Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 135 Lie Que: If Someone Disobeys, I'll Catch Her

Chapter 135 Lie Que: Someone Disobedient, I'll Catch Her (2)
Even though Han Mojue knew that Feng Qianyun had great medical skills, when he knew that she was proficient in ancient medical skills, he was too shocked to speak.

"Then I'll tell you now."

"At least you prepared me a little bit!" Han Mojue shouted depressingly.

Han Mojue thought to himself, if he stayed with his young wife again, sooner or later his heart would go wrong.

After about half an hour, Long Yutian brought the medicine cauldron and appeared in the VIP room where Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue were.

The other people in the room were sent out by Long Yutian, leaving only the three of them.

The medicine cauldron was placed on the tea table in the room, and three people surrounded the medicine cauldron.

"This thing is all black and naked, can it really be used to refine the legendary medicine?" Han Mojue reached out to touch the medicine cauldron, a little suspicious.

"Then let's have a try." Feng Qianyun was straightforward, experimenting is the only way to test the truth.

"Test?" Long Yutian looked puzzled, "How do you test it? It is rumored that only those who are proficient in ancient medical techniques can use the medicinal cauldron."

Feng Qianyun took a look at Long Yutian and sighed, "I found that you and Han Mojue are a good match, really."

"Hey, hey, little daughter-in-law, what nonsense are you talking about, how can I match up with this stinky man!" Han Mojue yelled again, "Even if I want to match up, I want to accompany the big beauty with bulging front and back! "

"Then you go out now to find your bulging beauty." Feng Qianyun chased her away, "And you, Long Yutian, go out too."

"Don't you really want to experiment?" Although Long Yutian had some mental preparations, he couldn't help being shocked when he heard Feng Qianyun said that he would use the medicine cauldron to experiment with refining elixir.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Feng Qianyun pushed the two men out of the room and locked the door.

"Hey, little daughter-in-law, don't be like this, let me go in and have a look, I promise I will watch quietly from the side and never disturb you, okay?" Han Mojue was dying of curiosity, it was the first time in his life that he met someone It's no wonder he wasn't excited to use the medicine cauldron to refine the elixir, and it was right in front of him.

He wants to watch the whole thing, he wants to be in!
Han Mojue knocked on the door for a long time, but Feng Qianyun inside ignored him.

Han Mojue was so depressed that he stared at Long Yutian who was also driven out of the room by Feng Qianyun, "It's all your fault, if it wasn't for you, I wouldn't have been kicked out!"

Han Mojue was just making trouble out of no reason, who told him that his heart is itching to die now.

Long Yutian leaned against the door, his eyes were deep and his mind was heavy.

Feng Qianyun in the room looked at the medicine cauldron in front of her, but she was not completely sure. She was indeed proficient in ancient medical skills, and also learned from ancient medicine techniques how to use the medicine cauldron to refine the legendary elixir.

But she has not practiced it yet, the reason is very simple, that is the lack of medicine cauldron.

Without the medicine cauldron, she has no way to put it into practice even if she only knows the theoretical knowledge.

Feng Qianyun took out some powder of Chinese herbal medicines from the small bag she carried with her. This is Feng Qianyun's habit. She carries some commonly used medicines with her, including western medicine and traditional Chinese medicine. She will grind Chinese medicine into powder for easy carrying. It is also convenient for her to use.

The medicinal powder in her hand can be used to refine a simple elixir, the one-qi thunder ghost elixir, which is actually a great tonic elixir.

The time passed by every minute and every second, and the two people who couldn't see the situation outside the door could only wait anxiously. , apart from skills, this process will take a lot of Feng Qianyun's effort, otherwise the elixir cannot be refined.

Feng Qianyun stared at the medicine cauldron, finally, a white breath emerged from the cauldron.


Feng Qianyun let out a long sigh of relief, the appearance of this white breath was proof that the elixir inside had taken shape.

After another 10 minutes or so, it was done, and Feng Qianyun opened the lid of the medicine cauldron.

For a moment, a strong white aura emerged from it, and after the white aura dissipated, Feng Qianyun took out a white pill from the medicine cauldron.

The pill is very round, which shows that this experiment was very successful.

Judging from its fineness, the grade of this medicine cauldron is not low.

"Wow, master, you succeeded! You succeeded the first time!" While she was silently happy for Feng Qianyun, she also sighed secretly in her heart. In hand, it takes countless failures to successfully refine the elixir.

Her master is lucky, he directly refined the elixir for the first time, if it spreads, how many people will be pissed off?

Feng Qianyun looked at the Thunder Ghost Pill that she had refined, and she was quite satisfied, and she knew in her heart that she still had a lot of room for improvement.

Of course, this time, it also brought her good news, that is Yu Chixiu's illness, she thinks she has a solution!
Before she researched Yu Chixiu's disease, she couldn't find a very effective prescription. Now that she has the medicine cauldron, she can refine the elixir, and everything has changed.

Feng Qianyun opened the door of the room, and Han Mojue, who was standing outside, was impatient for a long time. Long Yutian had no expression on his face, but he was actually quite anxious.

"How is it? Little daughter-in-law, is it all right?" Han Mojue rushed in when the door opened, rushed to the coffee table where the medicine cauldron was placed, and stretched out his head to look around.

"Ah? Why not?" Han Mojue didn't see the elixir he was expecting to see in the medicine cauldron. With a look of disappointment on his face, he simply picked up the medicine cauldron and turned it upside down, hoping to pour out the elixir from it. Come.

Long Yutian looked at Feng Qianyun, waiting for her to tell them the result.

Feng Qianyun stretched out her hand, spread it out, and a white pill appeared in her palm.

This is the best proof.

Long Yutian and Han Mojue stared at the pill in Feng Qianyun's hand, and did not speak for a long time.

This is the legendary pill... Today, they saw it with their own eyes.

It took Han Mojue a long time to recover, he walked towards Feng Qianyun, and carefully touched the elixir in Feng Qianyun's palm.

Feng Qianyun suddenly smiled, and before Han Mojue could react, she backhanded and directly sent the Thunder Ghost Pill in her hand into Han Mojue's mouth.

Han Mojue was startled, before he had time to react, he swallowed, and the Thunder Ghost Pill was swallowed by him.

"Little daughter-in-law, what are you doing? Why did you feed the elixir into my mouth!" Han Mojue almost pinched his throat with his fingers, trying to spit out the elixir he had just swallowed.

"It's nothing, it's just to make up for your body. You've been working hard recently. How are you, my boss?" Feng Qianyun said with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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