Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 125 What is the origin of this little girl?

Chapter 125 What is the origin of this little girl? (1)
"Of course, before experimenting with those things, you can taste my silver needle first." Feng Qianyun said as she took out her silver needle bag, and pulled out a seven-inch long needle from it. A very thin silver needle came and pierced Tang Ze's toe.

The pain after acupuncture points are pierced in the human body is unbearable for ordinary people.There are such acupuncture points on the human toes.

Tang Ze bit his lower lip, determined not to let himself make a sound, to be a killer, he was injured before, and the pain he experienced was far more than that.

After the first injection, although Tang Ze didn't say a word, his forehead was covered with dense beads of sweat.

It's quite bearable, if it was an ordinary person, he would have screamed in pain, and it is not impossible to pass out from the pain.

"You have ten toes, and this is the first injection." There are more to come, and he will suffer.

Feng Qianyun continued to give Tang Ze the needle, three more in a row, Tang Ze still didn't make a sound, didn't cry out that it hurts, but his whole face turned pale, not only his forehead, his face, his His chest and back were also covered in cold sweat, which was caused by the intense pain in his body.

"I admire you a little bit. It seems that even if you faint from pain, you don't plan to open your mouth anymore, so let's find something else fun." Feng Qianyun giggled, and then picked up the cup from the bedside cabinet. A bottle of essential oil.

"I heard that this is Indian oil. I don't know if it's genuine. I'll let you verify its efficacy." Feng Qianyun directly poured the whole bottle of Indian oil on Tang Ze.

This method of use is simply a waste of Indian oil. Indian oil should be used during massage, but Feng Qianyun doesn't have the leisurely feeling of massage and massage for a killer who wants to kill herself.

"Don't think you can force me to submit by using such despicable methods." Tang Ze closed his eyes after finishing speaking, with a surprisingly calm face.

"Don't be like this. It's just Indian oil. It's not the same as aphrodisiac. It will make you more excited and last longer, but it won't destroy your sanity."

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, while waiting for the divine oil to torture Tang Ze, Feng Qianyun took out the medicine-infused silver needle that had just pierced into his body.

Then he took out a medicine box from his carry-on bag, opened the box, and inside were several syringes of different sizes and several rows of reagents.

Feng Qianyun took out a brand new syringe, and then drew a certain amount of reagents from several reagent bottles in it, and mixed the reagents in the syringe.

Then, Feng Qianyun injected the mixed liquid intravenously into Tang Ze's body.

Feng Qianyun felt that she was really led by the strange old man. She remembered that when she was with the strange old man, she saw him researching some strange medicines every day, and she became the experimental subject of the strange old man several times.

The strange old man likes to manipulate people, and many of the medicines he researched are not fatal, but tormenting people. The strange old man who prefers to manipulate people is proficient in ancient medicine, has a good research on poisons, and has thoroughly studied western medicine. People use two words to describe it, that is: scourge!
Feng Qianyun prepared some reagents with the remaining medicine after making the antidote for Long Yutian, and put them in her small backpack with her. She didn't expect it to come in handy so soon.

What she just injected into Tang Ze was a drug that could cause people to have an allergic reaction. After the injection, the human body would develop red spots, which were extremely itchy and could not be scratched.

Of course, the current Tang Ze couldn't do anything about it.

Tang Ze bit his lower lip tightly, the skin was already bitten, and blood flowed out. The veins on his face were bulging, and his chest heaved violently.

Feng Qianyun looked at Tang Ze for a while, and had to say that as far as a killer was concerned, Tang Ze was excellent.

Feng Qianyun took out another syringe and injected another reagent into Tang Ze's body. The second reagent was the antidote to the first one.

Then, after Feng Qianyun tied Tang Ze with the rope in the room, she left the room first, Yu Chixiu and Shang Xiaoye were still waiting for her.

Feng Qianyun left the room, explained to the receptionist, and kept the room.

The front desk lady silently watched Feng Qianyun leave, thinking to herself, could it be that the man was too tired to get up?So I had to rest in my room?
If it weren't for the hotel's regulations not to pry into the privacy of the guests, these staff members would have rushed to the room where Tang Ze was at the moment to see how intense their battle was.

In order to wait for Feng Qianyun, Yu Chixiu and Shang Xiaoye sat down in front of a Mala Tang stall in the night market.This Malatang stall is at the intersection, and Feng Qianyun can see them as soon as she comes back.

The two sat for a while in front of the plastic table and chairs.

"Yu Chixiu?" A woman walked up to Yu Chixiu's side and asked him in a tentative tone.

Yu Chixiu turned around, a little surprised, "Sister Yubai?"

"I saw you from a distance just now, and I thought it looked like you. I just thought you wouldn't come to this kind of place, but I didn't expect it was really you." Because Wang Yubai saw Yu Chixiu, he had a feeling of reunion after a long absence. joy.

"Sister Yubai, why didn't you inform me when you returned to China?"

This is the first time Yu Chixiu has shown this kind of familiarity with a woman, so Shang Xiaoye is very curious about the identity of this woman.

Wang Yubai was seven years older than Yu Chixiu, and he used to be Yu Chixiu's neighbor. They had a good relationship until she went abroad to study and they moved away with their family.

Wang Yubai thinks of Yu Chixiu as a big sister next door who cares about him.

Wang Yubai was born in a Xinglin family, which used to be a famous family, but it has declined in recent years.

Wang Yubai's family has high expectations for her and has always hoped that she can revitalize the family.

"It's been a few days since I came back..." Wang Yubai seemed to have something on his mind.

"What's the matter, Sister Yubai, you seem to be troubled by something." It was rare for Yu Chixiu to care so much about a woman, which shows that Wang Yubai is really special to him.

"I'm looking for A Ze." Wang Yubai's worries all come from this man named A Ze.

"Brother Aze..." Yu Chixiu then remembered Wang Yubai's boyfriend Tang Ze. The two had been together before Wang Yubai went abroad, but he remembered that Wang Yubai's family was very opposed to the two being together because Tang Ze was an orphan. . "What's up with him?"

"Actually, I haven't seen him for a long time. When I first went abroad, he went abroad desperately and studied at the same university as me. We stayed together for almost a year without telling my family. time, but later..."

When he said this, Wang Yubai's eyes flickered, "I only know that he has returned to China. I think he should have returned to M City, so I came out to look for him. When he was abroad, he would sometimes go to the Chinese Street stalls selling snacks to earn living expenses, I wondered if he would appear in the night market, so I came to see."

(End of this chapter)

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