Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 158 Blackmail gang, collective promotion, leaderboard

Chapter 158 Blackmail gang, collective promotion, leaderboard (5)
Feng Qianyun thought, is the dragon big monster looking down on her?This is not a good practice.

"Then what about you?"

In this way, Bailibing's ranking is still very high. After all, considering her age, she is still young, and she can be at the top of the ranking of mafia masters in the entire M city. Her strength cannot be underestimated.

In fact, Baili Bing is not ranked in the top [-] in terms of strength alone, but she has a good reputation in the underworld, enjoys the title of "Saint of the Underworld", and is a woman. Certain additional factors have pulled her away. Quite a few points.

"Second." Long Yutian said.

second?Feng Qianyun thought she would be number one, because according to what Lie Que said, Long Yutian already possesses the strength of the peak of the Xuan rank, and the current highest level in M ​​City is also the peak of the Xuan rank, and Long Yutian is also a member of the Black Dragon Gang. The leader, whether it is personal strength or performance, should be unmatched.

"Who is the first person?" Feng Qianyun was curious about this question.

"Xia Wufeng." Mentioning this person, Long Yutian frowned deeply.

And Feng Qianyun's face changed when she heard this name, Xia it really Xia Wufeng?

This name brought a picture that hadn't appeared in Feng Qianyun's mind for a long time.

Under the banyan tree, the boy and the little girl made an agreement with each other that they would hang themselves on the hook, and they would not change it for 100 years.

For Feng Qianyun, this is a very distant memory, even for her who is only 13 years old, it was three years ago.

To be honest, when Xia Wufeng was mentioned, Feng Qianyun felt a little heavy in his heart, because he was indeed a very difficult person, and also a very domineering and powerful person, he would do whatever he could to get anything he believed to be his. He is very possessive of what he fancyes, almost to the point of paranoia.

"What's wrong with you?" Long Yutian sensed something was wrong with Feng Qianyun.

"Uh, it's nothing, by the way, are the two brothers Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu yours?" Now there are only two people, Feng Qianyun and Long Yutian, Feng Qianyun can ask this question.

"No." Long Yutian replied with certainty.

If he is not from Long Yutian, it means that the other party has ulterior motives towards Feng Qianyun.

In other words, Feng Qianyun could do whatever he wanted with those two.

"By the way, starting from tomorrow, you will take care of the underground auction house in Zhongxin Square and a nearby casino." Long Yutian thought about it, and chose a place Feng Qianyun was relatively familiar with.

"I only promised to help you find out the ghosts, and at most I will help you deal with them, but I didn't say that I would do chores for you." This item may not be included in their agreement, and she never does business at a loss. , I am so sorry for her precious time, which should be spent in bed.

"As the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang, of course you have to be superficial. You are not here to be served by a daughter." Long Yutian said with a smile, and there was an evil spirit in the smile.

"You are exploiting child labor." She is not yet an adult, and now she is thirteen!

"Hey, don't be like this, don't worry, it's usually not your turn to manage it, and I won't hand over the property under my name to you to defeat. It's just the boss behind the scenes. It's not that tiring. Otherwise, brother, I will suffer a little bit. Give you a wolf kiss as a reward."

Ever since he found out that Feng Qianyun was actually the person who saved his life that day, Long Yutian's prejudice against Feng Qianyun disappeared. Although sometimes he would call her in a petty way, but he no longer felt that way in his heart. Instead, she began to think she was a little cute.

This is also one of the reasons why Long Yutian asked Feng Qianyun to help him. If Feng Qianyun is not worthy of his trust, it is absolutely impossible for him to make such a decision. Doubtful, but it was clear that at least she wouldn't be the one who stabbed him in the back.

If she wanted to kill him, she didn't have to save him in the first place.

That day, he went to H City to meet with the middleman, but was ambushed by someone halfway, causing him to be shot several times.

This matter was obviously done by someone inside the Black Dragon Gang. It is impossible for outsiders to grasp his whereabouts so accurately and do it by his side.

"Get out!" Feng Qianyun only sent Long Yutian a word, handsome Long, please don't put on such an expression, I will lose my mind.

After the meal, Feng Qianyun directly called the two brothers Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu to her room. Just now she knew from Long Yutian that these two were not her own, so they were also bad guys?
Then why did she keep them by her side?
She didn't think her life was too long.

"Miss, do you have anything to tell us?" Compared to other people, Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu's attitude towards Feng Qianyun is quite respectful.

At least so far, the other members of the gang have never given Feng Qianyun a good look, calling her the eldest lady on the surface, and only they know what is going on in their hearts.

"It's nothing, I tried to make some medicine just now, but I don't know how the effect is. You also know that I am still so young, and I don't have much experience in making medicine. The theoretical knowledge is so complicated, and I can't memorize it. Come down, the ghost knows if I succeeded, so I want you to help me try it, if the symptoms are correct, it will prove that I have succeeded, if not, I have no choice but to make persistent efforts."

Feng Qianyun said helplessly, as if it was a very honorable thing to be a half-baked person.

Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu wanted to be speechless, and hesitated for a while.

Xiao Shi said, "Miss, you can't take this medicine casually, it's nothing to do with our brother's health, but the two of us have to protect your safety, if we can't protect you, it will be our negligence. "

"I'm staying in the Long family mansion right now, and I'm not going anywhere. Don't you think I'm not safe here?" Negligence of duty?It's really dereliction of duty. Once the medicine is gone, they will no longer be able to work for the person behind them. It is indeed a great dereliction of duty.

It's troublesome enough to have ghosts and ghosts by her side, how could Feng Qianyun let these two big guys stay by her side.

"But..." Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu thought about it, but they couldn't think of anything to refute Feng Qianyun. She is the young lady, and they should obey her words.

"Why are you still staring blankly? Hurry up, don't make Miss Ben wait, okay?" Feng Qianyun looked at the two with a smile, it seemed that they didn't intend to just obediently let her go.

Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu glanced at each other, and then they stepped forward, not to receive Feng Qianyun's medicine, but to get Feng Qianyun's medicine.

Now there are only Feng Qianyun and them in the room, it is undoubtedly the best chance to strike, although the two originally wanted to wait a little longer, but Feng Qianyun forced them to let them take medicine, they have no way to be sure There is nothing wrong with this medicine.

(End of this chapter)

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