Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 101 Sister Yunyun, you are so naughty

Chapter 101 Sister Yunyun, you are so naughty (4)
Feng Qianyun said regretfully, that tone of voice was clearly intended to make everyone think in that direction.

After listening to the physical education teacher, he glanced at Long Yutian sympathetically, hey, Young Master Long, thanks to your height, it turns out that it is true that it is out of proportion to your height.

The girls who understood it blushed one by one, and at the same time thought in their hearts, is this girl telling the truth?If it's true... It's really a pity that Bai has such a handsome and monstrous appearance.

This is Feng Qianyun ruining Long Yutian's reputation again...

"Hehe, thank you sister Yunyun for your concern, brother, I will definitely practice hard! I won't let you down, sister Yunyun!"

If it were any other man, he would have jumped at this time, but Long Yutian was Long Yutian after all, so he could still be calm and composed. "I don't know if sister Yunyun is free now, brother, I have something I want to talk to my sister alone!"

Long Yutian publicly invited Feng Qianyun to "be alone" for a while.

"Why not?" Feng Qianyun raised an eyebrow.

When Feng Qianyun said this, she didn't notice that the face of a certain man beside her began to turn black.

Feng Qianyun and Long Yutian left everyone's sight and walked to the green belt next to the track and field. The greening of Shengrong Private High School is very good, and the entire campus is covered with dense green shade.

The two found a place where no one was around, and Feng Qianyun sat down on a bench in the shade.

"That mysterious person, you haven't found it yet?" Although Long Yutian asked, he knew in his heart that Feng Qianyun's answer must be no.

"Well." There is no "mysterious person" at all, and of course it is impossible to find it.

"So, how about another request? I have a poison here. Many of my brothers have been poisoned by this poison. Their lives are in danger, and the number of poisoned people is still increasing. I hope someone can help me find its antidote. I believe that mysterious person should have such abilities, and in return, I will give a generous reward." Long Yutian handed Feng Qianyun a poison packed in a small test tube.

"What kind of remuneration?" This guy was so stingy that he chased him every day after he took 1 yuan, without asking how the price was.

"Three percent of Yuchi Group's shares."

"You have shares in Yuchi Group?" Feng Qianyun was a little surprised.

"What's so strange?" It's not wrong for him to be a member of the underworld, but who stipulates that people in the underworld can't own shares in companies on the white way?Long Yutian put his hands in his trouser pockets, "If you are so close to Yu Chixiu, you probably don't know what money this represents?"

Of course I know, the [-]% shares of Yuchi Group, relying on this shares, I will have no worries about eating and drinking for the rest of my life!

However, Feng Qianyun knew very well in her heart that no matter whether many of Long Yutian's subordinates were really poisoned by this kind of poison, Long Yutian's purpose would definitely not stop at getting the antidote, he wanted to pass The antidote finds the mysterious person he's been looking for.

Therefore, the money is not easy to earn.

Feng Qianyun smiled slightly, "You offer such an attractive condition, it is really a big temptation for me who has always loved money, it is not in my character to have money but not make money, so let's make a written statement first, In case you go back on your word, as for the antidote, I will try my best to find it."

"No problem." Sure enough, this little thief likes money, maybe he should have used money to lure her, but it is also true that many brothers in the gang have been poisoned by this poison, otherwise he would not have offered Yuchi Group [-]% Three shares such an attractive condition came.

Of course, he also hopes to use this to find out the mysterious person.

Where is that person with such superb medical skills... If Feng Qianyun's path doesn't work, how will he dig out that mysterious person.

After Feng Qianyun and Long Yutian and Long Yutian made a written statement, Long Yutian left, and Feng Qianyun returned to the track and field to practice with Yu Chixiu for a while. After the first practice, I got started, and the results are not bad, the premise is that I don't compare with Feng Qianyun.

But, why did everyone look at Yu Chixiu's javelin gesture and feel that he was venting his emotions, as if the javelin had a grudge against him.

After the training camp, Feng Qianyun plans to split up with Yu Chixiu, let Yuchixiu go home by himself, and go to the city center hospital by himself, Xiaoye's mother has recovered from her illness, she will go to have a checkup for her today, and then You can trouble Ruan Hongqiang to arrange for her to be discharged from the hospital.

Speaking of which, the greatest value of Shang Xinlian staying in the hospital now seems to be a research product, and the person who studied her is none other than Lu Dafeng.

Lu Dafeng himself knew about Shang Xinlian's illness, and it would take another month for Feng Qianyun to heal it so suddenly. With his personality, it would be strange not to be curious about death, so he confronted Shang Xin every day. Lian just wanted to find out what Feng Qianyun had done to her.

Poor Lu Dafeng is doomed to get nothing.

Yu Chixiu refused to part ways with Feng Qianyun, and insisted on going to the hospital with Feng Qianyun.

"Why do you follow me to the hospital? I'm going to see Shang Xiaoye's mother." Feng Qianyun didn't think that Yu Chixiu was going to visit Shang Xiaoye's mother, and had to go early.

"I want to watch someone, and prevent her from doing something sorry to me." If the stinky girl doesn't watch carefully, she will definitely hang out with other men again. Do you really think he is a dead person?
Feng Qianyun thought about it, forget it, let him follow if he wants to, "You can do whatever you want, but don't hinder me."

"Yunyun, you're here." Shang Xiaoye, who went to the hospital to take care of Shang Xinlian one step earlier, saw Feng Qianyun approaching, hurriedly stood up, and then saw Yuchixiu who came with Feng Qianyun, "Hey, Yuchi Why are you here too?"

Shang Xiaoye pulled Feng Qianyun over and whispered to her, "Yunyun, what's the matter, why do I feel that Yuchixiu is awkward today... um... like... a domineering man looking at his girlfriend .”

Shang Xiaoye expressed her thoughts, she really felt that today Yu Chixiu was staring at Feng Qianyun as if he was staring at his girlfriend.

"It's just an illusion." It's true that it's awkward, but the last half of the sentence is a bit ridiculous.

"Really? A hallucination?" Shang Xiaoye didn't think it was a hallucination.

Feng Qianyun walked to the bedside, "Auntie, how do you feel now, is there any discomfort in your body?" Feng Qianyun first took Shang Xinlian's pulse, and then asked her how she felt.

"I'm fine, thank you, I really don't know how to thank you." Shang Xinlian already knew from Shang Xiaoye that her recovery this time was all due to Feng Qianyun, and she sincerely expressed her gratitude to Feng Qianyun grateful.

(End of this chapter)

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