Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 152 The planting base was destroyed, this is courting death

Chapter 152 The planting base was destroyed, this is courting death (4)
So the village head and the secretary left hesitantly and went back to the village committee.

"Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu, take them to hide in a hidden place over there, drive the car a little further, if you all stand here, they won't dare to come." Feng Qianyun said to Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu, The other party is not a fool. When he saw such a group of people standing here, he ran away when he saw such a group of people standing here.

Because this is farmland, there are mountains and streams on the side, and tall and dense reeds grow, it is easy to find a place to hide.

"Yes, Miss." No matter what thoughts Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu have, Feng Qianyun's order will definitely be obeyed on the surface.

The brothers of the Black Dragon Gang acted quickly, and quickly followed Feng Qianyun's order to withdraw from people's sight.

After waiting for a while, the group at noon really reappeared.

The opponent is very arrogant and menacing.

The leader was Huo Qirui, who was dressed as an ordinary gangster. Huo Qirui saw two new faces, Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue.

"Are you the boss of this messy medicinal material planting base?" Huo Qirui walked up to Han Mojue with an arrogant attitude.

"I'm not, she is." Han Mojue pointed to Feng Qianyun beside him.

"Huh?" Huo Qirui seemed to have heard a big joke, "You said she is the boss here? Hahaha...hahahaha...I laughed so hard, I fucking laughed so hard!"

Huo Qirui laughed, and a group of gangsters behind him also laughed, they were laughing at Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue.

"I said, why would someone have a brain twitch, and set up a medicinal herb planting base in M ​​City, it turns out that it's a children's play house!" Huo Qirui smiled so much that his mouth was crooked.

"Why don't you talk? Are you dumb?" Huo Qirui said happily alone, but Feng Qianyun didn't say a word, "I can tell you that the mountains and water in Qiaoxi Village are also green. I can't let you black-hearted The businessman has been ruined, we are staunch environmentalists, your project must be stopped immediately!"

Huo Qirui obviously didn't want Feng Qianyun and the others to develop, but he claimed that he was an environmentalist, and beat people and things under the banner of environmental protection.

After Huo Qirui finished speaking, he waited for Feng Qianyun's answer. After waiting for a long time, no one paid any attention to him, "Forget it, I don't want to waste time with you. I will shut it down from today, otherwise, don't blame us for being rude, I have given you a chance at noon, now I count to three, you immediately pack up your things and get out of here, otherwise, don't blame us Our fists have no eyes!"


Huo Qirui thought that he would start to move after counting these people. At noon, he had already given this group of workers a hard lesson, and they would be disobedient for no reason.

As a result, after he counted one, no one moved, and the group of workers sat aside, their expressions still surprisingly calm.

Not to mention Feng Qianyun and Han Mojue, who still seemed to be smiling.

Damn, it's too fucking shameless!

After Huo Qirui counted to two, still no one made any movements, as if he was regarded as air.

Huo Qirui, who was completely ignored, was furious, "Three, give me a fucking hand!"

After Huo Qirui counted to three, suddenly there was a lot of movement around.

Huo Qirui and the people he brought looked around, and saw twenty men in uniform black suits and black sunglasses walking towards them.

All of these people are tall and powerful, and they know that they can fight well just by looking at them.

Huo Qirui didn't react, he didn't know where these people came from, let alone what they were doing.

"Brothers, do you know what's up with you?" Huo Qirui, who was arrogant to Feng Qianyun and the others just now, has become very polite when he meets ghosts and people.

No one answered Hochry's question.

Of course, Feng Qianyun, the eldest lady, hasn't spoken yet. Of course, these younger brothers don't talk casually. However, Huo Qirui yelled at Feng Qianyun, but respectfully greeted her bodyguards. Respectfully.

"Brothers, I am here today just to prevent these people from destroying this beautiful mountain village. We are here to protect the environment here from being destroyed by these black-hearted businessmen. We are thinking of everyone. I think brothers also Will you support us environmentalists?"

Huo Qirui spent a long time talking, but no one paid any attention to him.

From just now, it was Huo Qirui who sang a one-man show alone.

Huo Qirui was so embarrassed that he wanted to swear at the other party, but he was afraid of the other party's fists. He didn't know what they meant when they fought like this.

"Xiao Shi, Xiao Wu, teach him what is environmental protection." Feng Qianyun smiled evilly and said to the two brothers Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu.

"Yes, Miss." Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu said in unison.

Now, Huo Qirui was completely dumbfounded, what's going on?What miss?

Before Huo Qirui had time to think deeply about this issue, he was severely punched by Xiao Shi.

Huo Qirui was punched in the right cheek, and a tooth was knocked out, and his mouth was covered with blood.

Before he could cry out the pain, the second punch came.

Except for Huo Qirui, the others are not much better, most of them are gangsters, how can they compare with the brothers of the Black Dragon Gang, this is not enough for them to fight.

This group of people was beaten so loudly that they didn't even have the energy to scream.

"Stop." Feng Qianyun yelled to stop, and the twenty people stopped at the same time, and stepped aside to wait for orders.

Feng Qianyun finally understands why so many people want to be the boss of the gang, because it feels quite cool not to do it by themselves.

Feng Qianyun walked up to Huo Qirui, squatted down, and said to Huo Qirui who fell on the ground and didn't even have the strength to get up: "What's your name?"

Huo Qirui dare not answer Feng Qianyun's question at this time, he doesn't want to be beaten again, "Huo, Huo Qirui."

"Who is Huo Changdong of Huichun Hall?"

"Yes, yes, my grandpa." When Huo Qirui spoke now, blood would flow out of his mouth, he was missing a tooth, and his words still leaked.

"Where are the others?" Feng Qianyun asked again.

"I hired it, I hired it." Huo Qirui now knew everything without saying anything.

Feng Qianyun stood up after hearing Huo Qirui's words, and said to the others: "I don't want to see another time, you guys go."

Feng Qianyun didn't need to say more threats, it was enough to deter them. The people hired by Huo Qirui endured the pain and fled away. Even if they were killed, they would not dare to provoke Feng Qianyun and them again. up.

(End of this chapter)

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