Chapter 603

Luo Qiu was about to kidnap someone as soon as he took the order, the shopkeeper was in a hurry, and blurted out: "Wait, wait, Princess, please stay!"

He stopped Mei Xin's way and said respectfully: "Princess, calm down, the grass people only know that the two children are named Sun, one is called Niqiu and the other is called Lotus, and they only came to the shop half a month ago. Storyteller. As for where their family lives, Cao Min really doesn’t know, but I heard from them that the distance is only a cup of tea, so they should live not far from here.”

The lotus is honest but the loach is very slippery, especially that kid is very clever, otherwise it would be impossible for Mei Xin and the others to run away with his sister without anyone noticing.

Mei Xin felt that he was lying and not telling the truth, so she glanced at him expressionlessly and then led Mei Jingxing to continue walking.

At this time, Luo Qiu had already driven his wife and children out from the backyard, and was about to tie them all up with a rope, when his youngest son cried out in fright, and yelled at him for father.

Seeing his wife and children tearing down like rain, Qiu Wanggeng and others were even more ferocious. Seeing that Mei Xin was completely different from what he had heard, and even looked like two different people, the shopkeeper realized the seriousness of the matter, and knelt down with a plop and said: "Caomin's words are true, please let the eldest princess know clearly. Caomin didn't hide it on purpose but really didn't know it. That child Niachon is very clever. If two of the ten sentences are true, it is already very good. Eldest princess , Eldest Princess, Cao Min knew he was wrong, Cao Min will never dare again, please be merciful and spare Cao Min this time."

Often standing by the river, there is no way to not get your shoes wet. Originally relying on the good character of the Mei family, they would not bully the people, and they would not be unreasonable.No, riding a tiger is hard!
Mei Xin was silent but stopped in her tracks, looked into the distance and thought for a while, then asked condescendingly: "Did they just enter Beijing half a month ago or did they just talk to you here? Is there anyone else in their family besides them? What kind of books are you usually talking about here, you tell them everything you know about them. Since ancient times, the people did not fight with the officials, you'd better think it through before you open your mouth."

It stands to reason that my father has been looking for my little aunt for many years. If she has been staying in the capital, it is impossible not to be discovered, and it is even more impossible for her to hide in the capital for so many years.Therefore, she was very skeptical, and couldn't help but wonder why she brought the child back now that she had gone away with her beloved one. Could it be that she heard that her father was seriously injured and came back to have a look?
It's not impossible, but why didn't she go to Prince Liang's Mansion?

Although the daughters of the Mei family all said that they couldn't show their faces, but judging from the girl's age, she must be getting married soon, so why would she follow her younger brother to earn money to make a living?
Is it because the family can't get rid of the pot and needs them to come out at a young age to earn money to support the family?
Thinking about it carefully, it was very possible, after all, when my little aunt left, she only brought some change of clothes.Because I was angry with my grandmother and didn't bring any money or jewelry with me, and my father said that the person in charge was alone, I think I didn't live a rich life.

At this time, the shopkeeper dared to be negligent, and immediately told everything he knew.

It turned out that Sun Niqiu and Sun Hehua found the shopkeeper by themselves half a month ago and said they wanted to tell stories here to make money to subsidize their families.The shopkeeper saw that they were too young with no hair on their mouths, so he didn't believe that they could tell stories.So, I declined on the spot.

At that time, the two of them didn't quarrel, and sat down in the lobby after ordering two bowls of tea.The first person to narrate here was an old gentleman, because his teeth had fallen out due to his age, and his mouth leaked air.

The guests who came to drink tea and listen to books all paid money, and halfway through the listening, it happened to be the time when the beating was the most powerful. Suddenly, there was no one and everyone quit, not happy, clamoring for a refund.He had no choice but to find someone to save the scene, but who knew that no one jumped onto the stage before finding the little brother.

His sister Sun Hehua can play the drums, and the two cooperated tacitly and continued after a while.The drumbeats were dense and urgent like rain, and Sun Nixiu won the house with gestures and words.The rewards were constantly being thrown on the stage. That day, his teahouse was making a lot of money, and the whole family of the neighbors and neighbors, who had a prosperous business, came to visit.

In this way, the two siblings of the Sun family stayed, and they would not tell any other stories, only the heroic deeds of the Mei family.Starting from Mei Cheng's family, even for half a month, not a single sentence is repeated every day, and he is really good at speaking, everyone loves to listen.

But fortunately, the Mei family has a good reputation and is deeply loved by the people, otherwise he would worry about finding someone who is a good storyteller there.

As if to distinguish the truth from what he said, Mei Xin remained silent for a long time after listening.Seeing that the snow outside seemed to be a little lighter and the wind stopped, she shook Mei Jingxing's hand and said, "Is there any more?"

Before answering, he shook his head like a rattle, and the shopkeeper said with a terrified expression: "No, no, I have told you everything Caomin knows, and there is really no more. Ninth young master fell in love with Sun Hehua and wanted to take her as his concubine." , Not long ago, I followed their siblings, but they couldn't find where they lived. Therefore, the grass people really don't know where they live."

Boom, boom, boom, he kowtowed to Mei Xin, as if to prove that what he said was true, his forehead was bleeding.

His wife panicked and knelt down to beg for mercy, and his son was wailing and yelling, Mei Jingxing was scared and shrank into Mei Xin's arms involuntarily.

Guessing that he had said everything, Mei Xin gently patted Mei Jingxing's head to express comfort, and then said expressionlessly: "Do you know why people have two eyes, two ears and only one mouth, and a short tongue? Only those who can control their mouths can live for a long time, I hope you can take care of yourself. Luoqiu, let's go!"

After finishing speaking, he walked away holding Mei Jingxing's hand, and then Luo Qiu released his wife and children, and then left with the attendants of the Ninth Young Master.

The shopkeeper's wife and children were frightened and crawled to his side as soon as they were free.Tears poured down like rain, and he was frightened and frightened. He punched him in shock and anger, and at the same time burst into tears, he said: "I told you to talk a lot of cheap words, so let's do it now. What is your identity, what is your identity, and you are not honest You dare to make a fool of yourself, you want to kill our mother and son."

It's fine if he didn't recognize Princess Zhen Guo. Those who don't know are innocent, but he still said something and promised others not to say it. Isn't this pure courting death?

The shopkeeper was also terrified, full of regrets, didn't they all say that the Mei family was upright and kind without official airs and treated the common people well? How did he know that there was someone like Mei Xin in the Mei family?

(End of this chapter)

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