Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 120 Meng Qianrou, the self-reliant killer, a tragic killer

Chapter 120 Meng Qianrou, the self-reliant killer, a tragic killer (1)
"Woman, you are very vicious! How can a woman be like this, she won't be able to get married!" Guigui looked like a little adult.

"It's none of your business whether I get married or not?" When did it become her turn to worry about her marriage affairs, "Well... let's discuss your usefulness now, shall we? "Every magic weapon will have its use.

"Woman, you should know that magical artifacts are divided into three categories, attack-type magical artifacts, auxiliary-type magical artifacts, and energy-based magical artifacts. I belong to the attack-type magical artifacts of the water attribute."

An attack system magic weapon, in simple terms, is a magic weapon that can help its owner fight.

Feng Qianyun thought to himself, the magic weapon of the attack system is quite good, but... his appearance... is it really for fighting and not for being cute?
"By the way, do you have a pen and notebook?" Guigui looked around the room, looking for the pen and notebook he wanted.

"What do you need a pen and a notebook for?" Please pay attention to your identity, you are a tool spirit.

"I can follow you every day now. I need to record your daily whereabouts and show it to Brother Lie Que when he returns to M City." Guigui said seriously.

"Boom" Feng Qianyun rewarded him with a big thump.

"Lie Que has really given you ecstasy soup!" That nasty Lie Que!

"Don't say that about Brother Lie Que, that's your future husband!" Guigui protested.

"Who ordered it?"

"This doesn't need to be stipulated, is it true!" Guigui completely took this as a matter of course.

In fact, you really can't blame ghosts for this matter, if you want to blame, you can only blame a certain man who has done something bad.

"Will you always be in this form in the future? Can't you change into a form that I can carry easily like Momo?"

"Hmph, isn't it good that I look so handsome?" Guigui is very satisfied with his appearance, "Forget it, I'll change my appearance."

Guigui changed back to the appearance of the magic weapon, which is similar to the previous appearance. It looks like a bronze mirror, but the size has changed, and it is much, much smaller than before.

In this form, it is only the size of a fingernail.

"You can wear me as your earrings." Guigui said.

Feng Qianyun looked at the Shuilongyin in her hand. Indeed, this size can be used as stud earrings. Although it looks like a bronze mirror when it is enlarged, it really looks like an ornament when it is shrunk down.

So Feng Qianyun put Shuilongyin on her left ear.

Feng Qianyun woke up refreshed, and as soon as she opened the door, she saw Yu Chixiu standing at the door, hesitant to speak.

"That... did you see it?" Yu Chixiu was referring to the gift he gave Feng Qianyun and the love letter he racked his brains to write, but he couldn't understand Feng Qianyun when he said so falteringly. It's just that he was talking about the test tube that he knocked over.

"Yes, got it."

"Eh..." Yu Chixiu suddenly felt embarrassed, "Then what do you think?"

Any ideas?In other words, she should be annoyed that he entered her room without authorization and messed with her things, but since he accidentally stimulated Shuilongyin and helped it open the seal, the merits and demerits are equal. Just one thing.

"No idea." Feng Qianyun replied.

"How can I have no idea? That's my first time..." Writing a love letter for the first time.

"Ah? First time?" Feng Qianyun thought, where is the first time, let alone such a miracle, okay, she doesn't have so many first times to pay to others.

"Nonsense!" Yu Chixiu's face flushed red, she was the first person he confessed to, and it was the first time he wrote that love letter.

To be honest, Yu Chixiu also felt that writing a love letter was childish. He thought so when he saw a love letter written by others before, but for him who really couldn't think of a way and was provoked by Feng Qianyun to the point of jealousy, I can't care that much anymore.

"Um... remember to cherish your first time next time. Forget about this kind of first time. When it's the first time, remember that the most important woman you leave for you should be your future wife." Feng Qian Yun warned sincerely.

Yuchixiu is angry, what is this first time, what's wrong with this first time?Is she looking down on his confession?

"Feng Qianyun, you are too hateful!" Yu Chixiu roared angrily, and then ran downstairs angrily.

Feng Qianyun blinked her extremely innocent eyes, but she wasn't angry, what kind of anger was he?
Feng Qianyun went downstairs, Lu Dafeng saw Feng Qianyun coming down, "Little Master, I'm going back to City H this afternoon."

Say goodbye to the little master first, and when the little master goes to school, he can't say goodbye to her.

Lu Dafeng came here to treat Shang Xiaoye's mother, and now that she was cured, Lu Dafeng stayed here for a few more days, in order to follow Feng Qianyun to get "Shen Nong Herbal Collection".

Although he was reluctant to leave for the sake of "Shen Nong Herbs Collection", but his son was the only one in the family who supported him. His son hadn't learned anything from him in medical skills, and it was only in recent years that he took medicine with him. Learned.

He hasn't been here for so long, many old customers are waiting anxiously, many of them are neighbors, and they are very familiar with Lu Dafeng, Lu Dafeng feels that he can no longer stay in M ​​City, even if he is reluctant to part with Feng Qianyun and her medical books There is no other way.

"Oh, you go back, I will write some medical books every day as usual, and I will give them to you when I return to H City next time."

Feng Qianyun didn't think what was said, but Lu Dafeng was very excited when he heard it.

"Really?" Lu Dafeng jumped up and down around Feng Qianyun, like a child, "It's already agreed, you are not allowed to play tricks, you must complete it on time and according to the amount every day, and you can't be perfunctory." It's over!"

"Got it, that's right, help me bring some things back to my mother." The mobile phone and some clothes I bought for my mother let Lu Dafeng take them back to my mother first. She doesn't know how long she will have to stay in M ​​City before returning to H City a trip.

"No problem, I will help you raise your mother to be white and fat!" Lu Dafeng patted his chest and assured him, "Speaking of which, your mother is really not suitable for working outside, she is delicate and weak, she should be suitable for staying at home , The old man is serious when he says this, I will let your mother come to work in my shop, and my son will not let your mother do any hard work when he sees him."

"She was indeed born to be hurt by men." Feng Qianyun quite agrees with this point. Her mother is beautiful, and she is born with soft bones and muscles. of.

Such a woman would arouse a man's desire to protect. Back then, Ouyang Shiyin loved Feng Yilin very much, and the two were once an enviable loving couple.

(End of this chapter)

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