Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 160 Woman, you have to hold on

Chapter 160 Woman, you have to hold on (2)
After Feng Qianyun tied up the two brothers Xiao Shi and Xiao Wu, she called Long Yutian over. Anyway, these two people are considered members of the Black Dragon Gang, so let Long Yutian, the leader of the gang, handle it by himself.

Before Long Yutian came, Feng Qianyun asked Guigui to go back. The Xiao family brothers didn't know what Guigui was, but it didn't mean Long Yutian didn't know either.

Long Yutian looked at the two Xiao brothers, "May I know how you subdued them?"

Feng Qianyun has never exposed her internal strength in front of Long Yutian, but this does not mean that Long Yutian has no doubts. Before she knew that Feng Qianyun was the one who saved his life, Long Yutian Curious about Feng Qianyun's martial arts cultivation.

Although the two brothers of the Xiao family are just ordinary masters, it is not easy to subdue them both at the same time. Does this prove that Feng Qianyun is at least at the elementary level of the Xuan level?
"What? Didn't you see that I took care of Bailibing? Are the two of them as difficult to deal with as Bailibing?" Feng Qianyun said innocently.

Long Yutian shook his head and laughed, thinking to himself, it was because he had seen you handle Bailibing that he became more curious, because you acted as if you were just a foreign master.

Now everyone in the Black Dragon Clan generally thinks of Feng Qianyun as being despicable, capable of concealing weapons, and insidious.

So as long as you are on guard, you can easily take Feng Qianyun by surprise, because she only knows external skills and has no internal skills.

Ordinary people would not think that someone would not show off their housekeeping skills when facing a mysterious middle-level master.

Otherwise, the other party wouldn't just send the Xiao family brothers to deal with Feng Qianyun.

I can only blame Feng Qianyun for hiding it too well.

"What are you going to do with both of them? I don't want to keep leaving them in my bathroom." What about showering at night?Even if she could barely take a shower, and went to the bathroom at night and saw two enemies in her bathroom, she didn't want to create any bathroom horror or other incidents for herself.

"Aren't you going to torture them?" Long Yutian was curious, it should be tortured at this time.

Feng Qianyun was really speechless with Long Yutian, "I said, you want to torture, you come here, they have committed suicide just now, as long as you don't give them a chance, they shouldn't die for the time being, you can torture them slowly .”

Feng Qianyun made a gesture of letting Long Yutian go.

Long Yutian was even more puzzled, "You seem to be sure that you won't get any results from interrogating them."

"My task seems to be to help you deal with the inner ghost of your Black Dragon Gang, and get rid of him before he gets rid of you. These two people can be seen as small characters at a glance. I might as well spend half a day with them It's time to sleep!"

After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she yawned big.

What Feng Qianyun can be sure of is that most of the intermediaries are obtained by interrogating the Xiao family brothers. They will not know the people behind the scenes, and the other party is not stupid. If they put two people by her side, even if they think she is incompetent, they still have to think about it. To Long Yutian.

In this way, if we can know who the person behind is, then when Feng Qianyun caught Quan Weijie last time at the bar, Long Yutian should have figured out from Quan Weijie who is the big boss behind the scenes Anyway, Quan Weijie is still a master of the Xuan level, and the Xiao family brothers are just two ordinary masters.

Looking at Feng Qianyun's seemingly lazy yet confident look, Long Yutian was even more confused about what kind of person she was.

"Then I will take these two people away. As for the bodyguards around you, I will let Tang Ze come over." Last time Feng Qianyun put Tang Ze here with Long Yutian, because Jin Zhongye is still in M ​​City, Tang Ze will He has been staying in the Black Dragon Gang and has not left yet.

"OK." At least Tang Ze can be trusted.

Long Yutian stared at Feng Qianyun for a while, then suddenly approached.

"Why are you leaning over all of a sudden?" Feng Qianyun backed away.

"Seduce you, I'm so beautiful, don't you think I'm not attractive to you at all?" Long Yutian laughed even if he was evil.

"Sorry, I'm not interested in monsters." Feng Qianyun took another step back, keeping a distance from Long Yutian.

"But, I'm interested in you, what should I do?" Long Yutian took another step closer. This sentence is true. Long Yutian has a strong interest in Feng Qianyun, and the closer he gets to her, the closer he is to her. attract him.

"Have you reached the estrus period?" Feng Qianyun looked at Long Yutian who was approaching every step of the way. Although she was a handsome guy with the potential to arouse her lustful nature, was she such a casual person?She's just casually not human!

"Humans' estrus period is not fixed every year like animals. Generally speaking, after human sexual maturity, for a long period of time, they have the ability to estrus anytime and anywhere." Long Yutian also specially explained , he likes to look at Feng Qianyun's bulging little face and those eyes that seem to be talking.

Long Yutian laughed at himself in his heart, could it be that he was really hit by her, that he has a hobby of pedophilia?

"Even if the time and place can be whatever you want, you should pay attention to who you are?" Feng Qianyun was speechless, and after she finished speaking, she heard ghostly voices resounding in her mind over and over again.

"Woman, you must keep your virginity, you must keep it!"

Feng Qianyun was sweating profusely, making it seem like she should set up a chastity memorial archway.

"I'm so handsome, and the conditions are pretty good. No matter how you calculate it, you are taking advantage of it. You have no reason not to do such a profitable business." Long Yutian's smile became brighter, teasing her would make him He is in a particularly good mood.

But I seemed to be looking forward to her answer.

Before Feng Qianyun could answer, she heard a ghostly voice calling in her head: "My elder brother Lie Que is more handsome than you, and has better conditions than you! You are a deadly monster, stay away from women."

If it weren't for the fear that Long Yutian would cause trouble if he knew its existence, Guigui would definitely jump out now and yell at Long Yutian.

"Long Yutian, I can't stand you anymore. If you get angry again, I'll kick you out!" Long Yutian, are you willing to lure her budding flower bud?

I saw Long Yutian looked at Feng Qianyun seriously for a while, "You seem to be really insulated from me, what should I do, my heart is broken."

"Forget it, since you are so hungry and thirsty, then come on!" After Feng Qianyun finished speaking, she no longer retreated but stepped forward to take off Long Yutian's clothes.

Now Changing Long Yutian was frightened, "What are you doing?"

"Help you get rid of the fire, hehe..." Feng Qianyun smiled enchantingly, comparable to Long Yutian's smile just now.

Guigui was in a hurry, "Woman, you can't be like this, you must stick to your integrity and chastity, and you can't do things that are sorry for Brother Lie Que..."

(End of this chapter)

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