Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 155 Blackmail gang, collective promotion, leaderboard

Chapter 155 Blackmail gang, collective promotion, leaderboard (2)
"No, no..." Huo Changdong was in a completely passive position now, he could only take out the check from his chest, and filled it out tremblingly holding a pen.When writing, his eyes sneaked a glance at the exposed box, and he was very disturbed.

After finishing writing, seeing Ouyang Zhimin's fist shaking in front of him again, Huo Changdong added a "0" after the original number with heartache.

Only then did Ouyang Zhimin take the check from Huo Changdong in satisfaction, and ran over to Feng Qianyun in a desperate manner, "Boss Yunyun, check!"

Feng Qianyun looked at the number above, nodded with satisfaction, and then gave the check to Han Mojue.

Huo Changdong thought, they should be satisfied now, who would have thought that Feng Qianyun came over, and Feng Qianyun saw the box!
Nonsense, since just now, Huo Changdong's eyes have been constantly looking at that position, it's no wonder Feng Qianyun didn't notice it.

The more Huo Changdong worried about this thing, the more he exposed the existence of this thing thoroughly.

Seeing Feng Qianyun coming in front of him, reaching out to pick up the box, Huo Changdong became anxious, he rushed over, trying to grab the box before Feng Qianyun.

He was fast, Feng Qianyun was even faster than him, Huo Changdong jumped into the air, the thing had already fallen into Feng Qianyun's hands.

"This is my personal property, don't mess around with it." Huo Changdong felt guilty, his old bones could not withstand their successive blows.

Huo Changdong wanted to stop Feng Qianyun, but who would care about him?
Feng Qianyun immediately opened the box, and saw a plant with silvery-white flowers inside. There were quite a few white flowers, but there were only a handful of silvery-white flowers.

If it is someone else, they may not know what this plant is, but Feng Qianyun does know it. Bingpo Yinhun, the name of this plant, is a very precious medicinal material, even more rare than the last time Feng Qianyun was The Heavenly Soul Grass and Yuheng Peiying used by Yuchi Xiu to refine the Eight Diagrams Qingling Ming Pill.

"It's just a work of art. My wife's birthday is going to be in these two days, so I specially ordered it as a birthday present for her." Huo Changdong thought that Feng Qianyun didn't recognize the Bingpo Yinhun, so he lied that it was just a piece of silverware. A work of art, not a special-looking plant!

Some works of art are so well made that they can be confused with real ones, which are very similar to real exotic flowers and plants.

It's a pity that the person he met was Feng Qianyun, he could fool others with his words, but he couldn't fool Feng Qianyun.

"A work of art? I really like it, why don't you just give it to me. As for the birthday gift for your wife, you can choose another one. You are an old couple anyway, and she won't mind too much." " Feng Qianyun said in an extremely evil way.

Since Huo Changdong said it was a work of art, she took it as a work of art and accepted it unceremoniously.

"No, I have already promised my wife. How about, I have some jades in my room, would you choose one?" Although the jades are quite valuable, they cannot be compared with this Bingpo Yinhun, Huo Changdong heard Feng Qianyun To take it away, I was so anxious that I was sweating profusely.

"Did I say that I want to discuss it with you?" Feng Qianyun will shamelessly go to the end, "Okay, it's getting late, we should go too, if there is another time for what happened today, then it will be out of spirit The damage fee is so simple, I hope you want to open it." Feng Qianyun finished speaking, and Ouyang Zhimin and Han Mojue walked out of Huo Changdong's office in a big way.

Seeing Feng Qianyun and the others leave, Huo Changdong almost collapsed. The Ice Soul and Silver Soul he finally obtained... just like that... gone?

Huo Changdong told himself in his heart, don't worry, he still has a chance, and he can find a way to get all these losses back!
Huo Changdong ran over to see his unconscious grandson.

After finally waking Huo Qirui up, "Qiri, how are you doing? Is there anything wrong?"

"Grandpa..." Huo Qirui was about to cry when he saw Huo Changdong.

"It's okay, it's okay, grandpa will avenge you later." Huo Changdong hurriedly comforted Huo Qirui.

When Huo Qirui heard this, he hurriedly stopped him, "No, grandpa, don't settle accounts with them, no, we will never mess with them in the future!"

Seeing his grandson so frightened, Huo Changdong was puzzled, "What's the matter, Chery, what are you so afraid of doing, today we were unprepared and let them succeed." Huo Changdong felt sorry for his grandson who was seriously injured , while feeling distressed about the money he was extorted just now.

"Grandpa, that little girl is the eldest lady of the underworld. She has a lot of power behind her, and she does bad things without blinking an eye. Killing people is commonplace for them. We can't deal with her!" Huo Qirui hurriedly said to him Grandpa explained that although he was very unwilling to suffer this time, he didn't want to lose his life!
"You said she is a member of the underworld?" When Huo Changdong heard this, it was as if someone had poured cold water on his head. He has done a lot of wicked things behind his back in this position, but these things are at best. It's like what he asked Huo Qirui to do today, it's all small tricks, but he never dares to be serious with people in the underworld!
"Yeah, grandpa, listen to me, let them build a medicinal material planting base, and they can't make anything famous. It can't be compared with our Huichun Hall, anyway, we can't put our lives in it!"

After hearing this, Huo Changdong hesitated for a while, he convinced himself that losing money is better than losing his life, but when he thought of his Bingpo Yinhun, his heart ached.

Huo Changdong was a little overwhelmed, he upset himself, and finally passed out directly.

"Grandpa, grandpa, what's wrong with you, grandpa, wake up..." Huo Qirui was still injured all over his body, and his grandpa passed out in front of him, which made things worse.

After the three of them finished extorting the ticket, they wanted to find a place to have a meal, so they went to Lin Wanhui's small shop.

It was late for dinner, and there were quite a lot of people in the small restaurant. Seeing that it was Feng Qianyun and the others, Lin Wanhui let them go to the back without saying a word. There was a small room next to the kitchen, which was not used for entertaining guests. There are still a lot of sundries, but there is room for a square table.

"Xiao Ye, Miss Feng, Xiao Han and the others are here, so don't worry about your busywork, let's have something to eat with them, you have been helping in the store since the afternoon, and you haven't had time to eat dinner yet, you should be hungry It's gone." Lin Wanhui pushed Shang Xiaoye into the small room, and asked her to eat with Feng Qianyun and the others.

"Aunt Lin, it's the time when there are many people in the store, how can I sit down and eat!" Although Yunyun is here, she should accompany Yunyun, but it can't be a reason for her to skip work.

"Hey, you eat first. After you finish eating, come and change shifts with me, okay?" Lin Wanhui closed the door of the small room with a smile, leaving a private space for Feng Qianyun and the others inside.

(End of this chapter)

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