Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 175 There is a sweet feeling

Chapter 175 There is a sweet feeling (2)
Ruan Hongqiang had no choice. If the patient is an ordinary person, the hospital has done their best, so there is nothing to say, but the other party is not an ordinary person. The patient's son said that if his father cannot be saved, the entire hospital will be thrown away. got work.

The central hospital where Ruan Hongqiang works is public. After all, everyone is working part-time. According to the power of the other family, it is absolutely possible to make them all lose their jobs.

Ruan Hongqiang felt that it was fine if he lost his job alone, but there were so many people in the hospital...

Feng Qianyun thought about it for a while, and it was not convenient for her to come forward directly in her current situation. It happened that Feng Qianyun was also thinking about Tang Ze's matter in her heart, so she said to Ruan Hong, "Uncle Ruan, I know about this matter. There are some things to confirm, and I will contact you as soon as possible after I confirm, don't worry, I will try my best to help with this matter."

Ruan Hongqiang on the other end of the phone heard that Feng Qianyun agreed, and immediately beamed with joy, "Okay, okay, then I will thank you, Miss Feng!"

"Hehe, why did Uncle Ruan call me Miss Feng again? Didn't he say he was so polite?"

"I forgot, thank you, Yunyun, I'll wait for your good news."

"Well, that's it, I'll hang up first."

Feng Qianyun then made another phone call to Lu Dafeng.

Lu Dafeng answered Feng Qianyun's phone call, "Little master, you have no conscience, you finally think of me!"

"Old man, I know about Ruan Hongqiang. You have seen the doctor for that man, so you should know the general situation."

"Well, I know, it was no longer possible at that time, and the patient was not too young. At that time, I proposed to have a heart transplant, but I couldn't find a match. Until now, it is difficult for the Da Luo Immortal Saved. I said, little master, don’t tell me you think it’s saved?”

"The heart is almost necrotic, right?" Feng Qianyun thought, if it was just an organ damage, it would not be difficult for her.

"That's right, if it wasn't for the drug hanging, that person would have already reported to the Buddha."

"I think I can at least let him live for a few more years." Feng Qianyun is quite conservative in saying this, and it is possible to be completely cured. Only after examining the other party's body can you make an assertion.

"Hey hey hey! Little master, you must wait for me, you must, I will leave immediately, whether you want to give the man an injection or prescribe a prescription for him, even if you want to perform an operation on him, you have to wait I'll be there!" Lu Dafeng said anxiously, no, he must watch the little master treat him with his own eyes, how could he be missing at such an important moment.

"I said, old man, can you calm down a little bit? It's not too late. I haven't even met the other person yet." Feng Qianyun has only heard about that person's condition from Ruan Hongqiang and Lu Gale and the two are just talking.

"Old man, can I not be in a hurry? If you secretly cured him while I was away, who should I talk to, old man?" Lu Dafeng didn't think it was a matter of urgency.

"I said, if I don't want you to know, even if you climb on the plane right now, I can prevent you from seeing it." The key point is her, is there any need for him?

"Little master, you can't do such a vicious thing!" Lu Dafeng quit, if he dared to do it secretly without letting him know, he would definitely show her a rage!

"Speaking of immoral things, I happen to have one immoral thing for you to do."

"What immorality?" Lu Dafeng asked curiously.

"I want you to adopt a godson."

"Yeah? Isn't it, little master, I have a son that is enough to make me angry, why should I find another child from someone else's family to make me angry? If it is a goddaughter, I can think about it."

"I don't have a daughter-in-law, but a daughter-in-law has already prepared it for you."

This time Dafeng became more and more confused, "Little master, why did I become more and more confused the more I heard about this matter, you should tell me more carefully, old man, why do I have the feeling that I got on a thief's boat in a muddle? "

So Feng Qianyun briefly told Lu Dafeng about Tang Ze and Wang Yubai's affairs, "I will let you accept Tang Ze as your godson and give Tang Ze an identity." Wang Yubai's parents thought Feng Qian Yun also made a rough guess. She also understood their approach very well. She pinned the prosperity of the family on her only daughter. Naturally, she didn't want her daughter to fall in love early. She was afraid that she would no longer have the mind to concentrate on medical research. thing.

In addition, Tang Ze is an orphan, has nothing, and will not be of any help to their Wang family, so Wang Yubai's parents will not agree to the two of them dating.

But if Tang Ze could have a relationship with Lu Dafeng, and if he had some enviable relationship in the medical field, then the result would be different.

After listening to Feng Qianyun's explanation, Lu Dafeng was also somewhat interested in this matter. As an old man who is nearly seventy years old, he also likes such a young man who dares to love, "Little master, listen to what you said, I will I just remembered that Wang Yubai should be Wang Jin's daughter. In the early years, Wang Jin and his wife brought their daughter to me and wanted me to take that little girl as my apprentice. You know that , I am quite picky about accepting apprentices. I would never accept ordinary people. I also observed the little girl, and her aptitude did not meet my requirements. More importantly, I can feel that the little girl is right I don't really love Chinese medicine, probably because she was asked by her parents to study medicine since she was a child, and it is absolutely impossible for my old man to accept someone who is not enthusiastic about medicine as an apprentice, so I refused."

"Then are you going to accept this godson or not?"

"As long as he doesn't become like my son, I will be. Even if I don't agree, you have already made up your mind. There must be a way to make the old man obey me." Lu Dafeng already had such a profound understanding. I got to know each other, ah... what a painful realization... "But what's wrong with this?"

This helps others to achieve marriage, no matter how you hear it, it is a good thing!

"I want you to make a condition to the Wang family. As long as they agree to your son's marriage with Wang Yubai, you can teach Wang Yubai medical skills."

"Ah? This is such a wicked thing as threatening someone to marry their daughter. You let the old man do it?" It is indeed wicked enough.

"It's all said to be wicked. If Wang Yubai didn't have Tang Ze in his heart, then this matter would be considered really wicked. But if she has Tang Ze in her heart, then it can only be regarded as helping them and fighting against forced marriages." There is still a fundamental difference.”

(End of this chapter)

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