Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 178 There is a sweet feeling

Chapter 178 There is a sweet feeling (5)
"I know that when you see her, you will have a lot of doubts in your heart, and think that she is young and unreliable, but you can rest assured, I guarantee with my personality, her medical skills are absolutely excellent, I am ashamed of the old man, Mr. Yan, you I have nothing to do with her illness, but maybe she has a solution, so you can rest assured that she will treat her!" Lu Dafeng probably also guessed what might happen to Feng Qianyun, because this is what most people would think.

Hearing what Lu Dafeng said, Yan's family all looked at Feng Qianyun with strange eyes. Lu Dafeng actually said that she might have a cure for the illness he couldn't cure?really?

Even though it was Lu Dafeng's guarantee, it could not completely dispel their doubts.

"Doctor Lu, are you serious?" Yan Songbai confirmed to Lu Dafeng again.

"Mr. Yan, people should not be judged by their appearance. If a person's ability is ignored because of her young age, it would be a big mistake."

After listening to Lu Dafeng's words, Yan Songbai thought for a while, "Okay, I believe you." In the end, Yan Songbai chose to believe in Lu Dafeng. His trust in Lu Dafeng was based on Lu Dafeng's diagnosis and treatment for him. It is based on understanding Lu Dafeng's medical skills and character for a long time.

Since Lu Dafeng has said so, let her try it for the time being!

"Father, do you really want this little girl to treat you?" Yan Hanyang still didn't trust Feng Qianyun very much.

"Okay, don't talk about it, let her try it!" Yan Songbai made up his mind.

Seeing that his father had already made a decision, Yan Hanyang also knew that his father had always said the same thing and would never change the decisions easily, so he handed the phone back to Feng Qianyun, and said to her in a warning tone: "If my father has the slightest Injury, you have to be mentally prepared."

"OK," if there is a misdiagnosis, it is reasonable to be punished accordingly, not to mention that the other party is not an ordinary person." But before that, let's talk about the consultation fee, my fee is not low , if you are not willing to pay, then there is no such thing as seeing a doctor."

She is charming and charming. Except for her own people, everyone else sees a doctor with a clearly marked price. She is determined not to do business at a loss.

Ruan Hongqiang, who accompanied Feng Qianyun, heard this, and thought to himself, really can't treat her like a little girl!
Lie Que smiled slightly, the little girl is very good at doing business.

After hearing Feng Qianyun's words, Yan Hanyang said, "Remuneration is not a problem, as long as you have that method, you can cure my father."

"1000 million plus one thing for me, don't worry, what I want you to do is definitely within your ability and legal." Feng Qianyun said her request.

Although she now has the shares of the Yuchi Group and looks rich, but her career is in its infancy, and there are many places where money is used. It is always good to have more funds.

1000 million!

It's really a lion with a big mouth!

But if he could really cure his father's illness, 1000 million would be worth it. If not, let alone money, she might even lose her life!
"Yes, the premise is that you have the ability to take it!" Yan Hanyang's tone was obviously threatening.

"Whether you have the ability, you will know in a while." Feng Qianyun didn't intend to waste time, "Now you can go outside."

"Why?" Yan Hanyang was puzzled.

"I don't like to have other people around when I see a doctor, okay?" They looked at her, how could she treat people?
"You mean now?" So soon?Yan Hanyang was confused.

"Why not now? Is there any problem now? Or do you think it should be delayed for a few more days, so that your father will suffer and suffer for a few more days?"

"Of course not!" Yan Hanyang said hurriedly.

If he didn't quickly deny Feng Qianyun's words, it would make him seem unfilial.

"It's just that you don't need to do any preparations?"

"What preparations? I won't operate on your father, do you need any preparations? Or do you want me to cut open your father's chest?" Feng Qianyun said this on purpose, she knew they didn't Trust her, if she is allowed to operate on Yan Songbai, these people probably don't know how many warning words they will have to say.

"No." If it was an operation, would they let her do it?What a joke!That's risky enough for now. "Okay, you'd better be careful, we're right outside the door, you won't be able to escape if there is any accident!"

"Okay, I know what you said, time is precious, save what you said until I finish my work." Feng Qianyun chased people away, and there would be no end to her babbling.

So everyone left the room, leaving Feng Qianyun and Yan Songbai alone.

"Husband, is it really okay to hand Dad over to her?" Yan Hanyang's wife looked at the door of the room with some worry, would it be too risky?
"Father himself agreed, it's useless for us to say anything." Yan Hanyang was also worried to death, fearing that his father would have something bad or bad.

Lie Que stood leaning against the door, silent as water.

In the room, the first thing Feng Qianyun did to Yan Songbai was to make him faint.

Not for anything else, but because she was too lazy to do some superficial work. After she fainted Yan Songbai, she began to inject her own Tiangang vitality into his chest.

Yan Songbai suffered a lot in his early years, and his body suffered from diseases. After getting older, many problems are easy to come out.

Yan Songbai's heart was severely necrotic, and Feng Qianyun needed to consume relatively more Tiangang vitality.

It's not as hard as treating Xie Fanghua's liver disease last time, this time it will take a lot more effort.

After half an hour, Feng Qianyun withdrew her hand and wiped the sweat from her forehead, ya ya, she was exhausted, but it was finally done.

Feng Qianyun pulled out the silver needle she had stuck on Yan Songbai's sleeping point, and lightly pricked another needle on his finger, this needle was purely for the purpose of waking him up from the pain.

Because the piercing was not deep, Yan Songbai didn't call out, otherwise people from outside would have rushed in.

Yan Songbai's first reaction after waking up was that his breathing became smoother, his chest was no longer stuffy, and his heart...was no longer cramping!

Yan Songbai was so excited that he wanted to get out of bed and walk around.

As soon as he moved, Feng Qianyun held him down, "You should still have severe edema on your two legs, it won't be too late to get out of bed after your edema subsides."

Severe heart problems will lead to severe edema in the lower body, Yan Songbai has already reached this level.

Yan Songbai was happy because the pain in his body disappeared just now, but he forgot about Feng Qianyun.

"You really cured me?" This is amazing!

(End of this chapter)

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