how painful it can be to dislocate an arm, look at how cowardly you are, if you go to the battlefield, you don't want to wet your pants."

Fortunately, there are no such cowards in the Mei family's army, otherwise they would fight with the Tartars, and they would be scared to death when they saw thousands of enemy troops in front of them.

Not to mention the brave and skilled Tartars on the battlefield, even the bandits in the first line of the sky can scare them to tears. They dare to come out to act wild without any manliness.

His neck was bleeding and his arms were hurting. The Ninth Young Master sat on the ground slumped and said tearfully, "You dare to hit me, do you know who I am? See if I go back and don't tell my father."

Weeping like rain, I don't know whether it's because of the pain or because of fear, or because he was wronged and cried very sadly.

Seeing him a big man sitting on the ground and weeping, the picture is crying with joy like a three-year-old doll, and with a puff, Luoqiu laughs unkindly.He blurted out: "I said you Gui Geng this year and you went back to tell your father that you are a baby who hasn't been weaned."

Dare to come out arrogantly before weaning and rob civilian girls, isn't this just asking for a beating?

Although there were not many people left running in the fighting hall, the shopkeeper standing behind the cabinet couldn't help laughing when Luo Qiu said this.

Ninth Young Master was depressed, and burst into tears with dissatisfaction: "You are not a weaned baby, the uncle and son have given birth to several. Seeing that you look good, why don't you go back with me and be the No. 14 concubine."

The fierce is a bit fierce, but fortunately he looks Zhou Zheng, the most important thing is that there is no tigress in his family.It seems good to find a little pepper for a change of taste once in a while, and it's okay to serve him as a bodyguard, the two moves just now are enough for all his followers.

Luoqiu laughed loudly with a startled face, and suddenly felt that this little chubby was somewhat similar to Doctor Han, they were both stupid fools.

Hearing her laughter was as sweet as a silver bell, the daring Ninth Young Master struggled to stand up.Limping towards the door, he winked at the attendant with a big beard on his face as he walked: "What are you laughing at? I tell you that the most important thing in my family is money. You followed me and not only There are ten taels of silver per month for those who can eat well and drink spicy food. If you don’t want to be the No. 14 concubine, I can adjust it for you. Pick whatever you want, if you can’t, you can be the second child. As long as you want... as long as you want..."

Before he finished speaking, he ran away and rushed out the door. He didn't know when he actually closed his dislocated leg.

Luo Qiu was startled and chased after her, but at this time, the bearded man rushed over, and a black tiger hit her directly at the gate of life.

Luo Qiu reacted quickly and very sensitively. He bent over and shrank back just barely, and then kicked him in the lower body with a backflip and raised his leg.

With a muffled grunt, the attendant with a big mole on his face felt that his kneecap was broken, his legs were shaking with pain for a while, and he couldn't help screaming, screaming for pain.

(End of this chapter)

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