Reborn ghost doctor Tianjiao

Chapter 198 The Versatility of Rhyme

Chapter 198 Qian Yun's Multifunctionality (5)
"Well. How about it, show me some time tonight, you say it yourself, and you can listen to me." Choosing a day is worse than hitting a day, so choose tonight.

"Heh, heh heh... Let's talk about this issue another day," Long Yutian's evil smile became stiff, and he hurriedly changed the topic, "By the way, as the eldest lady of the Long family, you should accept strict rules. Physical training, so I found a martial arts teacher for you to teach you martial arts."

In fact, Long Yutian had already planned to tell Feng Qianyun about this matter a few days ago, because this is considered an unwritten rule, even if he didn't ask Feng Qianyun to do so, other gang members would mention it.

Now the gang members are not as disgusted with Feng Qianyun as before, and they will definitely be concerned about the growth of this "Miss Long Family".

The growth of the eldest lady is also very important.

"Teach me martial arts?" Feng Qianyun thought to herself, this fake underworld lady seems to want to do a full set, it's really terrible! "Well, anyway, it's more meaningful than being a decoration."

It is not bad to have a legitimate reason to skip work, not to mention, although she is now at the peak of the Xuan level, her martial arts moves are still above the karate moves, if she meets a master with powerful martial arts moves, She will suffer very much.

"Well, the martial arts teacher I contacted you before was in a car accident, and I originally planned to change it for you, but he called again this morning to say that he has recovered and is qualified to be a martial arts teacher. This afternoon he You should be able to come here, so don't go out this afternoon."

Long Yutian thought that person was the most suitable martial arts teacher. When he told about the car accident, Long Yutian still felt a little pity. He didn't expect him to recover so quickly. It should be just some minor injuries.

"Oh, as long as the ability is good, I don't care about the rest. Of course, if he is still a handsome guy who is pleasing to the eye, I will be happier." Since it is to study, it must be facing each other all day long. A good martial arts teacher is naturally better than a handsome guy, at least eye-catching.

"You're not old, but your lust is not young!" Long Yutian thought to himself, isn't it enough to show her a handsome guy like him?Anyway, he was also secretly rated as one of the top three school grassroots, isn't it that bad?

Long Yutian almost began to doubt his charm.

"Everyone has the love of beauty." She can't do lustful things, so why isn't she allowed to have a little bit of lustful thoughts?

In the afternoon, Feng Qianyun was called to the training ground of the Long family mansion. It turned out that the training ground was specially prepared for the members of the Long family to exercise, but it was really big enough, almost comparable to a regular indoor basketball gym.

Not long after Feng Qianyun arrived, the legendary martial arts teacher also arrived.

This world is really small, Feng Qianyun just met this martial arts teacher yesterday, the handsome uncle who was in the same ward as Ouyang Zhimin yesterday.

Feng Xueyi didn't expect that the underworld lady he was going to teach would be Feng Qianyun who healed his injury yesterday.

"Can we be considered destined?" Feng Xueyi's expression today is much better than yesterday's, at least the hostility on his face is not so heavy, although there is still no expression.

"Phew—the only thing I'm glad is that the teacher I'm going to face in the future is a handsome uncle, at least it's pleasing to the eye. If you can have a little more expression, it will be even more perfect." Feng Qianyun sighed, although it was nothing. The handsome uncle with a facial expression is at least much better than a bearded, bald, oily man.

"I am only 38 years old this year, not as old as you think. In addition, I am very grateful to you for helping me heal my injury yesterday. I think you should be different from the rumors."

Before Feng Xueyi came, he had heard some rumors about Feng Qianyun that she was a dandy and vicious young lady, but as far as he saw yesterday, it was not the case.

It's just that I didn't expect that this young lady in the rumors would have superb medical skills, but why has this point never been mentioned, or is this young lady deliberately concealing it?

"My name is Feng Qianyun." Feng Qianyun reported her name, "Since you are the martial arts teacher chosen by Long Yutian, your martial arts should not be bad. When you were in the hospital yesterday, your legs were inconvenient, and your chest and One hand is also injured, so it was easy for me to subdue it, so let me see how capable you are today."

Feng Qianyun will not just accept others to teach her things casually.

"Yeah." Feng Xueyi nodded, "It's purely martial arts moves, don't use internal force."

Feng Xueyi didn't know how well Feng Qianyun's internal strength was cultivated. What he said was that he simply didn't want to cause harm to Feng Qianyun when he made a move. The offensive with simple moves was easy to control. If he added internal strength, the situation would not be so great. It's easy to grasp.

Feng Qianyun nodded, she wanted to learn martial arts moves from Feng Xueyi, so it didn't matter what her internal strength was.

And she doesn't plan to use her superior speed advantage. Now she is here to learn their strengths from others, not to win them.

If there is a real competition, Feng Xueyi will not be Feng Qianyun's opponent. Feng Xueyi is at the middle level of the Xuan class. Feng Qianyun knew it early on. It can instantly kill Feng Xueyi.

On the first day Feng Xueyi taught Feng Qianyun, he didn't use weapons, he just sparred with fists and kicks.

The two started to fight, and Feng Qianyun used her karate skills.

Feng Qianyun is a master of karate, ordinary martial arts moves can't help her at all.

Feng Qianyun also knows what level of master she is in foreign martial arts, and ordinary foreign masters can't beat her.

Feng Qianyun considered that Feng Xueyi had just finished his treatment yesterday, so she reserved her strength in her strikes, and didn't want to waste her efforts in treating him.

After making the move, Feng Qianyun realized that her worries were unnecessary.

After more than a dozen moves, Feng Xueyi's hand clasped Feng Qianyun's wrist, stopping Feng Qianyun's attack.

Feng Xueyi obviously grabbed Feng Qianyun but let go on purpose, letting Feng Qianyun come again.

Several times in a row, Feng Xueyi was able to control Feng Qianyun.

After coming down a few times, Feng Qianyun stopped, "I have proved one thing, you are a foreign master, at least, if you just fight martial arts moves, I still can't beat you now."

She can't win now, but that doesn't mean she won't win in the future.

"You're still young, I took advantage of you when I fought just now, that is your height and the length of your hands and legs." Feng Xueyi said expressionlessly.

When Feng Qianyun fought with others before, she mostly used her advantage in internal strength, so she didn't feel the difference in body, but when she fought with Feng Xueyi just now, Feng Qianyun's small arms and legs were obviously less advantage.

(End of this chapter)

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