Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 190 Libing Exposure

Chapter 190 Bailibing Exposure (2)
"What do you think?" Isn't that obvious?Baili Bing sneered.

"Then why are you targeting me? Do we have any hatred? Is it because of the incident in the first competition? Is it appropriate to mess up the Black Dragon Gang for such a small matter?" Feng Qianyun asked At the same time, I thought to myself that the creamy taste of this bag of melon seeds is not strong enough, so I should pick a bag with a little more fragrance next time.

"Is it suitable? Hehe..." Baili Bing smiled mockingly, "Indeed, I hate you very much, and I wish you would die. At the same time, I also hope that the Black Dragon Gang will make a mess. If I tell you now, I will actually It’s the prince’s subordinates who deliberately came here to disturb the peace of your Black Dragon Gang. When you die soon, you will die in peace, right? It’s interesting to think about it!”

Both Bailibing's face and eyes were full of complacency.

Baili Bing thought that she had played well in the Black Dragon Gang all these years, so that everyone in the Black Dragon Gang regarded her as a fairy, and even asked people in the underworld to give her the title of "Saint of the Underworld".

Originally, she didn't want to touch Mu Tongren so soon. After all, he is alive, and she can still get a lot of benefits from him. It's because of this stinky girl that the prince looks at her with admiration. She must die immediately, and live longer She feels bad all day!
So she used Mu Tongren to get rid of her.

"Oh, that's how it is! It's really a good move. Should I praise you for your outstanding acting skills, or should I praise you for being a wolf?" Feng Qianyun said, spit out the melon seeds in her mouth, and said to Rubbing his cuffs, he said, "Hey, you can come in."

It turned out that Feng Qianyun had a pocket microphone pinned to her cuff.

The conversation between Feng Qianyun and Bailibing just now was live broadcasted outside.

The security system of the Long family is quite complete. It is not surprising that this kind of gangster's powerhouse is made like this. Alarms and broadcasting systems are installed in the entire Long family mansion. Feng Qianyun directly sent her and Baili Bing's The conversation was overheard by people outside.

Baili Bing was startled, and when he turned around, the door was opened, and outside the door were all the veterans and important members of the Black Dragon Gang who were still arguing with Long Yutian just now.

Each of them looked solemn, angry, or conflicted.

Solemn, because they heard the word "Prince Lord" from Baili Bing's mouth, and knew that the Black Dragon Gang is now facing the danger of confronting the princelings; angry, because they were fooled into circles by Bai Libing!The one who was struggling... was Long Yutian, who realized that he seemed to have said the wrong thing to Feng Qianyun.

"Bailibing, I didn't expect you to be a spy sent by Xia Wufeng! What else do you have to say now!" Cao Zihui was the first to stand up and criticize Bailibing at this time, he must not let people find out that he and Bailibing The same ghost.

"I, you listen to me...all of this was designed by her. She is the murderer who killed my master. How can you believe her words!" Baili Bing was a little anxious, with a lot of cold sweat on her forehead. Mu Tongren's "corpse" shouted loudly.

At this time, she still doesn't forget the black wind and thousand rhymes.

Feng Qianyun smiled faintly, then stepped forward, walked to the side of Mu Tongren's "corpse", and pulled out a silver needle from the back of his neck.

The "dead" Mu Tongren gradually woke up, and the first thing he did after waking up was to rush in front of Baili Bing and slap her hard across the face.

"You traitor! I've lived for the better part of my life, but in the end I've been tricked by you, a yellow-haired girl. Well, that's great! It's great!" Mu Tongren laughed back angrily.

Mu Tongren was out of breath just now, but he could hear the voice, and he listened to the conversation between Baili Bing and Feng Qianyun verbatim. Killed Baili Bing in the past.

He never thought that his most beloved disciple would deceive him!It's fine to let someone deceive you, and you even lured wolves into the house, which almost killed the entire Black Dragon Gang!
Yes, Mu Tongren didn't die. After he entered the training ground with Feng Qianyun, Feng Qianyun didn't fight him. Feng Qianyun persuaded Mu Tongren to accompany her in this play.

For Mu Tongren, the most important thing is the present and future of the Black Dragon Gang, but if Mu Tongren kills Feng Qianyun, it will not solve the problem at all. No matter how Feng Qianyun is not recognized, Mu Tongren will kill Feng Qianyun. Made a big taboo on the road.

Therefore, Feng Qianyun has absolute leverage to negotiate terms with Mu Tongren, and Mu Tongren also has absolute reasons to agree to Feng Qianyun's request.

It's just that Mu Tongren didn't expect that the final truth would be so hurtful.

This was a painful blow to him who was already old. The apprentice he loved for so long turned out to be a traitor!
This was far more shocking than the blow Feng Qianyun was brought to him by being a vicious young lady.

Now Baili Bing has nothing to say.

"You old thief, it turns out that you have conspired with this little bastard a long time ago! They are two bastards!" Only then did Baili Bing realize that he had been cheated by Feng Qianyun and Mu Tongren, and cursed Feng Qianyun and Mu Tongren. Mu Tongren.

"Bailibing, why don't you hurry up and catch him without a fight, do you think you can escape from our siege by yourself?"

Those present were all masters of the Black Dragon Gang, outside the well-defended Long Family Mansion, Baili Bing was blocked in the room, and there was no way to escape.

Seeing that the matter was revealed, Bailibing suddenly took out a scroll with the golden lotus mark on it, facing the masters of the Black Dragon Gang.

Those who recognized the scroll exclaimed, "It's the Golden Lotus Scroll!"

The Golden Lotus Scroll, the sacred object of the Golden Lotus Holy Land!

"Hmph, I won't let you catch me!" Baili gave the people around him a cold look, especially Feng Qianyun.

"Not good! Catch her quickly, she is going to run away!" The person who recognized the golden lotus scroll hurriedly said.

However, it was too late, Baili Bing opened the scroll of golden lotus, and then bit his own finger, causing blood to drip on the scroll. The person disappeared in front of everyone.

A good person just disappeared out of thin air like this.

"Damn it, she actually has a golden lotus scroll from the Golden Lotus Holy Land on her body!" Cao Zihui said angrily, but he was thinking in his heart that this woman, Baili Bing, who is usually very cautious, would be exposed by a little girl. In the end, he had to rely on the golden lotus scroll to escape.

"But why does she have a golden lotus scroll, and how can she still use it?" The other person was puzzled by this. This is not something that anyone can do, unless...she is a descendant of the Golden Lotus Holy Land.

"If she is really from the Golden Lotus Holy Land, then we have been completely deceived by her." It means that Baili Bing has hidden her cultivation from the beginning, and then pretended that she knows nothing Dimu colleagues to learn.

(End of this chapter)

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