Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 105: Became a Little Rich Woman

Chapter 105: Became a Little Rich Woman (2)
"Who are you?" Hong Meifang didn't answer Feng Qianyun's question, but looked at her warily.

"Feng Qianyun, my name." Feng Qianyun replied.

A thousand rhymes?Hong Meifang filtered it in his mind, and made sure that he had never heard of such a number one person.

"Why do you want to help Meng Shihao?" Feng Qianyun shook her legs leisurely, but invisibly gave Hong Meifang a strong sense of oppression.

"You, you belong to the chairman?" Hong Meifang was puzzled in his heart. He stood by Meng Shihao's side on the board of directors, which would naturally make it difficult for the chairman. Could this little girl be sent by the chairman?
"Almost, is it good for you to help Meng Shihao? You are the second largest shareholder of Yuchi Group and own the shares of Yuchi Group. In terms of shares, Meng Shihao's shares are less than yours. In terms of position, you are higher than Meng Shihao's. If it is really because you feel that the chairman is too old to accomplish anything, you should grab the position yourself, rather than willingly stand behind Meng Shihao and make him bigger than someone who is not as good as you in everything."

Feng Qianyun's words surprised Hong Meifang. He never thought that this little girl could see things so clearly. What she said was not wrong at all. He was not willing to help Meng Shihao. If there was a way, how could he choose to stand? Meng Shihao's side?
He has a good relationship with the chairman. The chairman is an elder he respects. He is the second largest shareholder in Yuchi Group. He is very satisfied with that status and never thought of kicking the chairman down.

Indeed, the chairman is a bit old, but at present, the chairman is still healthy and strong, and the Yuchi Group is thriving under his leadership.

"Hey..." Hong Meifang sighed, put down the luggage he was packing, and sat down, "It's okay to tell you, because in two days, I will no longer be a shareholder of Yuchi Group. All shares will be transferred to Meng Shihao's name."


This is not a decision that ordinary people would make. A smart person would not do such a thing as transferring all the shares under his name to others when the Yuchi Group was still in good condition. She believed that Hong Meifang would at least not be an idiot.

"Meng Shihao has a handle on me, which can make me win or lose. I have nothing. I have to stand by his side. Of course, this is not enough for him. He wants all the shares of Yuchi Group under my name."

That's why Hong Meifang prepared his luggage and planned to leave M City.

In fact, where can he go after leaving M city?
Hong Meifang divorced a few years ago and has a son, but his son followed his ex-wife, so he was alone, all he had was money, and now Meng Shihao wanted to take away what was his only thing.

Feng Qianyun probably understood what happened, "So you want to exchange your shares in the Yuchi Group for your handle in Meng Shihao's hands?"

Hong Meifang nodded.

"If I get rid of the thing that threatens you like that, everything will be solved, won't it?"

"Of course, but...that thing is in Meng Shihao's don't mean to..."

"This is not something you need to worry about. Anyway, I will bring that thing back to you and destroy it after you confirm it."

Is it true what she said?

"What you said is true?" Hong Meifang still couldn't believe it easily.

"I'm not helping you. If this matter is not resolved, the chairman will be more troubled. For you, the current situation is already the worst. Do you just believe that Meng Shihao won't give up after getting your shares? Will you obediently return those things that threaten you? You have worked with Meng Shihao for so long, and you should know his character better than me. I am afraid that you will really have nothing by then, and you have no choice at all now. , you have been forced into a dead end by Meng Shihao, believe me, it just gives you a little more hope of surviving in the corner."

Feng Qianyun is confident that Hong Meifang will choose to believe him, just because he has no way out.

Hong Meifang stared blankly at Feng Qianyun, unable to say a word for a long time.

Because every word of Feng Qianyun hit his vital point, she was really right, he was cornered, and he was not even [-]% sure whether Meng Shihao would follow the agreement.

"Okay, I believe you!" Hong Meifang struggled a bit, and finally expressed his decision.

"What exactly is that thing?"

"A brown paper bag containing some documents from a few years ago, some contracts with my signature and seal, and some data sheets. And a roll of videotapes used in the past."

And those things are enough to make him nothing, and he may even spend the rest of his life in prison.

"Well, well, don't rush to leave, wait for me at home, I will come back as soon as possible." Feng Qianyun got up after speaking, and then went down from the balcony of the room.

Hong Meifang didn't know whether he was right or wrong in choosing to believe in Feng Qianyun, but this was the only thing he could do now.

Thinking about it, I thought it was a little ridiculous that he would pin all his hopes on a little girl.

After Feng Qianyun left Hong Meifang's house, she rushed to Meng Shihao's house. It was three o'clock in the afternoon. Feng Qianyun entered Hong Meifang's house to let him see her, so she went in in broad daylight.

But she wanted to enter Meng Shihao's house to steal things, so it's best to wait until night.

Feng Qianyun called and went directly to Meng Shihao's house.

Feng Qianyun was not in a hurry to go in this time, she found a hidden place nearby and hid, observing the entry and exit of Meng Shihao's house.

She wants to know who is probably in the house.

It wasn't until after dark that Feng Qianyun started to act. She walked around the villa for a while, then found a way to climb up to the second floor.

Meng Shihao and Meng Qianrou are not at home now, she saw them go out just now.

Others should not be able to enter and exit Meng Shihao's study at will.

This was Feng Qianyun's first time being a thief in her life, and she found that she actually had a talent for being a thief.

The window of the study's balcony was unlocked, and Feng Qianyun entered Meng Shihao's study from the balcony.

It seems that Meng Shihao has a special liking for jade articles. One wall of his study room has been made into a shelf for displaying jade articles. All of them are filled with all kinds of jade articles he has collected, all of which seem to be of little value. Fei.

Feng Qianyun rummaged around Meng Shihao's desk for a while, and saw a lot of kraft paper bags, but none of them were what Hong Meifang wanted.

Feng Qianyun dug out a safe from under Meng Shihao's desk. Generally speaking, rich people believed in this thing, and would put valuables in the safe.

(End of this chapter)

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