Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 181 Strong lack of rhyme = twice the result with half the effort

Chapter 181 Strong lack of rhyme = twice the result with half the effort (3)
She let the blood from the wound flow all over her hands, and then put down the sleeves. She did it on purpose, so that the blood inside would stain her sleeves.

Baili Bing returned to the casino with such an injury.

Such obvious bloodstains were soon seen by someone.

"Miss Baili, what's the matter with the injury on your hand?" It looks so serious!

Baili Bing took a step back, deliberately not to allow the other party to touch his arm, then lowered his head, "It's nothing, don't ask."

The more Baili Bing concealed it intentionally, the more curious the other party became. He hurriedly stepped forward, grabbed Bai Li Bing's arm, and lifted up her sleeves, and the shocking cuts came into view.

Most of the guards were members of the gang, except for the supervisor Cao Ruhai, the rest of the people had a deep prejudice against Feng Qianyun.

"How did this happen? Who hurt you? Even if you fought with your opponent, the injury wouldn't be like this?" How can anyone get all the injuries on one arm in a fight?Still criss-crossing like this, like a deliberate injury!

"Don't ask any more." Baili Bing could avoid this question, as if she was worried about something.

Her reaction made everyone think of someone.

"It's Missy, right? She made you like this, right?" That makes sense, it must be the mean and shameless Missy, who has a grudge against Miss Baili, bullies Miss Baili and is now working under her hands , and scratched her arm.

So despicable!

Even if Baili Bing didn't say anything, the others would have come to a conclusion in their minds, and it was definitely Feng Qianyun who did it.

"Don't talk about it. It's my fault. I didn't meet the young lady's expectations of me. Don't cause unnecessary trouble for my affairs." Baili Bing hurriedly said to everyone. I don't want to bother everyone.

"What's the trouble? It's her who is looking for trouble now. No, we must not just sit idly by like this. She is bullying too much!"

Baili Bing once again successfully aroused everyone's anger towards Feng Qianyun.

This matter is not big or small, but you vented their dissatisfaction with Feng Qianyun, and it spread.

"Brother Wanchai, our future sister-in-law has been bullied!" The two younger brothers came to look for Wanzai. It was no secret that Wanzai fell in love with Bailibing. understood.

This man nicknamed Wanchai is a gangster on the road. He has a few brothers under his command. He is not a member of the Black Dragon Gang, but he has been in love with Bailibing for a long time, and he has pursued Bailibing publicly no less than ten times. Li Bing politely refused. Although he was repeatedly rejected, the nicknamed Wan Chai was still not discouraged.

But despite the fact that he is not a member of the gang, his ranking in the underworld rankings is not low, and the ranking is still ahead of Baili Bing, No. 13.

"Hey, make it clear, which shameless person bullied my family's Bing'er?" Wan Chai was furious when he heard that Baili Bing had been bullied.

What kind of person has no eyes and dares to bully his woman!Don't even look, who is he!
"Brother Wanchai, I heard that my future sister-in-law was bullied a lot this time, and she was beaten until she was covered in blood."

So the rumors are scary, Baili Bing only has a few more wounds on one arm, and a lot of blood has flowed out, but the wounds are not deep.

Baili Bing is not a fool, if you scratch too deeply, it will leave a scar after the wound is healed, if you scratch it shallower, just pretend that the old man Mu Tongren will give her good wound medicine, and will not leave scars. Under the scar.

As a result, when the word spread here, Baili Bing was covered in blood!
"What did you say?" Wan Chai was lying on the bed just now and was knocked on the back. Hearing this, he immediately jumped up from the bed, and he grabbed the collar of the person who came to report the news to him, "What bastard did it?" What? I'm going to kill him now!"

"Brother Wanchai, don't worry, just calm down and listen to me slowly."

Only then did Wan Chai let go of him, sat on the bed, picked up a cigarette from the side, lit it himself, and took two puffs, "Who is the other party and what's going on, explain it to me exactly!"

"The other party is the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang, the one who just returned!" There was an extra eldest lady on the road, and those of them who are also gangsters have heard of it. After all, the Black Dragon Gang has a lot of influence, so this can be regarded as It's a big deal, "When that stinky girl joined the gang, she had a relationship with Miss Baili, and now Miss Baili has been transferred to her subordinates, so she changed her ways to bully Miss Baili, I heard that, She locked Miss Baili in the room and beat her with a whip until she was tired. Of course, she was not as good as Miss Baili in terms of skills. Who asked her to bear the status of a young lady? ,Then……"

"Damn it!" Wan Chai yelled when he heard this, "Damn it, I don't belong to the Black Dragon Gang, so I don't care who she is. If I don't give her a good lesson on this kind of stinky girl, I will kill her." Take her last name!"

"Brother Wanzai, don't be impulsive, there is Long Yutian above her, and Long Yutian is not easy to mess with!" Don't be impulsive, impulsive is the devil.

"Fuck her Long Yutian, even if the emperor comes, he can't stop me!" Wanzai is angry now, what makes him more angry than the goddess in his heart being seriously injured by someone else?

Wan Chai only wanted to do one thing now, and that was to find Feng Qianyun, and then beat her up. If he couldn't do it, he just made her and avenged his goddess!

Wan Chai immediately called his subordinates and asked them to search for Feng Qianyun's whereabouts, determined to find her.

After about two hours, "Brother Wanchai, I can't find any news about her, and she didn't go to the casino today, so I don't know where she went. I asked people I knew in the casino, and they said that she They have been used to it, maybe she won’t show up for a day today. Brother Wanchai, I’m a little worried psychologically. If I ambushed the eldest lady of the Black Dragon Gang, will it cause trouble? trouble?"

"Whatever you do, I'm just asking you to find her now. As for whether you will get into trouble, that's my business, and it has nothing to do with you!" Wan Chai knew that others should not be dragged into trouble .

"By the way, there is another piece of news. Before her eldest lady's identity was announced, she was studying in Shengrong Private High School like Long Yutian. She had two good friends. Today is Monday, and the two of them It should be in Shengrong Private High School, so it's not hard to find." After Feng Qianyun came to M City, things can still be found out, but before that, it's like a cloud of fog, thanks to the Ouyang family itself Secrecy.

(End of this chapter)

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