Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 122 Meng Qianrou, the self-reliant killer, a tragic killer

Chapter 122 Meng Qianrou, the self-reliant killer, a tragic killer (3)
"So, you should hate me very much. I ruined your dream. Not only did I stop the good things you did with Yu Chixiu, but I also completely ruined your image in Zaixiu's mind."

"No, I don't hate you. In fact, when I agreed to help my father do that kind of thing, I hesitated. I didn't know that if I cultivated like this, even if I got what I wanted, I would live in fear in the future." This is not the love I want, you stopped everything, you also stopped my hesitation and helped me make a choice."

What a moving scene, what a profound realization.

Feng Qianyun was almost moved by Meng Qianrou. It would be a waste if she didn't become an actress.

"Well, it seems that you also have difficulties. Well, there is nothing wrong with liking someone. Well, I forgive you." Feng Qianyun said bluntly.

Feng Qianyun's easy-talking appearance was beyond Meng Qianrou's expectations, she thought she would be more difficult to deal with.

"Really? Did you really forgive me?" Meng Qianrou's eyes were still full of tears.

"Really, I forgive you." Feng Qianyun nodded, isn't this what you want?
"After that, can I, can I be your good sister?" Meng Qianrou asked Feng Qianyun cautiously.

"Yes." Feng Qianyun replied.

Meng Qianrou held Feng Qianyun's arm joyfully, with an excited expression on her face, "That's great! We will be good sisters from now on!"

"Hehe, yes..."

"By the way, this is the perfume I just bought yesterday. It smells good. I give it to you." Meng Qianrou took out the bottle of perfume that she had been holding in her hand since just now and gave it to Feng Qianyun.

Feng Qianyun took the perfume bottle from her hand, perfume?

"Really? Then I want to try it. How about smelling it to see if it's the smell I like?" Feng Qianyun raised her face and smiled sweetly at Meng Qianrou.

"If you want to try it, go back and try again. Class is about to start, let's go back to the classroom first!" Meng Qianrou picked up Feng Qianyun and walked quickly to the classroom to prevent her from trying the perfume on the spot.

Meng Qianrou wished that Feng Qianyun could use it, but she couldn't do it at this time. The whole class could see her and Feng Qianyun coming out together. If something happened to her at this time, the suspicion would fall on her.

Meng Qianrou didn't expect that Feng Qianyun would want to try the "perfume" on the spot. Most people receive gifts from others, and out of etiquette, they don't immediately use them in front of the other party.

"It's just a spray of perfume, you can also spray it while walking." Feng Qianyun said and opened the cap of the perfume bottle.

"No more, let's go." Meng Qianrou's palms were sweating, and she almost ran while pulling Feng Qianyun.

"Hehe, you seem to be very worried that I used it at this moment. What's wrong? Is there any problem? My dear sister!" Feng Qianyun stopped in her tracks and pulled Meng Qianrou back by the way. .

"How could it be? This is a gift from me." Meng Qianrou looked at Feng Qianyun's eyes that seemed to have seen through everything, feeling terrified.

"Really? Then you can test it yourself?" Feng Qianyun held the perfume and pointed it at Meng Qianrou's neck.

"No, take it away!" Meng Qianrou almost instinctively reached out to pat Feng Qianyun's hand holding the perfume.

Feng Qianyun was not so easy to mess with, before she had time to break free, she pointed the perfume at her neck and sprayed it on.

"Ah, ah..." Meng Qianrou was so frightened that she wiped her neck in a panic, trying to wipe off the "perfume" on it.

Feng Qianyun watched Meng Qianrou's neck turn red quickly, and heard her groan because of the pain.

"Ricin?" Feng Qianyun smiled, "Don't be nervous, you won't die at that level, it's just skin contact, you don't even fully understand the medicinal properties of this thing, you just want to use it to kill me ?” Should she call this woman childish or stupid? "The best way to kill people with ricin is intravenous injection. 20 mg can kill a person. Inhalation and swallowing can also kill people, but there will be a certain reaction time. If it is longer, it will take a few days to kill people. , As for the contact of the spray with the skin, it will only cause skin redness and pain, and if the amount is small, it will not be life-threatening."

Most people have a skin reaction after spraying it. Even if they don’t know it’s poisonous and mistakenly think it’s just an allergic reaction, they won’t continue to use it. Therefore, it’s not fatal to make it into a perfume.

How did Meng Qianrou know so many things? She only asked John to help her find a poison that could kill people quickly. John found her ricin and told her that only a few tens of milligrams was enough to kill people. After getting the poison, he injected it into the perfume with a syringe.

After finishing speaking, Feng Qianyun unscrewed the cap of the perfume directly, spraying it was too unpleasant.

"You, what do you want to do?" Meng Qianrou looked at Feng Qianyun who was slowly approaching her, with unspeakable fear in her eyes.

"I can't bear your big gift, so I plan to return it to you." Repay him in the same way as others.

Meng Qianrou watched in horror as Feng Qianyun poured a bottle full of ricin-laced perfume on her body. She wanted to escape, but she was caught by Feng Qianyun, and there was no way to escape. Inevitable.

Meng Qianrou's body was covered with ricin in many places, and she felt pain all over for a while.

Feng Qianyun corked the empty perfume bottle back into her hand, then turned and left.

"Yu Chixiu, Yunyun and I went to the night market together today, so I won't go back with you."

When school was over, Shang Xiaoye held Feng Qianyun's hand and said to Yu Chixiu that Yu Chixiu and Feng Qianyun went to school together these two days, and many students in the class were guessing about their relationship.

Shang Xiaoye only knew that Feng Qianyun was staying at Yu Chixiu's house for the time being, and he didn't think about the relationship between the two of them elsewhere, let alone thinking about it like other people who didn't know Feng Qianyun.

"What did you guys go to the night market for?" Yu Chixiu was just purely curious.

Shang Xiaoye should be glad that she is a girl, otherwise, according to Yu Chixiu's jealousy these days, he would have already regarded him as an enemy.

"We have something we want to buy." Shang Xiaoye was a little embarrassed. They were going to buy underwear and snacks by the way, so how dare they tell a boy clearly.

Yu Chixiu didn't know what Shang Xiaoye was thinking, he just felt that he had to make more use of the time he spent with Feng Qianyun, recently he had almost no time to be alone with Feng Qianyun, whenever Feng Qianyun was free, he didn't stay alone In the room, he went out with Han Mojue and carried out their two secret activities.

"Ah?" Shang Xiaoye's eyes flickered, Yu Chixiu followed, okay?They are going to buy women's products.

(End of this chapter)

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