Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 192 Libing Exposure

Chapter 192 Bailibing Exposure (4)
"Hey, little daughter-in-law, are you serious? As a cute little girl, you should be more civilized. I will take it seriously when you say that. Then I have to consider whether it is right before you come." It's time to go through the transfer procedures for that kid Ouyang, so that he doesn't die at the hands of his father, but at your hands instead."

"Han Mojue, believe it or not, I even beat you up."

"If you grow up like this, you won't be able to get married!" Han Mojue complained.

"I can't get married, and you can never get a wife!" If she is not wanted, she will drag Han Mojue into the water together, even if she wants to be a bachelor, she must be married together.

Han Mojue pointed his fingers innocently.

Feng Qianyun looked at the time, it was already afternoon, "Is it Bo'ai Hospital? Wait, I'll be there right away."

After Feng Qianyun arrived at the hospital, seeing Ouyang Zhimin in the hospital bed, she probably understood what happened to the mummy Han Mojue mentioned on the phone.

Shang Xiaoye got the news that Zaofeng Qianyun arrived at the hospital one step at a time, and now she was sitting beside the bed peeling fruit for Ouyang Zhimin who had evolved into a mummy.

Seeing Feng Qianyun, Shang Xiaoye hurried over, "Yunyun, Ouyang Zhimin suffered two broken ribs and a fractured left hand. It's so miserable. Many places on his body are red and swollen."

It is indeed quite miserable, ""

"Ouyang Zhimin, are you still alive?" Feng Qianyun sat by the bed.

"Hey, hey hey... Boss Yunyun, I'm still alive, so it's not that easy to die." Being able to speak proves that there is no major problem. It's just a skin trauma, but this attack is really ruthless. Those who understand the situation know this It was the father who was teaching the disobedient son, and those who didn't know thought there was some deep hatred.

"Why did your father beat you so well? Have you done any glorious deeds recently?" Feng Qianyun thinks that Ouyang Zhimin has been quite obedient recently, especially with the three of them looking at him, he usually doesn't fight anymore.

"It's nothing..." Ouyang Zhimin replied with a guilty conscience.

"Why are you guilty, did you do something bad and didn't let us know?"

"No, no, I did nothing wrong!"

"Then why did you make Dad beat you up like this? If you don't say anything, I'll go to your dad and ask for clarification." Feng Qianyun knows that Ouyang Zhimin's father is Dong Lixi, so it's not difficult to find out his father .

"Don't, don't," Ouyang Zhimin knew that Feng Qianyun might really go to find his father, so he hurriedly replied. "He's had some business problems recently, who knows, maybe he's in a bad mood." Ouyang Zhimin said it calmly, as if it had nothing to do with him.

"In a bad mood?" Feng Qianyun really didn't know how to say that the father and son were better off, "You are his son, not his punching bag."

Did you play with your own son like that?

"That's right, Ouyang Zhimin, what are you talking about, even your father, he can't beat you like this, it's too much!"

While peeling the fruit, Shang Xiaoye complained for Ouyang Zhimin. To be honest, she didn't like Ouyang Zhimin very much, but seeing Ouyang Zhimin being beaten like this by his father, she felt a little sympathetic to him.

Although she hasn't met her father herself, at least she lives with her mother and is very happy, and her mother still loves her a lot.

Han Mojue couldn't help criticizing Ouyang Zhimin, "Oh, Xiao Minmin, people will run away when they are in danger, why have you forgotten the basic skills of being a creature that can run and jump? Woolen cloth!"

"Anyway, Boss Yunyun, don't you want to go to my father?" Ouyang Zhimin was afraid that Feng Qianyun would go to his father, and when he got excited, he pulled his wound.

Shang Xiaoye pushed him back, "Hey, just lie down when you're sick, Yunyun has her own sense of proportion, and it's not bad to take care of yourself!"

Shang Xiaoye was very aggressive towards Ouyang Zhimin.

"No, Boss Yunyun, listen to me, you can't go to my father!" Ouyang Zhimin tried his best to stop him, for fear that Feng Qianyun would really go to his father Dong Lixi.

Ouyang Zhimin didn't want his father to be beaten, and he didn't want anything to happen to Feng Qianyun. His father was the son-in-law of the Ouyang family anyway. What happened, Ouyang's family should not completely ignore it.

If Boss Yunyun messes with Ouyang's family, then there will be big troubles!
Ouyang Zhimin thought that Feng Qianyun didn't know the relationship between their family and the mysterious Ouyang family, but Feng Qianyun knew better than anyone else.

"Okay, don't move, what do I do to your father, am I like a tigress that will eat your father?" Feng Qianyun thought, she is not that scary, right?

After hearing what Feng Qianyun said, Ouyang Zhimin lay down with peace of mind, thinking to himself, you are scarier than a tigress!But this can only be thought in the heart.

Shang Xiaoye finished peeling the apple, stuffed it into Ouyang Zhimin's mouth, and it was over.

"Woooooo..." Ouyang Zhimin's mouth was blocked by an apple, and he couldn't speak. One of his two hands was broken and put on a plaster cast.

"Why are you crying? You are a man, you don't shed tears when you bleed and sweat!" Shang Xiaoye reprimanded Ouyang Zhimin when he thought Ouyang Zhimin was sobbing.

Poor Ouyang Zhimin was gagged by her and couldn't speak!
"Woooooo, woooo..." Ouyang Zhimin wanted to refute, but his mouth was so full that he couldn't speak at all.

"Still crying, if you cry again, I'll beat you!" Shang Xiaoye said angrily, as a man, how could he have the nerve to cry!What does it look like!

"Woooo... Puff!" Ouyang Zhimin finally spat out the apple that had blocked his mouth, "You blocked my mouth, what do you want me to say! You are murdering!"

After being yelled at by Ouyang Zhimin, Shang Xiaoye realized what she had just done, and was a little embarrassed, so she yelled back at Ouyang Zhimin, "I kindly peeled apples for you to eat. I vomited it up, and now I can’t even eat it!”

The apple that plugged Ouyang Zhimin's mouth has now rolled far away.

Ouyang Zhimin wanted to yell back, but seeing that Shang Xiaoye was a girl, he stopped yelling.

Han Mojue carefully leaned into Feng Qianyun's ear, and whispered to her, "Little wife, do you think Ouyang Zhimin is interested in Shang Xiaoye?"

Feng Qianyun looked back at him, "Why do you think so?"

"Look, when Shang Xiaoye yelled, he stopped talking and was obedient. This is a sign that only boys in love have." Han Mojue judged it as if he had experience.

(End of this chapter)

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