Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 183 Strong lack of rhyme = twice the result with half the effort

Chapter 183 Strong lack of rhyme = twice the result with half the effort (5)
Ouyang Zhimin next to him heard Shang Xiaoye's words, and praised her, "Shang Xiaoye, well said, I like you more and more!"

"Who wants you to like it!" Shang Xiaoye gave Ouyang Zhimin a white look.

Ouyang Zhimin shrank his neck, "If you don't let me like it, I will like it!"

"Whether you like me or not, I don't like you anyway!" Shang Xiaoye replied.

How come the more you say this, the more it tastes wrong?
"Why are you arguing!" Wan Chai was quite dissatisfied with being ignored by Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye, didn't you see him here?The two of them are still thinking about bickering!Damn it!
Wan Chai squatted down, pointed at Ouyang Zhimin and said, "You, fight or not, if you don't fight, I will let my brother fuck this woman in front of you!"

Wanchai really can do anything.

"You're not a fucking human!" Ouyang Zhimin said angrily.

"Pa——" Wan Chai slapped Ouyang Zhimin again, "If you say one more thing, I will practice what I just said now!"

Ouyang Zhimin looked at Wan Chai angrily, feeling very annoyed in his heart, blamed himself for not being strong enough, fell into the hands of this bastard today, if the bastard wanted to beat him and abuse him today to make him make this call, even if he died, he would not call Yes, but now this bastard is threatening him with Shang Xiaoye!

As a man, how can he watch a woman he knows being bullied in front of him?
"Okay, I'll fight." Ouyang Zhimin thought for a long time before compromising.

"Ouyang Zhimin, if you dare to hit me, I will break up with you!" Shang Xiaoye was anxious.

"Shut up, even if you want to break up with me, I have to fight! Do you want me to watch you being ruined by others? Then I'm still not a man?" Ouyang Zhimin yelled at Shang Xiaoye in turn. .

Shang Xiaoye's nose soured, she shut her mouth, and did not refute Ouyang Zhimin.

"Hehe, wouldn't it be fine if this happened earlier?" Wan Chai let go of Ouyang Zhimin's hand, and handed a mobile phone to Ouyang Zhimin.

Ouyang Zhimin reluctantly dialed Feng Qianyun's mobile phone number.

On the other side, Feng Qianyun and Lie Que were on their way back to the city.

"Ouyang, what's the matter?"

"Boss Yunyun, I, Shang Xiaoye and I were tied up."

Just saying this, Ouyang Zhimin felt ashamed, not only his own face, but also boss Yun Yun's face.

Boss Fei Yunyun gave him so many pills in vain, but he didn't even make a move, so he was tied up by others!Now I have to ask for help from Boss Yunyun, maybe it will bring a threat to Boss Yunyun.

After Feng Qianyun heard this, she narrowed her eyes in displeasure. Come on, which bastard tied her up? "Place."

Feng Qianyun asked the location directly, since the other party asked Ouyang to call her, 90.00% of them were for her.

The mobile phone in Ouyang Zhimin's hand was snatched by Wan Chai, "Wan'an Pagoda in the backyard of Fahua Temple, if you dare to inform your brother Long Yutian, you can wait to collect the bodies of both of them!"

"You'd better make sure that the two of them are safe, or you will be responsible for the consequences."

After Feng Qianyun hung up the phone, she said to Lie Que beside her: "Two of my friends have been kidnapped. I'm rushing to rescue them now. You go back first, I won't go with you."

"I'll go there with you." Lie Que said without hesitation.

"Why?" Feng Qianyun looked at Lie Que.

"How can there be so many whys, buy a book of [-] whys and show you, okay?"

"Not good." It was clear that he was talking about him from left to right, and didn't answer her question directly.

"Hehe, where is it?"

"Fahua Temple."

Half an hour later, Feng Qianyun and Lie Que arrived at Fahua Temple, and as soon as they entered, they saw a young man waiting for them at the door, needless to say, he should be with the kidnappers.

The man led Feng Qianyun and Lie Que to Wan'an Pagoda behind the temple.

Wanchai puts people on the first floor.

After Lie Que and Feng Qianyun entered, they saw Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye hanging in front of the altar.

And Wan Chai is right in front of them.

"Are you that bullshit lady?" Wanzai held a machete in his hand, full of threats, "You fucking bitch hurt Bing'er?"

Binger?Who is Bing'er?
The only person she knew with the word Bing in her name was a woman named Baili Bing.

and then?Is this man coming to find her bad luck for Baili Bing?

On the other hand, if it was true, I would have killed that woman if I knew it earlier.

Feng Qianyun is too lazy to ask so many questions now, no matter who he is kidnapping Ouyang Zhimin and Shang Xiaoye for, first save them, and then slowly torture them!

Lie Que lowered his head and whispered to Feng Qianyun, "I will take care of the others."

It means to let Feng Qianyun deal with the person in front with ease.

Feng Qianyun nodded. When she came in just now, she had already understood the people in Wan'an Tower. Except for the shouting man in front of her, everyone else was just ordinary people. Although these people were lying in ambush He planned to wait for the opportunity, but it was not a threat to her, and to Lie Que... probably even less of a threat at all.

As for this man who is clamoring to avenge "Bing'er", I'll give it a go, Ouyang Zhimin is in his hands because of his middle-level Xuan-level strength.

Is she the only one who can bully people who don't know her?
As soon as Feng Qianyun came up, she didn't intend to show mercy to this kind of bastard who bullied her!

Wan Chai, who was triumphant one second, was dumbfounded the next.

Seeing Feng Qianyun bursting out with the strength at the peak of the Xuan class, the strength of the middle class of the Xuan class that Wan Chai was planning to show was frozen on the spot.

Seeing Feng Qianyun getting closer and closer to him, Wan Chai just wanted to growl, who the hell will tell him why he doesn't know that there is such a perverted master in M ​​City?
But Wan Chai didn't have time to complain, because Feng Qianyun was already in front of him.

Feng Qianyun raised her small face and showed him a cute smile, "Hehe, what did big brother ask me to do today? Do you have a lot of flowers to tell me?"

"Hehe...yes, I have a lot..."

"A lot of you ghosts!" Feng Qianyun lifted his foot and kicked Wanzai in the stomach, and Wanzai was sent flying by Feng Qianyun.

There is no suspense at all. It can be said that there is an absolute difference in strength between the peak of the Xuan rank and the middle rank of the Xuan rank.

Feng Qianyun kicked Wan Chai into the air with just one kick, turned around, and was about to see what was going on with Lie Que, but saw that the ground had collapsed, and the only person standing was Lie Que.

(End of this chapter)

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