Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 128 What is the origin of this little girl?

Chapter 128 What is the origin of this little girl? (4)
"We can put the toys on the car and play later!" Shang Xiaoye thought of a good idea.

"The owner of the stall is also a small business. We won three big toys today, and he has already set up the stall for several days. Do you want to pay him back?" Feng Qianyun laughed, playing It's good to play, but there's no need to make others lose money.

After being told by Feng Qianyun, Shang Xiaoye realized the problem, "That's right! You are so smart, Yunyun, I didn't even think of this problem, it's okay, it's okay, otherwise it would be a crime for that uncle to have no food to eat." gone."

"By the way, Yunyun, why did you choose Xiaohei? Do you like Xiaohei very much?" Shang Xiaoye asked Feng Qianyun.

"It's okay, this is for brother Yunran." Feng Qianyun replied.

"Huh? For the president?" Shang Xiaoye began to fantasize about Xue Yunran holding a large plush toy in his mind,'s really hard to imagine!

Feng Qianyun was chatting with Shang Xiaoye, but she didn't notice that the aura of a certain man beside them had changed.

Yu Chixiu was originally holding the plush toy that Feng Qianyun gave him, thinking to himself, if the stinky girl gave him a plush toy, does it mean that he also has a little place in the stinky girl's heart?

But suddenly, when Feng Qianyun and Shang Xiaoye talked about Xue Yunran, when Feng Qianyun called Xue Yunran "Brother Yunran", and when Feng Qianyun said that she was going to give Xue Yunran a toy, she immediately felt angry.

"Yunyun, have you noticed that you are not like a child at all in front of Yu Chixiu and me, you are so mature that I am ashamed, but you are more like a child in front of the president, you will Act like a baby with her." Shang Xiaoye once again told the truth.

Feng Qianyun couldn't refute what Shang Xiaoye said, because it was the truth. As for why, because she knew Xue Yunran before she was reborn. When she was a little girl, he was like a brother, coaxing her to love him. she.

So when facing Xue Yunran, she seemed to instinctively return to the state she was getting along with at that time.

After being told by Shang Xiaoye, Yu Chixiu also found out.

That's right, the smelly girl always looks very mature, but she is damn cute in front of Xue Yunran!

Thinking of this, Yu Chixiu became even angrier!
Then, Shang Xiaoye took the two of them to play goldfish fishing, whack-a-mole and other small games until 09:30 in the evening.

Yu Chixiu regards all the games as his way of venting, Shang Xiaoye is frightened when he sees it, the young master's way of playing is really too thrilling!

Everyone was tired from playing, "Yunyun, it's getting late, I've bought my things, so I'll go back first, there is a bus that goes directly to my house nearby, so I won't go with you."

Shang Xiaoye said goodbye to Yu Chixiu and Feng Qianyun.

Then Yu Chixiu and Feng Qianyun were left, "Eldest young master, I haven't finished the matter just now, and I can't go back with you. I might not go home tonight."

"Are you going to find Xue Yunran? Do you know what time it is!" Yu Chixiu roared fiercely.

"I know what time it is now, and I'm not going to find brother Yunran, I have business to do, so please take this toy back for me." Feng Qianyun stuffed the plush toy into Yuchi without saying a word Xiu's hand, let Yuchixiu's one hand grab the toy's arm.

After Feng Qianyun finished these, she walked towards the motel.

Yu Chixiu came to the parking place alone, slammed open the car door, and threw the plush toy in his hand forcefully, using this childish behavior to vent his dissatisfaction.

The most hateful thing is that he is dissatisfied, but he has no right to question Feng Qianyun!
Feng Qianyun returned to the motel room, entered the door, and on the water bed in the room, Tang Ze who was tied up by her was still lying on the bed unable to move.

His eyes were closed tightly, and he didn't know if he was asleep or passed out.

Feng Qianyun walked to the bedside, "If you are still alive, open your eyes."

Tang Ze still didn't respond.

"Wang Yubai, I don't know if you know this woman."

Sure enough, after Feng Qianyun said the name "Wang Yubai", Tang Ze, who hadn't moved at all since just now, suddenly opened his eyes, "What did you do to her?"

"I'm not a killer like you. I don't have the hobby of taking other people's lives for no reason. I saw a woman just now. She just came back from abroad and was looking for the whereabouts of her boyfriend who has been in love with you for many years. I don't know what happened to you. Does it matter?"

Tang Ze's hands tightened unconsciously, "Shut up! Whatever you want to do, just come at me, and you are not allowed to make any plans on her!"

"Hey, is that right? You seem to be very worried about what I'll do to her?" Feng Qianyun smiled, with an evil taste in his smile.

"Listen, I don't allow you to touch her!" Tang Ze roared angrily.

"As a prisoner, you don't seem qualified to order me to do anything, do you? However, I am interested in making a deal with you."

"What do you want?" Tang Ze was really afraid of what Feng Qianyun would do to Wang Yubai.

"It's nothing, I just want to know who is behind Yuchixiu's idea, I remember I told you that if Yuchixiu dies, some people who are close to me will be sad, so I'm still I don’t want him to die. More importantly, your goal should be the Yuchi Group. Unfortunately, I now hold the shares of the Yuchi Group. If someone wants to move the Yuchi Group, it will be related to me. Money, I don’t allow this. What, trade information for the safety of your beloved woman.”

Tang Ze was silent for a long time, "Okay, I promise you. The person who asked me to kill Yu Chixiu is Jin Jiu, known as Master Jiu."

Kim Nine?

This person, Feng Qianyun, knew that she had asked Yu Chixiong for the information of the two defecting shareholders, one of them was Hong Meifang, and the other was Jin Jiu.

It seems that the people behind the scenes are Jin Jiu and Meng Shihao, and Feng Qianyun has shown her strength very few times. At least so far, she has only exposed the strength of the junior Xuan class when dealing with Meng Shihao's people.

Tang Ze would know that her strength should be inseparable from Meng Shihao.

Feng Qianyun stretched out her hand to untie the rope on Tang Ze's body.

"You are free. In addition, as a reward for your cooperation, after I solve the problem here, I will do you a big favor and let Wang Yubai's family accept you." Feng Qianyun helped Tang Ze untie the rope Said to him.

"What did you say?" Tang Ze was shocked, what does this little girl mean?
"Since I know about the relationship between Wang Yubai and you, it's not surprising to know what's going on between you, right? You want to raise money as a killer, and then make some achievements as soon as possible so that Wang Yubai's family will accept you, right? ?”

(End of this chapter)

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