Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 150 The planting base was destroyed, this is courting death

Chapter 150 The planting base was destroyed, this is courting death (2)
After Mu Tongren took Bailibing back, he asked his family doctor to perform a detailed examination on Bailibing. As a result, Bailibing could be moved before any problems could be detected.

Feng Qianyun didn't give Baili Bing any serious poison. After all, Feng Qianyun just joined the Black Dragon Gang today. No matter if Mu Tongren is an enemy or a friend, it doesn't make sense to give his people half-dead as soon as they come up.

"Bing'er, how are you feeling now? Is there any discomfort?" Mu Tongren loved Baili Bing very much. He was the most talented student among all his apprentices, and also the one he liked the most.

Baili Bing shook his head, "I'm fine, master, don't worry."

"How could you not be worried? That stinky girl who came out of nowhere is mean and shameless!" Mu Tongren's impression of Feng Qianyun was extremely bad in his heart, and he is still so angry that she let her He lost such a big face in front of the gang, it's abominable!
"Master, don't be angry. It's not worth it to ruin your body for such popularity." Baili Bing helped Mu Tongren calm down.

"Oh, how can you not be angry, from today onwards, I will see her every day!" What is even more annoying is that he has to bow his head to her and call her Miss!

"Master, don't be angry, she is just relying on some insidious means. Although the brothers in the gang can't say anything on the surface, they are not convinced by her in the bottom of their hearts. Without real skills, it is difficult to gain a long-term foothold in the gang. I believe She won't last long."

After being told by Baili Bing, Mu Tongren felt much more at ease.

"By the way, Bing'er, Master has something for you." Mu Tongren took out a brocade box that he carried with him, and when he opened it, it turned out to be a green fluorescent bead.

"Ming Yuan?" Baili Bing asked in surprise.

"That's right, it's Mingyuan. I wanted to give you this Mingyuan a long time ago, and let it help you break through the middle level of the mysterious rank. Taking advantage of your 'injury', you can practice in seclusion for a period of time to improve your cultivation."

Mu Tongren thought that Baili Bing was poisoned by Feng Qianyun's insidious tricks, which is obvious to all. When the time comes, she will use the excuse that Bai Li Bing is recuperating, but in fact let her take this opportunity to practice through Mingyuan, In this way, the brothers in the gang would not gossip about Baili Bing for neglecting the affairs of the gang, or negligence of duty as a incense master.

"Master, master, you should keep such a good thing for yourself, only you are worthy of such a thing!" Baili Bing returned Mingyuan to Mu Tongren's hands thoughtfully.

Mu Tongren is not willing, "Listen to the master's words, hold it carefully, and wait for you to break through the middle level of the Xuan rank and become a master of the peak of the Xuan rank, then you can seek revenge on that stinky girl!"

Mu Tongren put on a straight face, if Baili Bing dared to return Ming Yuan to him again, he would definitely make her angry.

"The apprentice will thank the master first, and I will definitely work hard to cultivate and live up to the expectations of the master!" Baili Bing assured Mu Tongren.

"Good boy," Mu Tongren smiled with satisfaction, "It's not too late. Master will arrange a retreat for you right now. No one else will come in this room. You can practice here, and I will arrange everything for you outside."

"Well, thank you master." Baili Bing nodded with a sweet smile on his face.

Mu Tongren left the room after explaining, leaving the space to Baili Bing so that she could practice with Ming Yuan.

Holding Ming Yuan, Baili Bing's expression changed, a sneer twitched at the corner of his mouth, and he thought, Oh, this old thing has a lot of good things.

Although it made her feel bad to be hurt by that little bitch, but it was a blessing in disguise for the old man to give this thing to her, which is not too bad.

That old thing is also stupid enough, one good apprentice at a time, without looking at his own virtue.

The energy magic weapon Mingyuan was given to her, so I really trust her!

"Miss, from today onwards, our two brothers will be your bodyguards to protect your safety." Two men in black suits stood in front of Feng Qianyun.

"What's your name?" Feng Qianyun officially moved into the Long family's mansion from today, and the two people in front of her were her personal bodyguards arranged by the elders of the gang.

"My name is Xiao Shi, and he is my younger brother Xiao Wu." The slightly taller man replied.

"Oh." Feng Qianyun responded lightly.

The two brothers originally thought that Feng Qianyun would ask a lot of questions, but they didn't expect that she just said "oh", which made them feel at a loss.

Feng Qianyun is too lazy to ask, because there is no difference between asking and not asking. If they are sent by someone with evil intentions, she will definitely not be able to ask the real situation if she asks. suspicion.

These two bodyguards may have protected her at a dangerous moment, or they may have stabbed her at a critical moment.But no matter which one it is, it is not something she can interrogate in a few words now.

So Feng Qianyun simply didn't ask.

Just as Feng Qianyun wanted to go back to her room to rest for a while, she received a call from Han Mojue.

"Little daughter-in-law, something happened to the medicinal material planting base." Han Mojue's urgent voice came from the phone.

"What's the matter?" Feng Qianyun has no shortage of start-up funds now, and Han Mojue will help check the specific matters, so it stands to reason that nothing will happen.

"It's Huichuntang. Let them know about our drastic planting of medicinal materials in Qiaoxi Village. They are afraid that we will affect them when we grow up, so they want to hinder us while we are still in the initial stage. They are too shameless , actually found a group of hooligans to make trouble on the base we are building, and injured our workers, and now the project has to be suspended."

Han Mojue wasn't in Qiaoxi Village at first, but he rushed to Qiaoxi Village after receiving a call from the foreman at noon.

Originally, he thought that if the situation was not too bad, he would not contact Feng Qianyun, but when he got there, he found that the people in Huichuntang had gone too far.

Not only smashing things, beating people, but also letting go of harsh words. If the project continues, all these workers will be disabled. The foreman has no choice but to call Han Mojue.

"Han Mojue, you wait there, I'll be there right away."

Dare to touch her things, her people?Have you ever asked her if she agrees?
Feng Qianyun hung up the phone and immediately set off. Now Feng Qianyun bears the title of the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang. She wants to go out. The two brothers Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu should also follow, and there is also a special driver.

Originally, Feng Qianyun didn't want to make too much publicity, but since she was going to fight, it would be good to bring a few more people with her.

(End of this chapter)

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